What do you guys think of the AFC East now?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by xeticus, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    So basically in this one o the weakest drafts in recent memory, everyone outside of Buffalo is supposed to drink the Koolaid Bill fans are drinking?

    There are so many things wrong with everything you just posted and I could write a full page of reasons why they're wrong. However, it's pointless, why? Because every year it's the same ol song and dance from Bill fans. The last three off seasons the Bill fans were telling everyone who would listen how the Bills were gonna dominate the league with their moster Oline that included Peters, Dockery and Walker and march right into the playoffs....and what happend? Lats year it was Hardy was gonna light the league up and Lynch was gonna run all over everyone while Trent Edwards emerged as the next great NFL QB...and how'd that turn out? This year it's a coulpe more Olinemen an over the hill WR a rookie TE and an undersized DE, that have Bill fans all full of hope for the future. I see no difference in your opinion of the Bills this year and other Bill fans in previous years.
  2. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    So you still don't see my point, huh? Whether the BILLS tank, or whether the BILLS make the playoffs, it's a win for us BILLS fans. Where did I mention that we were going to DOMINATE this year? I'm not talking shit, I'm saying that this is the crossroads year, and it's about time. Not really that difficult to understand........

    EDIT: Being an undersized DE doesn't spell doom. How did that work out for Dwight Freeney?
    #82 NYCBillsFan, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  3. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I'm originally from Chicago so I paid attention when Jauron was there. i was really surprised when he got the job in Buffalo. Pleasantly surprised to be honest. Coaching makes or breaks a team. It's one of the reason the Patriots always do so well and why Miami had been struggling in recent years. We had talented players but when Wannstedt or Cameron are your head coaches you are guaranteed to have a rough time of it.

    Jets fans you have to wonder. A lost of 1st time head coaches just can't make the leap from a coordinator to head coach. My dolphins are doing so well with Sparano because he has Parcells and Ireland to help him out. Don't think Rex Ryan is going to take you to the promised land his first year. I will be interested to see how he does though. Definitely an interesting division.
  4. fr0zensm0ke

    fr0zensm0ke Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    Rex has had a lot of help from his father... and he's brought swagger to this team that we haven't seen in a long time... I'm not naive though, I'm not predicting a superbowl this year, I'm not even predicting a playoff run. I do however feel better with Rex Ryan at head coach than I have in a long time...
  5. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    All you can do is look to the future cause all the Bill fans have to hang their hats on. Everyone who follows a team in the NFL can take a "we're in transition" attitude, but you were saying your Oline WILL be better and you have no way of knowing this. The Bills Oline isn't exactly stacked with pro bowlers...or even one pro bowler.

    To read your post every addition to the Bills be it FA or DP is a guranteed upgrade and starter and we haven't even seen a mini camp yet. I think you should let the guy's have at least one good season in a decade before you tell people how good your team is gonna be. Like I said, I have no problem with people being optimistic about their teams, but unrealistic is another story.

    BTW, why on gods green earth would you compare Freeny to Maybin? Freeny is 6'1" and 268, Maybin is 6'4 and 249. Maybins three inches taller and 20 lbs lighter. Not to mention there aren't very many Dwight Freeny's in the NFL. Are you seriously making the statement that Maybin is as talented or will have as good a career as Freeny? Also, I don't remember Freeny ever being 249 in the NFL.
    #85 feelthepain, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  6. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Sorry to interrupt,

    Favre, not Farve was 8-3 and beat the Titans away and Pats away, then got hurt the next week. Then, with a hurt QB who was our best option, we sucked for the remainder (1-4) and lost to teams that couldn't hold the Titans' or Pats' jock straps. And since Favre wasn't healthy, Mangini suddenly had to coach and well, that was a futile effort.

    I don't see how every fan in the NFL, including this (Jets) fanbase, thinks its cool to bash Favre and the move we made for Favre. You all sound like drooling zombies. "durrr, Favre, what a douche." Except most of the time douche is spelled wrong.

    I would rather do last season's first 11 games 20 times than have Chad Pennington as the answer still. It just so happens that when Favre came here he got hurt, and when Pennington went to the Phins his shoulder didn't mind being attached to the rest of his body.

