Week 10: Jets vs Bills TNF Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DoubleDecker87, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    This is SSSOOO dumb.
    I often visit opposing teams boards to see how they feel about the upcoming game.
    Its the same thing that any of you would have noticed if you participated in this practice as well.
    Every fan is a homer, and unless your team has just been beat lifeless - you feel pretty good about your chances.
    I came here back in the summer when the talk on Bills boards was getting stale about how great Rex would would make our D.
    You guys thought that Bowles would make yours elite as well.
    There was the talk of the best players and overall D in the division on both boards.
    Personally, I thought how could you guys possibly think your line was better than Mario, Dareus, Kyle Williams, and Hughes?
    That was just me being a homer.
    The fact is, I feel this will be a heck of a game.
    I'm not sure if how you guys feel about your season thus far, but I feel the Bills have underachieved due to injuries and the Jets have over achieved due to a softer schedule.
    There will be disagreements on this to be sure, but as a visitor to your boards I'm not here to start any smack.
    In fact, I was motivated to sign up for the complete opposite reason.
    I got sick of the silly homer shots from both sides.
    To me, I cant help but laugh about the Jets fans knocks about how Rex will be Rex, just wait and see.. while conversely a Bills fan will say Fitz will be Fitz just wait and see.
    This game will be ssoo cool because of the myriad of story lines connecting the two teams.
    It'll be neat to see the Bills go up against the reunited Fitz-Gailey combo.
    They gave us some fun times as Bills fans, but were ultimately ousted because of their boing, safe playing, mediocre ways.
    I just cant get excited about that duo going a long way in the exact same way you folks look at Ryan's antics as being simply that. Antics.
    His way wore thin with Jets fans, and unless he gets these Bills to the playoffs- will undoubtedly happen with the Buffalo fan base as well.
    But, I'm thinking back to how excited we were when Chan and Fitz brought down the Pats for the 1st time in yrs with Buffalo. It was exciting as was that 5-1 start.
    Weren't you guys quite taken with Rex at 1st with the back to back AFC Championships?
    To me, it seems these re-treads are in a bit different situations this time around.
    The Jets are giving both Fitz and Chan a much better chance with the talent on the roster than they ever had in Buffalo.
    At the same time, we like to think Rex could potentially have a better offense than he ever had with the Jets and once the D gets acclimated with his schemes.. well, the sky could be the limit.
    My point, each fan base will think they have more talent on their roster if not for any other reason than they are a fan of their respective team and therefore are simply more familiar with their players.
    I'd rather have Tyrod than Fiz, because I believe his penchant for breaking open a game with his arms or legs is something that Fitzy (who I'm still a fan of) just isnt capable of. His deep balls just went straight up, fluttered, and more often than not went out of bounds. You guys may rather have Fitz because he is a smart player, who will give you the epitome of consistency and will always keep your team in it and give them the chance to win.
    Revis and Crom VS Gilmore and Darby... We could debate which duo we'd rather have all day long... which is great and one of the best things about football and being a fan of your team.
    I just wanted to bring a bit of perspective to this conversation and try and get it back on track so its just not cheap shots about the other teams re-treads and point out that this is a VERY important game for both teams in regard to their playoff chances.
    In Buffalo, we are very excited about finally seeing proof of Watkins potential. After being shut out vs Revis last yr in the 1st NE game, he held his own for the 2nd.
    We love the fact that for the first time in a long time we dont have a QB in the mold of Orton, Fitz, Holcomb and its actually exciting to watch the offense again.
    We are enthused that after battling the injury bug, we finally have Karlos and Shady back and they looked legit last week.
    We are worried that the D isnt where we need to be and hope that after simplifying and letting the line do what they do best, they can find a way to stop the short passes and screen that have eaten away at them for the last couple weeks.
    When this team is healthy, they've given Buffalo some excellent and entertaining football.. Thursdays game will only be the 4th time this season that for the most part, they have the oppertunity to be the team we envisioned.
    Both teams seem to be capable of coming out swinging and hitting HR's... and both seem to be capable of coming out flat and laying a stinker.
    Bills have never done well in prime time it seems...
    Rex has made it a point to try not to overhype his team, and as far as this looking ahead to the Pats stuff is concerned the media are the ones asking the questions. He's simply responding and they are putting the spin on it like he came out talking about it unprovoked.
    But I digress.... I'm looking forward to a great game, between 2 talented teams that could set the course for the rest of their respective seasons.
    I hope its a slug fest and lives up to the hype. Personally, I havent been this excited for a game that I feel we could potentially win (and loose) in a long time.
    Good luck!!!!
    J-E-T-S suck-suck-suck!!! (i'm totally just trying to have a little fun:) )
    Go Bills!!!
    PabloJa, LIJetsFan and Big Cat like this.
  2. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Has sammy gone for 100+ on anyone? matter fact is your drug dealer still near you? i could use some
  3. BuffaloBills06

    BuffaloBills06 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    "I live by the film," Watkins told the team's official site after catching all eight of his targets for a career-best 168 yards and a touchdown. "I watched (Dolphins cornerback Brent Grimes) in every game from 2-3 years ago and watched how he plays press and doesn't switch it up. So I set it up to keep taking him inside, keep selling it. I beat him inside on the first throw, so I knew when in doubt that he's going to jump inside if I do it. So I double-moved him inside, sold him with my body. He jumped, and I just put my hand up, and Tyrod delivered the ball."
  4. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Quotes are cool.

