Only one owns team (Woody.) You know that, right? And the one that does has nothing to do with Johnson and Johnson.
I’m sorry but I would of told the Jets, Met Life, or whomever to go pound sand. Anger management pfft …. It sounds like you were defending innocent people. Can’t come back to Met Life without it? Good save your money. If you want to see live action go to a road game now and then probably cheaper. None of my business but just my 2 cents your story makes me mad ….
It has been widely reported that Christopher Johnson and other family members are minority partners in the Jets organization while Woody remains the principal owner.
Woody Johnson bought the team for 635 million in 2000. Today they are worth 4.05 billion. The Jets are a cash cow to him no matter what the attendance is.
And that's why short of death, Woody Johnson will own the New York Jets for the rest of his lifespan however long that is... Accept that and move on..
Moving on? Yeah ..good idea time to start wearing my Raiders and Eagles gear and not look back on the J & J circle jerk
ahaha...well yes and no Here we sit at week 10 and 7 games to go: The Raiders are 5-4 and very much in AFC West Division and WC race Eagles are a different story at 4-6 ,,,,but they stand an outside shot at a Playoff spot So no its not as bad as an apartment view of the Dumpster and certainly not the Penthouse with the private elevator
You got any more football teams you root for? Maybe you should just drop the Jets, if you haven't already. Forget about the AFC West division title. Not happening.
Lol. Like I said not my proud moment This is how it reads CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Let It Be Known That XXX Has successfully completed a 4 hour course in: MetLife Stadium Fan Code of Conduct Class (21+)
How long was the portion on stairwell etiquette? Either way, I think you earned enough credits to graduate from University of Phoenix.
Spot on take. You couldn't pay me to sit in 3 hours of hideous traffic to schlep to that hideous grey mausoleum, pay a hideous $30, or $50 or however much they rip you off to park there, deal with drunken animals at the stadium to get my brains bashed in, and then rinse and repeat going home. They built a beautiful, state of the art arena literally around the corner from my house at Belmont park. I'll just bike, UBER, or walk over there and get my fix of live sports there. Won't have to sit outside freezing my ass off to watch my team lose 45-13.
The SHARED stadium owners can start attracting fans to return with a ROOF, hey when tickets were 35.00 I could put up with weather, I used to call a certain 3 talking heads and talk about why don’t they have a roof, told it is not worth it, Atlanta can have their Stadium with a roof, the only team using the facility, the FALCONS, not the Cowboys playing there but the FALCONS. THE SAME THREE AFTERNOON TALKING HEADS TELL ME the teams don’t need the fans having a say they get so much TV money they don’t have to listen to fans. OK fellows why do they charge 14.00 for a beer, 40 or 50 to park a car, PSLs you name it they get on ton of tv money but still want to rip-off the fans.