You make the call- Pennington or Clemens?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Exit 117, Sep 30, 2007.


Who do you start at QB in Week 5?

  1. Chad Pennington

  2. Kellen Clemens

  1. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Search you're feelings... you know it to be true... It is your destiny!!! :grin:
  2. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Hahaha... that damn Han Solo is never around when you need him.
  3. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Let me put it to you this way... Your side of the force (chad) is going to get the rest of the Jedi (WR/RB) killed...
  4. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    No more so than any other QB in the league....
  5. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    How can you make that statement? I watch a lot of football & no other teams WR/RB's take the shots ours do trying to catch Chad's ducks...
  6. HackettSuxTNG

    HackettSuxTNG Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Junc, in all my years posting on this board, I have not ONCE seen you endorse, support, or lobby for any kind of a change? Christ, sometimes I think if you had things your way, Joe Walton would still be coaching this team!
  7. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    sig worthy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Not only that, but he tends to dwell on the past....

    When Clemens finally does become our starting QB, whenever that may be, we're going to have to deal with junc in the game threads saying 'Is this Chad's fault too?' after every bad throw, or loss....

  9. EarlytoRise

    EarlytoRise Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    Oh my darlin', oh my darlin', oh my darlin it's Clemen's time! I've been supporting Chad with every fiber of my being, but I can't stand it anymore. Surely there are many other changes that need to occur, but it's time to move on at the QB position.
  10. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Maybe you don't watch enuff football then. It happens. Pennington getting someone killed argument is another chicken little myth that comes from internet message board mentality. Guys with big cannons for arms are just as likely to get a receivers bell rung just from the idea that they think they can squeeze every pass in there like lightning. Hell, you could even say that Chad is less likely because he takes less chances with the ball even by taking easy dump offs. The truth is probably more toward both are just as likely as the other to get someone hurt. It's a violent game if you have not noticed.
  11. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I know it's a violent game... and I realize WR's get hurt on deep routes & I can accept that as being part of the game... what I can't accept is a WR/RB getting his bell rung waiting for a floater to come down because the DB was able to get a 7 yard running start at a motionless target... That's the difference
  12. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    My avatar is doing its part, but the force is strong in Chad.
  13. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Their confidence in Chad is their weekness...
  14. MondayMiracle40-37OT

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I'm probably one of Chad's biggest fans and I'm very loyal to him and to the New York Jets. Not taking anything away from Kellen Clemens, but if Coach Mangini puts him in the Jets are basically saying we are tossing the season and looking ahead to 2008. I really believe Chad Pennington deserves to the be the New York Jets starter. Yes he did throw those two costly interceptions. You can say it cost the game, but in my eyes it wasn't the only thing.

    If you paid attention at all yesterday, you saw the Jets defense hold Marshawn Lynch to 79 yards rushing. I also saw a rookie quarterback TORCH the Jets defense. Yes the Jets only allowed 17 points. You can say that it was one of the defenses better days. I can't say so. As a defense, you can't allow a rookie quarterback light you up. I'm sorry, but Chad does not deserve to be benched. The defense was a big part to yesterday's loss.

    I also saw Chad Pennington run a 2:00 drill that was pretty nice yesterday to end the first half. He got them in Bills territory and gave the team an opportunity to GIVE THEM THE LEAD despite it would have been 3-0 (remember that nice fake spike?). If Nugent doesn't miss that field goal, then that second interception by Chad doesn't mean anything. It would of been 17-17 heading to overtime.

    So to all of you Jets fans who are calling for Kellen, remember that football is a team effort. Losses can not be blamed one person.
  15. HackettSuxTNG

    HackettSuxTNG Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I was serious! He supported Herm. He supported Hackett. He supported Kotrell. When had he EVER endorsed a change? Why would you want to stand pat with this dismal history?
  16. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    For the record I will never be a "Chad Hater". I am always a Jets fan, and I support every player on the Jets team. Chad is a great QB who has given the Jets and Jets fans many great moments. I will always repect him as a QB and an all around class act.

    I am grateful that Kellen has had the opportunity to watch one of the great game managers up close and learn from him for a year or so. If Kellen is in fact the future (who knows?) then that experience coupled with the physical tools that Kellen brings with him will hopefully allow him to bring this team to the next level offensively. That is the best thing that could happen from this. And of course I expect nothing but professionalism and class from Chad which is exactly what will occur if and when he steps aside. Because thats what he is and always has been about, class.

    Chad is a pro and his story as the Jets QB in the last 5 years has been a great one. I said this before and I will say it again, who ever the next QB for the Jets will be (hopefully Kellen Clemens) he will have some very big shoes to fill as far as I am concerned. I don't care what any of you "Chad Haters" say. Much respect to Chad. I hope to one day have the same respect for Kellen. Be he must prove it to me first.
  17. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    They're not motionless targets. They're vertically moving targets.

    Sorry, but anyone who thinks Chad doesn't do more than the average NFL QB to put his receivers in harm's way isn't watching any game except the Jets.
  18. GreenBleeder69

    Oct 26, 2003
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    It's definately time for Clemens! Chad gives up 365 yds/game, he misses field goals, he can't get any pressure on the QB, he punts on 4th and 1, he drops game tying catches in the endzone, and he gives up 108 yd kick off returns! Chad is not the reason we are 1-3.
  19. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Repeated again for those who choose not to pay attention the first 90 times:

    You are absolutely right. Chad is not the reason the Jets are 1-3.

    Chad is a reason they are 1-3.
  20. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    While I question the stubborn persistance in the 3-4, and I am really sick of seeing LB's covering #1 and #2 receivers, we can easily fix the D by switching to a majority 4-3 scheme.

    The defense forced 2 turnovers and 2 sacks, giving up 10 points. The other 7 points are on Chad, even though the D made a great goal line stand almost holding them to 3 or 0.

    Chad's inability to make intermediate throws with zip on them is leaving 8-9 men in the box on every down. This makes running next to impossible. Chad's inability to get the ball beyond his check down made the 1st half closing drive absolutely painful to watch. The 2 floaters to Coles he connected on were circus catches. Chad had 2 INT's leading to a TD and a game over.

    There is a large group of Chad supporters that were behind him, despite his physical limitations, due to his ability to be smart and not make mistakes, and to win more games than he lost. To be honest, he's looking more and more like Vinny without the cannon.

    If we had a QB that could keep the D honest starting this past Sunday, we would have won the game by double digits. Week 2 quarter 4 Clemens would likely have smoked the Bills.

    This was the last straw for me with Chad. He'd make a great backup. Hopefully he takes a pay cut so he can stay here. Getting value for him is a pipe dream, as potential suitors will be watching the same game we saw yesterday.

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