    "I’m not first or last person that’s gone be injured difference from me and you guys y’all mad and I’m not get a life and go to work stop worrying about my job because I’m good on this end and forever will be losers most of you just wish to be in this position so continue working y’all little jobs for the rest of y’all lives since everyone once a response here go one have a blessed day.”

    -Sammy Watkins

    Footballgod214 and RexontheBeach like this.
  5. BuffaloBills06

    BuffaloBills06 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Ok [scratches head]
  6. Big Cat

    Big Cat Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    100.00% of NFL players watch film looking for tendencies. Some of them just brag about doing their job to the media. What do you think these guys do Monday-Saturday? Play video games? This is their job.
  7. bartscott

    bartscott Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    I can't wait to see you disappear Friday morning.
    JetLifeLo likes this.
  8. JetLifeLo

    JetLifeLo Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Oh cool story. Decker did grimes even dirtier than that. And Revis is light years better than grimes. Your best bet is praying karlos williams breaks some long runs...but good luck wit that vs the leagues #1 run D.
  9. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Good God.. Someone be the bigger person here. whatever it is that is being argued has absolutely nothing to do with the matchup other than stupid bickering about your respective teams.
    It's a shame my post fell in deaf ears. I hoped it would act as a bit of a truce and I could get back to my weekly staking of the opponents boards and read ACTUAL, MEANINGFUL, INTELLIGENT posts that pertained to Thursdays match-up...
  10. bartscott

    bartscott Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    Dude. You and the other Bills fans are here on a Jets message board, trolling. You've got a stupid avatar, and you're saying you want an intelligent conversation?

    You don't see us on "Billsfansbloweachotherhere.com" or whatever your forum is.

    Go away.
  11. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    give me a paragraph just 1 time.
  12. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    lol i hope that is really the website name
  13. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    not that he shouldnt be starting over cro, but interception are kind of a useless stat to measure peformance. look at his first int for an example, that was all revis, he was basially catching a punt
  14. baalworship

    baalworship Active Member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    Good Post. These are both pretty evenly matched teams. It should be a fun, physical game. The Christmas colors will only hide the fact how important this game is. Jets win they can almost knock the Bills out.

    STARoSCREAM Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
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    Just a thought...

    I know we want to see Mauldin get more snaps, but is this really the week? As a rookie with a high motor, we all love it. But still being a rookie, if he over runs Taylor, Tyord's gonna take off and kill us with his legs.

    He needs to rush up field and press the pocket. While DeMario may be spying Tyrod, how confident areyou guys that he can make an open field tackle? Or some of our replacement DB's can cover for that long on a broken play.

    Gotta stop him from scarmbling too much, and for God's sake, get off the field on 3rd down!
  16. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    I think I'd actually want Enzo's speed on the outside more than a slower Pace.

    I mean I see what you're saying, Like if Taylor rolled out of the pocket, Mauldin might bullrush him without giving a thought to Taylor pulling a move on him and breaking out for a few yards or take a bad angle that a seasoned pro might not.

    But I take that risk, maybe he surprises us. let the young man play, its not like Pace is a sure bet either.
  17. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    oh come Bartscott!!!
    There is absolutely no reason that you shouldn't be able to have a civil football related conversation with a guest who just wants to talk about the game.
    I'm not butt hurt as I went out of my way to come to the opposing teams board to talk.
    When we have guests on ours, as long as they are civil, have a sense of humor, and will have an intelligent conversation- we go out of our way to accept them and engage in both light hearted ribbing and differing points of views .
    I went out of my way to both say and demonstrate that it was not my intent to come in here, be an azzhat, and get everyone all riled up.
    I just didnt like the way the conversation was headed and thought that we could all be better than that.
    As for my avatar, did you think i was gonna have a big "lets go jets" sign? really? Its all in good fun, and was meant to be taken light hearted.
    Like I said, I really did try and lay down some non-shiznit talking actual honest to goodness football talk, perspectives from non troll buffalo fans, and a bit of unbiased opinion.
    All with the intent to smooth things over, and assumed all parties had a bit of a sense of humor.
    I dont consider that trolling, and the bait will not be taken because i hold out hope that there may be a similar minded Jets fan who would like to have an actual discussion about the game.
    At the very least I didnt come on here acting like a 2 yr old. I see no reason why I should be treated like one.
  18. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    You sure do type like one.
  19. Billsfan1212

    Billsfan1212 Active Member

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Touche? I mean, even Pats and Bills fans have co-existed.. why all the spite and hate?
  20. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Absolutely will not read.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Kerley Shuffle likes this.

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