We just need to show improvement and compete on offense and defense, like that's all he can do, he can't affect the talent level
How many seasons has it been since the Jets won the VLT? That's how many wins he needs. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
It depends on if he was given enough talent. If he's given a 2012 level roster then expect 6-9 wins and that's if things break our way. if upgrades are made at QB, o line, olb etc and the team fails then he may get fired.
Its hard to say, I think its tied very closely to QB play (whoever is starting for the jets at that point). If the QB is playing well then the Jets will likely do well and Rex saves his job (or at least his rep). If the QB is playing badly then Rex is gone along with Sanchez and a new coach will be brought it to manage the new QB and new regime. Clearly the new GM will want to keep rex for at least the 2013 season so that the new coach is not then tarred with Sanchez's very likely failure next season and he can come in in 2014 smelling of roses (my bet will be on the niners current OC).
The wild card in all of this is Woody. If he loves Rex as much as he says he does, he'll extend him and if that happens, Rex is around forever no matter what the record says or the performance of the team on and off the field. That Rex has history with the assumed new GM really doesn't come into play. If the new GM wants to make a statement and put his stamp on the franchise immediately, he'll hold Rex to a very high standard. With the salary cap cuts that loom, I don't think for a minute this team has the talent to make the playoffs but it will have to show a bit more moxie than what it showed this season. Rex has to turn this downward trend around and show major improvement in both the offensive side of the ball and the PR/behavioral side of the game as well. Rex can't afford to do something "Rexlike" anymore. Rex can't afford for his team to be incompetent on offense again. It can't be obvious to everyone that the favored unit on the team is the defense especially to the players. I'm saying 8-8 he stays but it has to be a "good" 8-8 in that it has to be shown to everyone that he has a handle on the issues on offense and ST's and a plan to deal with them.
Considering I don't think we will be picked to win a lot of games next year. I think an 9-7 record will keep him with the team. Or, that'll satisfy me enough to keep him for 2014.
Well, if the organization is truly committed to him and not just keeping him to save money, then there should be no definitive answer to this question. If they go 6-10 but the overall talent has gotten better and things are looking up, then why let him go? You're either truly committed or saving money. If it's the latter, then you fire him for anything short of a playoff spot. If you're truly committed, you assess as the season goes on and make a determination next year at this time.
I say we go 9-7 looking at the opponents next year could be wrong we could win 1 -2 more with the right OC and players i guess we will have to wait to see what happens but if he comes close to the playoff i could see a close call but if he pushes us to the playoffs yes, he is safe.
Rex will probably need 10 wins to make the playoffs. However, anything that gets us into the post-season will be needed. Missing the playoffs again is not an option.
Superbowl or Bust... The nice Rex ain't cutting it.. I like the one who talks trash at least we go to the playoffs
what I mean is we are only 1 player away from having a good enough roster to be competitive - unfortunately its the most important position on the pitch and the hardest to resource.