i work in the office here with a girl named Lisa Fregosi who is of course a huge Angel fan as she is related to jim fregosi, and even she can't stand Lackey.
Probably because of that disgusting collection of items that sits at the front of his skull he tells people is his face. Not only is he a terrible pitcher at this point, he looks like he has an extra chromosome. Someone needs to do him a favor and line one right off his grill.
she said he was a crybaby even when he was pitching well out here, he bothered her, i find that funny, i can't stand that guy.
Look, I don't care who it is. Is it okay that Ellsbury makes a stinkface after every strike called on him, since the day he entered the league? Is Papelbitch's anusmouth acceptable, starting the day he made the majors? Really, no one on the Red Sox has any right to complain about anyone else's behavior/professionalism. I agree with you about Lackey though. The way to not get shown up by the guy with 2 career homers is to not give up a homer to that guy. Yes. That. Let that sink in. He clapped at home plate because he had just hit his third career home run, in a tight game, in his team's biggest rival's park. Onto the street. :rofl: This from the team that made an artform of the post-swing photo-op.
To the Sox fans? Probably. People root for laundry and you see the fundamental attribution error work both ways. If it was a Sox player doing that in the same situation, Yankee fans would've been pissed. O'Neill is/was a crybaby. Youkilis is a "warrior." Or the other way around if you're a Yankee fan. Papelbon is "intimidating." Pettitte looked like a doofus trying to stare people down. Or the other way around if you're a Yankee fan. And so on. People take this shit way too seriously sometimes. Someone last night said they wanted to see Cervelli get hit by a car in front of his kids and that they wished cancer was contagious so the girl in the NESN booth (who had cancer) could seduce Cervelli. Within the game, I understand the us vs. them mentality, and get why Lackey was pissed. Outside of the actual game, I've found it harder and harder to care about that.
Sox fans probably agree with Alio about Swisher's face. To me, what Cervelli did was not classy, but Lackey was stupid for hitting him. Cervelli was also stupid for trying to start a fight. Know your place.
And I'm sure you know that the worst trade in MLB history was the Mets trading Nolan Ryan for Jim Fregosi who lasted maybe 1 year.
Seriously. Though I do find it ironic that Cervelli has made a career out of pumping his fist like he's on the fucking Jersey Shore after every big out, but it's a pretty modest clap that gets him thrown at. I also find it ironic that Jesus Montero, who will hopefully ensure that Cisco never gets another start, is being called up one game after Cervelli's big moment.
In my opinion, Cervelli looks like a fuckin' douchebag when he does his fist-pumping and clapping. I thought the clap at home plate was stupid. I'm glad he did it, though, because it got him on base. Funny how that works sometimes. I also think Papsmear is the biggest jerkoff in baseball with his little "huff, puff, and blow the save" schtick.
So looks like Beckett is taking his standard 30 seconds between pitches. MLB needs to tell him to get his fuckin ass in gear.
That's bullshit. With no one on base it's one thing, but with a runner on, especially a fast one, I don't care how long a pitcher waits.
How can the manager of the team AND the captain of the team be so stupid? They can't give the AL leader in steals a chance to, you know, steal a base before they start with their retarded sacrificing?
^ 100% agree. Should have let him try the steal, then if successful, bunt him to 3. That was a clutch hit by Jeter. Hustle by Nunez paid off.