why didnt we pound manning?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tbruner12, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    So do you hit 15 yarder on a 3 step drop on regular basis? Is that how 3 step drop is supposed to work? Are you stupid or something? Even Revis got burned on one of the Wayne 12 yarder. Not just Lowery. Learn to watch the whole game before making stupid comment like this.
  2. Naptown

    Naptown New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Here is the answer to the question the op asked, from one of your own members here.........

    We couldn't get to him, his release everything was just tooooo fast, he was honestly playing like it was fast-forwarded or something, gets the ball lets it go in less then like a second, and if that doesn't happen he avoids the defenders, that was prob the best game i've ever seen him play
  3. Raian-san

    Raian-san New Member

    Jan 15, 2010
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    Rarely do teams get to hit Peyton much. Their O-line is very good and well Manning is Manning. He let the ball off quick, having instict of pass rush and slide to buy a second or two. THe only way is to confused him and hope he'll make mistakes. Only teams that did it consistently was the Patriots, until lately the Pats D is no longer of old. Second team is the Chargers somehow always get the best of Peyton and beat him.

    You guys lost to the best QB maybe of all time. Your Offense just couldn't get it done in the 2nd half. 1st half you guys were scoring and got to Peyton a few times. 2 minutes before the half you could tell it's going to be over in the 2nd half. Peyton was feeling comfortable and hitting everybody and score a TD before the half end. You never want Peyton to feel comfortable, anytime in the game.
  4. Rictor33

    Rictor33 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    Heres what they did, they abandoned the play action and the long routes towards the end of the first half. They took three step drops and ran quick slants, as soon as our defense got tired and we started to call coverages more often Manning let the long ball fly and the rest is history.. Their offense is a well-oiled machine and they will be the super bowl champions because their D is alot better than I thought.. I disagreed with some of the playcalls, thought we ran a little too many cutbacks/slashes when we should have run between the tackles a little more.. Gary Brackett is a top 5 MLB in this league and their front 7 held up very well against our big o-line. They were going to let Sanchez beat us, but they committed all of their resources to stopping the run and they succeeded.
  5. ColtinChicago

    ColtinChicago New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Teams don't really hit Manning much, but the problem you guys had yesterday has to do with the fact that many of the strengths of your D aren't the strengths other Ds have that seem to give Manning trouble. These Ds confuse him enough to keep the ball in his hands long enough for the pressure to build.

    Looking at the common factors of teams that held the Colts below 20 points in the playoffs since they became a 12+ win team (SD, Baltimore, NE, and Pittsburgh):

    -balanced offense. Keep the Colts playing both run and pass and you keep Manning off the field. You guys did a great job the other night capitalizing on huge plays downfield, but the Colts didn't really shift their focus to pass D.

    -Take SD out of the equation. They held the Colts to under 20 due to some otherworldly punting from Scifres that put us back inside our 5 or 10 more times than I care to remember. That and the Colts shot themselves in the foot on offense with some unforced turnovers (Harrison dropping the ball for one in a crucial situation being one).

    -Of the 3 remaining teams, the constant factor is the strength of their ILB/MLB and safeties. These guys provide a variety of looks to take away quick reads in the middle of the field. Maybe they don't take them away, but they're good enough at disguising things that Manning second guesses what he is seeing on occasion. The Jets D is excellent, but all three of the remaining teams have multiple players in the middle of the D that are exceptional at giving teams different looks to keep the offense guessing. Just a few guys off the top of my head...Ravens: Lewis and Reed Pats: TB, LM and Harrison were all good at this Pitt: Polamalu was everywhere. Foote, Farrior, and Porter moved between coverage, inside and outside very well, and even Chris Hope was good enough to make a Pro Bowl eventually. Ryan and staff implemented this strategy as well as they could, but if you don't have 2-3 all pro caliber guys in those positions, it is tough to play the smoke and mirrors game.

    In the SB against the Bears, the offensive strategy was pretty simple: run the ball right at Urlacher and challenge him on every play early. Take his legs from him ASAP and the defense loses its best asset at disguising coverages.

    Scott is a great asset, but he needs someone at the level of those other teams' #2s or #3s to go along with him. A cover corner like Revis is a nice luxury to have, but he's not going to confuse Manning. Manning will just respect him and let one of his receivers be taken out of the play.
  6. The Worst

    The Worst New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    I still can't believe we we're up 17 - 6 and then let them come back and beat us. I had a feeling this was our year and we could finally do it. I'm so tired of seeing the Colts, Patriots, Steelers, and teams like that winning it all every single year.
  7. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    So did you join TGG for the sole purpose of being a sad sack?
  8. IndyDrummer

    IndyDrummer New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    It wasn't sarcastic until your board brothers jumped on your ass for saying it.
  9. OhioJetsFan

    OhioJetsFan Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    We couldn't get to Peyton because he had a big bowl of "Wheaties FUEL" before the game.

    Seriously, though, it's his release, and his hand in grooming new receivers to his way of thinking. Until the D either confuses him more or we become faster than his release, we'll see outcomes like we just saw.
  10. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    As for the bolded part, i completely agree. Although the ravens are not an explosive offensive machine, i definitely saw an excellent defense playing against them in last week's playoff game.

    They are very fast and hit hard. A very good team, and the Saints (who i am rooting for because Vilma is my boy) will have their hands full in the SB.
  11. Jabba

    Jabba New Member

    Jan 22, 2010
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    I texted my brother right after the Colts TD drive to end the 1st half... "The Jets better start worrying now" Then like him or not... Boomer at halftime, made the comment "If the Jets keep blitzing, the Colts are going to score 60."

    As the Jets ground and pound game wears out oposing defenses, the same happens with the Colts. It's different, but they are ALWAYS stronger in the 2nd half of games. Like someone else here said... the Jets D simply ran out of gas.

    I don't know how many of you folks PLAYED football. Or Play for that matter, but I played into college, and I can tell you with certainty, that it's physically a lot harder to play defense than offense. It just takes more out of you. D-linemen, and LB's especially, need some breaks. You need to be deep in those positions, and keep rotating there. Fatasses like me, even when we're athletes still don't last like DB's. It takes a lot of energy to throw 300 lbs around, hard, especially when you're wrestling some 350 lb monster O-Lineman every play.

    Maybe th einjuries to Jets players changed the game. We'll never know. I was worried, until the end of the 1st half drive. Then I felt pretty good. Once SG went out, and the Colts got up by 10, I started to relax a LITTLE.

    I really like Sanchez. That guys is a stud. Keep him healthy, and you'll be a contender for a long time, especially if you get him some receivers, keep your O-Line together,and keep the D tough. All that's hard in the era of free agency and salary caps though.

    Good luck guys.


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