When was the first jet game you attended?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by 17a_tailgater, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You think a reg season game from october is worthy of being mentioned w/ those other games?

    That sub was none other than Bubby Brister who came here and was the worst QB I have ever seen.
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Yeah, that was a bad loss but not a killer. We had chances later that season, right down to the last week. But two weeks in a row getting beat by backup QBs, geez. And it pisses me off we never beat Philadelphia.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    We had Philly beat at home 3 years later and we blew that one late too. They have a hex on us the way we do w/ Tampa Bay.
  4. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Funny story about that 1996 game. I was living in rural Maryland and could only get the Post on Sundays, the media down there was very tame, a direct contrast to NY. If you remember, leading up to that game Ty Detmer said something to the effect of "we'll look like idiots if we lose to the Jets", which infuriated Hugh Douglas, then a Jet.

    So it was a Saturday game, and after we blew a 20-7 lead in the final minutes, the Post the next day ran a huge picture of Rich Kotite's face with the headline IDIOT PROOF. All my friends in Maryland who came over that Sunday and saw the paper were appalled at how mean it was. I thought it was very fitting.
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    The fake spike was a regular season game also
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I said that didn't belong either but that was a late November game w/ a chance to tie for 1st place on the line.
  7. steviep

    steviep Active Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    I listed the games that I thought had some greater historical significance. As Seafood pointed out -- not only were we 6-5 before the spike game -- we were going to be tied for first and then we went 4-33. 4-33! It lead to two and half years of just unwatchable football.

    The other four were all playoff games. The Cleveland game was really their last chance until 98 to make the SuperBowl. And that game, kids, was a collapse to beat all collapses. I still cant figure out how it was possible to lose that game.

    We were the better team in the mudbowl year.

    The pItt loss -- well ....

    I can understand why you would not agree with the Buffalo game. I am still upset about that one for some reason. I thought that just taught me to accept that our games would always end like that.

    (Before the Jets were terrible they were mediocre; 7-7; 8-8; for what seemed to be years and years)
  8. jesterjetman

    jesterjetman Active Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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  9. LV Coach

    LV Coach Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    I saw a few games from 1968 to 1970 but don't count them. My history started in 1970 when my brother moved upstate and got the company he was working for to give me the 2 seats (high up, 4 rows from the last one at about the -5 yard line) in Shea. You had to bend down to see the whole field. I never missed a single game in Shea or in Jersey until I retired in 87 and moved out to Vegas.
    Late in 70 my wife claimed the second seat that used to go to friends and in 71 I got 3 new seats way down and at the 10 yard line. That one was the start of "The Green Guys" season.
    BTW, my grandaughter (GG's) is only 4 and we get her Jet stuff and took her to Hofstra last summer. She love doing J-E-T-S,,,jets- jets- jets. That will be the 3rd generation. Gotta hang in until I can buy 3 Super Bowl tickets, and maybe 4 to include the granddaughter.
  10. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    That game in particualr was really infuriating. Worse than the 93 Eagles game. The 96 game we pretty much gave to the Eagles - "Here you go!"
    I remember the Jets had stopped the Eagles on 4th and Goal and were jumping around celebrating the apparant win when the flag was flown. 'Pass Interference' - First Down Eagles. Well, the next play they scored to make it 20-14 and I just knew. Sure enough the TV cameras showed Eagles safety Mike Zordich (Former Jet) imploring his defensive teammates on the sideline bench which an excited smile the type that says "We know they will make a mistake, we have this game in the bag'.... First play after the kickoff Foley gets picked and sure enough the Eagles wind up with the lead 21-20. But wait, there's still time for one more screw-up. The Jets drive into Eagles territory looking for a GW FG, Foley's pass for Webster Slaughter goes off his fingertips and intercepted. Eagles get a first down and that was all she wrote.... Kotite resigned/was fired later that week..
  11. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I hear you. The only team the Jets have never beaten. 0-7 with three of those losses coming after blowing double digit second half leads........
  12. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Yep, beaten by Bubby Brister that day.....:mad:
  13. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I pretty much agree with your list except the blown AFC championship in Denver has to be in there somewhere....
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Wouldn't be on my list. The 1998 Broncos were one of the greatest teams of all time. They were 10-0 at home that year. Terrell Davis did have over 100 yards rushing in the first half. We all knew that was an ominous sign.
    No shame in losing to them. I understand the Jets were up 10-0 in the game at one point, but what happened after that, I mean, c'mon, that was no surprise.
  15. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    No, deep down it wasn't a surprise that we wound up losing, but if not for a couple of bad turnovers..I mean we were so close. That really hurt..so maybe not bad as in embarrasing bad but just.... sadly bad?
  16. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Sad that an excellent season had ended and sad thinking that the Jets would have probably defeated the Falcons in the Super Bowl. But not sad in regards to the actual AFC Championship Game itself, if that makes sense. Well, that's how I took it at least.

    9-12-99 and 12-2-01 were my most difficult days as a Jets fan. Yes, both were regular season games.
  17. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    I took 9/12/99 worse than the championship game, yes. At least after losing to Denver you saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The Testaverde injury was like a punch in the stomach or a kick to the balls depending on how you look at it..especially how graphic it was, Martin almost NEVER fumbled and to this day I can still see Vinny punching the turf on the brillant sunlit turf field...AUGH

    12/2/01 isn't talked about much because it's under the radar screen but I guess you realize also that 12/2/01 was the day the seeds of the Patriot dynasty were laid. The Jets up to the day had beaten NE 7 out of 8 and we were still laughing at Bill Bellicheck and his follies. We even took a 13-0 lead to the locker room. We all know the rest of the story...and don't forget Vinny over-throwing a wide open Richie Anderson late in the 4th quarter...The jets win this game and the whole 2001 post-season is a different story...

    I agree 110% with these two games...
  18. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Absolutely. Had everything else played out the same way over the final weeks of the regular season, the Jets would have won the AFC East and the Jets would have hosted the Raiders in a blizzard.

    I was so incensed when the Jets blew that lead at home against the Patriots. That was a Paul Hackett/Herman Edwards Special if there ever was one. The Jets were up 13-0 and that was good enough for those two coaches.

    As for 1999, I still had some hope going into the next two games. (I was never a fan of Rick Mirer going back to his Notre Dame days. I couldn't believe that trade Dave Wannstedt and the Bears made to acquire Mirer! Anyway, I thought the Jets were so good, they still might be able to maybe win with Mirer. No.) That hope was shot down for good after a 17-3 loss at Buffalo. Keyshawn Johnson was right when, shortly after the 9-12-99 game, he said, "We're f-----."

    That Buffalo game was one of the most frustrating games ever. Almost every series for the Bills offense got to a third down and they seemed to convert every third down. The typical Bills series that night was gain of 3 on 1st down and a gain of 4 on 2nd down to set up a 3rd and 3. Just about every series got to 3rd and 5, 3rd and 4, 3rd and 3, 3rd and 2. All night long.

    The stats show that the Bills converted 23 first downs and they ran the ball 47 times for 224 yards.

    After that game I took my dog for a walk. It was about midnight. I made the walk extra long. We were walking on a very dark road that we never walked on before. A car drove by and the passengers rolled down their windows to yell something at me. I didn't care what they said.
    I later punched a speed limit sign.

    I never had a night like that before or since.

    And I guess what I'm saying is the 9-19-99 game is in my top 3 for worst Jets games/moments.
    #158 Cakes, Oct 20, 2006
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't care how good they were the '98 Jets were just as good and we had maybe the greatest coaching staff of all-time and a 10-0 lead. We actually outplayed Denver all game but we kept turning it over. If we have 3 Tos instead of 6 we beat Denver. We just gave that game away and it hurts more now looking back b/c we never made it to that point again and we would have beaten Atlanta and would have our 2nd title right now.

    I took that game very hard, we left points on the board all 1st half settling for FGs. if we get a TD instead of 1 of those FGs we probably win. That was the angriest I ever was when I left the Stadium that day. I knew we gave it away and we basically started the pats dynasty- not just w/ that game but w/:

    -Knocking out Drew sending in Brady sooner than he would have been in(although they might have benched Drew next week anyway).
    -They had a staff and players full of ex-Jets
    -The December game we gave away
    -Losing to Buf at home which essentially wrapped up the div for NE
    -Beating oak whch gave NE the #2 seed and a 1st rd bye.
  20. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    You are saying you went to Den for the game at least that is what this part of your post seems to mean? "That was the angriest I ever was when I left the Stadium that day".

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