Sounds like high teens % wise And those are crazy #s, under 10% bf @ 220 would put you in the elite categorys, especially if that's all natural
Yep, that's what I'm aiming for. Shouldn't be extremely hard to get in two years. as I recover from my screwed up wrist (and 75 pound weight loss), I should get my bench back up to around 405 pretty soon. Squat should get well past 405 soon as my torn ACL recovers. Deadlift has been skyrocketing lately and went from 425 to 475 in two weeks. Bodyfat has went from 35+ (estimation) to probably just under 20, so under 10 is definitely attainable in 2 years. So yeah, I basically want to be a lean, muscular, strong as shit beast before I turn 21.
Sounds like your biggest obstacle is gonna be staying healthy, and that shit can be a bitch. The difference between going hard in your early 20s and late 20s is HUGE. I mean you can still go balls to the wall, but injuries definitely catch up. Im almost 26 and I gotta foam roll like hell, stretch, do yoga and shit like crazy to keep my knees/wrist/shoulders/hips/ankles on point. Wrist tendinitis (4x broken wrists) fucking sucks hard when benching heavy as well
Broke it once when I was young young (like 5 years old) And from there its just been a bitch. Broke it again from basketball, volleyball, and bizarrely somehow soccer. Oddly enough I never hurt it from football. Go figure
Yeah, definitely gonna be health that gets in my way. I've torn my ACL 3 times (and torn other knee ligaments and had microfractures, lesions, bruised bones in my knees, etc.), and already have osteoarthritis, so it's gonna be tough. Also, gonna be tough to get a job in my field: criminal justice...but I'm up for the challenge.
I've broken one skiing, 4-5 years ago. Still can't arm wrestle anyone because it feels like all the pressure is applied to right where it broke. Other than that it's alright, just gets a little sore on the occasional rainy day. It's the 4 concussions I'm up to that's my big issue. Well that and the broken T11 and 4 vertebrae fusion I got in February. I'm about 85%
Yeah the fusion shit is definitely crazy. My dad had the same thing done, im surprised youre 85% by now though. Another concussion and might have to start walking around with a helmet. Im pretty sure ive ended up in the hospital more than any completely healthy person should
I actually got two concussions in a row on two different plays. I didn't even think it was possible. Went head to head two plays in a row, got two concussions, and strained my neck.
I bet so many people have got concussions and never knew it. I remember when I was a kid back in the day no one talked about them. I got one once playing hockey back in the day. I got hit from behind a long the boards and never seen it coming.
Some of you guys are going way too deep in regards to the OP. Sounds like an average guy that just wants to take off a few pounds and keep them off. No major changes are needed to do that, or drugs, or programs. 1 - Do NOT ingest anything that contains HFCS. It goes straight to your belly and will eventually make you sick. Ever seen a skinny guy with a big belly? I used to be one. I lost 2 inches on my waist without working out just by switching to diet cola. 2 - Sounds you don't mind a little exercise, sort of like me. Try this... Jog/run 1 mile away, and walk back every day. 3 - Switch to a light beer like Miller Light or MGD 64 for your normal consumption. If you like beer like I do it is worth the sacrifice. Leave the good stuff as a treat. A glass or 2 of wine is actually good for you as well. 4 - Most important part. Food portions are WAY too big these days. Just because it is served to you doesn't mean you have to finish it. Eat slow and stop when you are no longer hungry.
^Small diet changes don't do anything. You'll just gain back the weight when you're done. Successful weight loss requires an entire lifestyle change.
Not to mention theres NO difference between HFCS and any other simple carb. It all turns into glucose anyway. Whether youre drinking a coke, eating a potato chip, or having a sandwich with white bread its all exactly the same shit. Empty carbs
Both statements are entirely false. MURDR... Why would he ever be done? What I put there WAS a lifestyle change. DCM... Do some more research on HFCS. Don't believe the Corn Industry when they tell you it's just like sugar.
Erm yeah I dont believe things based on commercials or whatever. Its basic science dude. The only difference might be insulin response, which only effects you if youre a diabetic . Per Mayoclinic Theres no difference, a simple empty carb is a simple empty carb
Other than the fact that mice given HFCS developed fat around their organs rather than outside the muscle wall... Believe what you want man. I'm not going to argue this topic again.
You're correct that it's basic science. You are incorrect that there is no difference... and to pooh pooh insulin response as something that only diabetics need to worry about indicates that you don't have a solid enough grasp on the basic science behind this. The ability of fructose to bypass insulin regulation is not necessarily a good thing, considering how tightly controlled the glucose/insulin metabolic system is. Metabolism of Carbohydrates WebMD article Intermediary Metabolism of Fructose - American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Here's the abstract: Translation: Fructose is also preferentially metabolized to fatty acids, not glucose. And glucose which tends to be first utilized as an energy source in glycolysis. Sucrose is a dimer of glucose and fructose. ETA: By the way, this is not me saying, "OMG HFCS IS THE DEVIL'S JUICE!" HFCS is not going to kill you if you're eating moderate amounts of it. But it is not the same thing as sucrose. It is not the same thing as "any simple carb." There are different metabolic effects, and you are doing yourself a disservice to dismiss this as some crazy conspiracy because you didn't like a commercial.
I forgot that I was a mouse. But all sugar excess sugar does this. Its called metabolic syndrome, which up to a 3rd of the united states has It just so happens that HFCS is incredibly commonly used in the united states. If we used cane sugar instead in most of our products (soda bread candy etc) then that would be the culript. HFCS is just the villian because thats whats used most here
Per your webmd article Then for your final article first im going to mention its INCREDIBLY outdated (its a study done 20 years ago) which makes it pretty worthless to begin with. But going on
I don't understand this. A small diet change can be a lifestyle change. If you switch to water instead of soda, that's a relatively small diet change... but as long as it's a permanent switch, you're not going to gain that soda weight back. A person doesn't have to Eat Only Healthy Foods to lose weight. As long as the diet change is long-term and sincere, there will be an effect. Sure, passing on the weekly Twinkie Face-Stuffing Contest isn't going to automatically earn you six-pack abs, but every bit does help. In fact, there have been an increasing number of studies showing that small changes over time are more likely to succeed than drastic lifestyle changes all at once because of the psychological impact.