I wish I was up with the tharsh scene still. the older I get the more my collection gets eclectic. Still mosh , but sometimes I haven't got a clue who they are , but hey sounds good enough to spill blood for
NP, let us know what you think, or if you want anymore. :up: I dont know why but Ive never seen anyone on this site mention Vader, but theyre probably a top 3 band for me, and definitely my favorite one thats still around today.
That song is pretty much a death metal classic, whoever you ask. Vader's more along the lines of my own personal taste, but I think theyre awesome. Another song by Vader, When Darkness Calls, is also another (in my mind) death metal classic.
I have some really early death metal locked away in the vaults and will try and download some , some bands I have only recorded demos and never went on to do anything , god knows why because they were good from what I can remember
All this talk of death metal made me put on Opeth-Ghost Reveries Gotta love the cookie monster vocals on Ghost of Perdition
All those words go together so well I'm going to have to call this a night , its taking me longet to edit my messgae tha it is to write it