Dan Snyder is the George Steinbrenner of football. I mean where does he get the money and aren't the Redskins over the cap to begin with?
"Washington now has a logjam at quarterback. With Mark Brunell as the starter, and Patrick Ramsey and Jason Campbell on the roster, the went out and got Chiefs backup Todd Collins to the tune of a two-year, $2.5 million contract with a signing bonus of $450,000." They have their thrid string QB as well to take over for Ramsey...could it br true?
im still mystified about the foreskins having so much money. good lord , whoever their cap guy is , he's good.
http://www.nfl-fans.com/index.php?showtopic=70892&st=0 http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148380&page=1&pp=15 It's fun to see how much 'Skins fans hate this.:rofl:
The question is if this goes through, do we hold off on QB for a year? Do we wait and see what next years draft brings us? For this year do we go after D-Brick and beef up the O-line this year?
The Redskins signed Andre Carter yesterday, who plays the same position as Abe...4-3 DE, 3-4 OLB, keep that in mind.
You guys who think this is a bad deal are CRAZY. He has a borderline 1st round value (with suitors drying up). Now you are getting a first and a second, plus Ramsey. This is fantastic. The Skins could easily blow up (too many superstars = bad chemistry) and then this could be a top 15 pick next year. Stop looking for instant gratification....you'll be thrilled next year. For what it is worth...I don't believe it.
i hate to be the one that makes u all depressed, but this didnt happen, and if i wasnt living in maryland right now surrounded by redskin fans, i'd be just as happy as u are if this were true, but i am living in maryland surrounded by redskin fans so i'm happy it didnt go thru
When you consider how good the rest of the NFC East could very well be, I really would like to see this deal happen. Hell, even a fisrt rounder in the 18-25 range would be a great pickup. Washington's 2nd rounder is #53 by the way. Also, Washington already traded their 3rd rounder for Brandon Lloyd, so this would leave them with a grand total of ZERO first day picks this year.
ya they are actually going to be really good next season even if they dont get abraham, sry to say it but its true
True. Hey if this deal is true, than you guys got a FANTASTIC deal. Even with the Skins likely to do very well and have a very low 1st next year, you still got a lot more than his market value was.