    This is not out of the blue, I am referring to your sig.
  7. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Wow, some fans seriously don't get football. You would rather not have Pennington? All he did was come to the Dolphins and lead them to a division title one I might add that had to be won in the last game in NY. When Brett was healhy week one of 08 he was lucky to win the game in Maimi, he tried to give the game away a couple of times. Ironic you don't want Pennington and his weak shoulder yet you'll take an old run down BF with a shoulder injury. Amazing how much Chad cares and wants to win and all some of you Jet fans see is the negative. There is more to a great NFL QB than a strong arm.
  8. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    Miami was so lucky to get Pennington. Even now some miami fans don't appreciate properly how great he was for us. I understand what Jets have been saying about Pennington's weak arm and lack of durability. And i understand the concerns about him not being able to keep up that high level of production consistently. But he's the perfect guy to groom our young QB's.
  9. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    The ability to attack a top defense being one thing.
  10. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Look, I wasn't saying Pennington is horrible or that he wasn't a GREAT idea by Parcells and team to pick the guy up. He is a good QB, but Favre actually gave us hope at one point in the season that we COULD beat the top defenses that show up in the playoffs because he showed that he could throughout the season until he got hurt. With Pennington, in the Playoffs...the closest I believe he got to winning a Super Bowl with the Jets was in Pittsburgh-?, I could be wrong there, but we were in that game because of Curtis Martin and the Defense playing extraordinary and inspite of Chad's performance. That's my sentiment.

    Why that makes me someone that doesn't get football, I don't know.
    #90 Going4TheGreen, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  11. NYCBillsFan

    NYCBillsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2008
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    -Freeney was 255lbs coming out of Syracuse in 2002.

    -Do you listen to what people say, or do you just put words into their mouths? Time will tell with Maybin, but Freeney was no guarantee out of college, so it's all up to Maybin at this point to prove himself.
  12. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    All Pennington did is make the preception that he can not beat top end defenses even stronger. He melted down in a big game, yet again. I really don't feel you guys are all that far from having Chad Henne as your starter. Penny is a good game manager, but is just not able to take a team to the superbowl. He is always exposed when forced to play the best.
  13. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Really? Maybe you can share the difference in what Brett Favre gave you last year and what Chad gave you in previous years. Cause as I see it, the same exact results Chad was chastised for are the exact same results Brett Favre gave the Jets in 08. I just find it amusing how Brett did the exact same thing for the Jets that Chad had done for the Jets and yet some Jet fans don't see Bretts injury and subsequent season ending failures as a negative, but Chad's will never be forgotten.

    Thinking arm strength is all there is in a QB is simply silly, Brett didn't win more games as a starter with the Jets than Chad did with the Dolphins, but some Jet fans are so enamored with the long ball that they could care less about the end result. Winning is what this game is about, not throwing the ball 70yards in the air.

    No one should ever make the statement Brett Favre and Chad Pennington in their primes are the same caliber QB's, however Chad and Brett both produced the same exact results as Jet QB's and for some reason it's a negative when Chad did it and excuses galor when Brett did it. I think the Jets failures are more than the starting QB's can overcome....even for the great, Brett Favre. I also think Mangini was the biggest factor in the Jets failing down the stretch.
  14. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    He did? Did you watch the Ravens/ Dolphins 08 wildcard game? From what I remember the Dolphins Oline was a mess that game and were dominated. Chad was running for his life all day. I think had Miami protected him and given him time to throw the ball Chad would have had no problem running the offense. Also in that game Miami gave up nearly 30 points, last I checked, Chad doesn't play defense, so while I know Jet fans enjoy blaming Chad for everything wrong with a team, Chad wasn't the reason the Dolphins lost that playoff game.
  15. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Hmm..the same bs was said when he was a Jet. Never knew the o-line threw pick sixes.
  16. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    By the end of the year two of our starting guards were out for the season. And our Center was slightly undersized and lacked power. At their best they would have had a challenge with the Baltimore front 7 but decimated by injuries they weren't the same team.

    Pennington is a good QB but he needs time to throw. This year we upgraded our center, have our guards back an picked up a swing guy who can play anywhere in the interior. Later in the season our oline should hopefully be solid.
  17. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    You mean like the pick six the great Favre threw in the division title game when the Jets were still in it?
    #97 feelthepain, May 14, 2009
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  18. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    You shouldn't be quoting me, I know where the Dolphins stood at the end of the season, it's the Jet fans who seem to think only Pennington is to blame for team failures, not me.
  19. xeticus

    xeticus Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I understand why they feel the way they do. Pennington is an awesome QB when healthy. However he gets injured a lot and he has a definite ceiling. He doesn't have the talent of Marino, Brady or even Peyton Manning. He definitely has pro bowl talent though if he can stay on the field.

    That aside he's healthy now, the Dolphins line looks good and I think the Dolphins are going to come into this division with a chip on their shoulder. It's going to be interesting to see how the Dolphins and Jets are doing when they meet up.
  20. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    The Only thing Pennington doesn't have that Brady and Manning have is arm strength. Pennington is the most accurate of the three QB's and probably the smartest. It's funny though, Jet fans act as if Pennington held them back from winning it all and last I checked, the Jets hadn't won it all since 69 and since Pennington didn't join the Jets till 2000, I find it hard to believe Pennington is responsible for the other 31 years of failures before he arrived.

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