H'mm just checked Yahoo weather & they say presently temp in Miami is 79 not 85 as you poosted but hi for the day is supposed to be 85 which is I guess what you meant
Hey MJ420. You may not care...but dont stoop to the name calling my friend...you could get banned for that...even though you were called a name by someone thats been around here a long time...and probably wont get banned. Your point was understood by most that you were not grouping people together...just not worth calling someone out...even if they deserved it.
JUST look at all the money we saved. I loved John Abe when he was heathly and on the field but unfortunately that did not happen that much. I also beleive he over persured way too much. Im happy with the FO and the 29th. Go Jets
Damn, I want Spring weather - my eyes are into some serious female menu reading. It was 22 degrees at my house this morning and the weather up here has been very chilly, if not cold, since early last week's Spring tease. I'll give you an old pick and an axe if you can send some warm weather up this way.
I've got mixed feelings about this deal. Fact is Atlanta got the best of it whether Jet fans realize it or not. My reason is this: Heard on ESPN interview with Mark Canizzaro, when posed a question on why should Atlanta go after Abe when they can go for Peterson or another DE ( his name escapes me) and not have to sacrifice a draft pick? Mark replied in not the exact words " because Abe is a difference maker. An impact player that can change the complexion of the game at any time when he knows one is needed". Not very easy to find those type of players. With the 29th pick, who knows? But very unlikely. Teams palying against the Jets were always aware where #56 was lined up so he made other players better for just this reason ( ask Ellis). So far, Atlanta got the better part of the deal. The #29 has yet to prove otherwise.
I agree - I think that the last FO time and time again settled for what offer was on the table - This FO looks like they are trying to change that perception and do what is best for the team - we as fans need to see how it goes - On the other hand difference of opinion is what makes this forum work!
This is very off topic...but I will "clean it up" after saying this. Has this been the windiest winter ever? It seems like everday is sunny...and cool/cold...but windy as a MF'er. Everytime I walk to my car or at the store....I just feel like Im saying "Damn...its cold". Oh...and cleaning it up...ummm...yeah...there are a bunch of windbags about this Abe deal.
Yep. Hey, the difference with this front office and the "other" one is that this front office said no...they made someone else work to get the deal done. They could have easily told Abe to stick it...and that if he didnt like the Seahawks...get ready to put on the green and white again. They could have told the Falcons to sweeten the pot...give us another 2nd rounder next year. Thats not what they did...they told the Falcons that the Seahawks have a number 31 out there..either beat it...or um...beat it. The Falcons had to actually work to please us...for a player that didnt want to be here...or Seattle. Some around here even said that they had US over the barrel, because Abe would never go to Seattle....guess what.............
your post has no integrity whatsoever-you assume that the pick will be wasted on a scrub-no basis for that comment-you imply that we're gonna take a kicker with the pick-an obvious barb at the front office,but theres new people in charge perhaps you didnt hear..and then you say j-abe was solid against the run???-the man sucked against the run...wasnt there to stop it and could not care less......
Sorry, but you are very wrong. My opinion all along was that Abraham was worth a second round pick. The fact that we got a first round pick was a major coup. The notion about Abraham being a game changing force may be true, but that is only part of the equation. I use to work on weapon systems for the DoD. When evaluating a weapon, you look not only at its performance, but its availability and maintainability. If a weapon always hits its target, but is not always available to use or requires abundant maintenance, it is less effective. Abraham was a fairly potent weapon for the Jets (although his run defense was a little suspect). However, Abraham?s availability for them was only 76% (and for playoff games it was 40%). He was also a high maintenance player?.DUI, holdout, bitching in the media. Team Tangini wants smart, tough players. Abraham was neither. The fact that we got a 1st rounder for him is fantastic. DbJ
I have just decided I am going to pay much closer attention to what you write. Abe was one dimensional. He would essentially pass rush on every down. This would sometimes cause him to over-shoot the box, especially if he took the outside route. This clear tendency was taken advantage of by many teams. All they had to do was delay stunt their TE and you now have an instant running lane right into the defensive backfield. That is why there were a lot of 10 yard + runs to his side of the field.
I totally agree. Expecting a #15 pick for Abraham is just unrealistic. NO TEAM is going to do that for a high-maintenance holdout who negotiates his contracts in the media and then makes himself unavailable for crucial games at the first sign of a hangnail. Abe doesn't fit in with the new "teamwork mentality" Mangini and Tannenbaum want to instill here. It was time to move on, for a number of reasons. Getting #29 is as good as it gets for a guy with former character issues, mediocre run-stopping abilities, occasional health problems and a penchant for not showing up at times when the entire team really needed him in the most. A- on this one.
no no...gh...I meant me going off topic...Im not the kind of poster that points out others....lol..just myself. Didnt mean you.
I got you homie. I know where you are coming from, and you are right. I shouldn't stoop. However, you know how we men can be. Don't know why people hate being told the truth.
What's lost in all this is not what Atlanta gave up for Abe but how much Atlanta is now going to be overpaying this guy. This is the high-dollar, long-term contract Abe's been throwing his temper-tantrums for all along. If Atlanta gets solid, consistent, long-term productivity from him, that's one thing, but that's not going to happen. History tells us the real John Abraham will eventually surface and find a way to become the costly, cap-smothering, ninny-whining, disruptive, holdiong-out, public crybabying "I can't play in this playoff game because it might jeopardize my career" nuisance he was for us.
Just wait for his first Sprained Vagina injury and he wont play against the Bucs in late December with the division at stake. There is no denying his greatness when he is on the field. Too often he was off the field in big times though.
:rofl2: Agreed, though. When Abe was on his game, I loved the fact that he was an NYJ. However, with all the other headaches he's caused since he's been here, including him stamping his feet about only wanting to go to Atlanta, I'm just going to tell him to not let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.
Mark my words, you'll be reading about Abraham in the future and it won't be because of his on-field accomplishments. The guy is inherently unhappy and discontent. Abraham's salvation as a Jet was having Herm here to hold his hand and provide psychological encouragement. Unless Atlanta provides the same level of maintenance and Koom-Bye-Ah, hand-holding, candle-burning seance sessions, Abraham once again dismantles at the psychological seams.
Name calling is not necessary and often times makes the person doing it belittle themselves. You choose to call someone a moron; a term alluding to below average intelligence. You then go on to construct a sentence with many below average intelligence mistakes. Let's take a look. First "your" should be "you're. Next, always begin a sentence with a capitalized letter. And finally, John Abraham was not offered a long term deal last year, rather that was reported to occur in the Oct/Nov timeframe of 2004. Hope this helps.... :up: