We will have a decent to great chance of landing Mcfadden... Question is will we bite

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GangGreen04, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Bingo.... that would be my selection. A few other guys to consider

    Calais Campbell (DE Miami)
    Chris Long (DE Virginia)
    Jake Long (OT Michigan)
  2. brettbrettr

    brettbrettr New Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Can Dorsey play end in our D?
  3. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Why do list Leon and Justin as special team'ers??? They are at the least the second running back and 3rd Corner back. I think Miller still has achance to be a starter too.

    But we have to draft Mcfadden. He isn't in a great system, or a weak conference or anything like that. The guy is flat out great, have to take him. Fix the Oline through free agency, Fix Dline through Free agency, Fix the LB core................ you're not getting this kind of talent threw free agency, period.
  4. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    That's exactly the point. He's a 4-3 DT, and we're going to use a top 3 pick on him? Maybe he can play end in the 3-4, maybe he can't. That's not worth the risk with a top 3 pick. He'll be another Robertson in the middle. There's no reason to use a pick on him. If we were in the 4-3, I'd say yea sure, no brainer. Put him next to D-Rob and let them wreak havoc. But with the 3-4, we cannot use him properly.

    McFadden is as good as Peterson. I think we'd be crazy to pass on him.
  5. Mavericknyc1980

    Mavericknyc1980 Active Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    Im torn. But if that is the case you have to take the GAMEBREAKER. WE can sign Andrews or SMiley in the offseason. WE can bring in Pat WIlliams and get Shawn Crable from Mich in rd.
  6. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Coles is over 30 and has had major concussions back to back years. He needs to be replaced this off season. If we can get a pick for Coles we should grab it. Our O has 1 explossive player, Washington and our OC doesn't know how to get him the ball. If we have a chance to take a game breaker on either side of the ball we have to do it. This team needs a man on it.
  7. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Exactly. The Dolphins have to draft a QB.

    Plus the Rams are going to win a couple of games, I think if things stay the same for the jets they will be fighting the Falcons for the 2nd pick. The Rams will win when everybody gets back.
  8. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Some of the mock drafts already have us picking McFadden. Some have us on Chris Long - son of Howie. I would like to see a game breaking talent on our offense lioke a McFadden, but I don't care how we do it; we need much more beef on the Defensive line I also think we need at least one more OG or OT who has some pop.

    McFadden is a multi-dimensional player; he can even QB. Most importaly what are his current vital signs - height and weight?
  9. brettbrettr

    brettbrettr New Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    I heard the same, that he doesn't fit in a 3-4 but is a very special player. I understand that Chris Long would be a great fit, as would the MLB from OSU. I don't know that you need to take either with the #3 pick, but the Pats having the 9ers pick will certainly come into it as well. Hopefully the 9ers can finish strong and get NE out of the top 5. That will likely help our trade down scenarios, should we want to and should someone want to move up. We'll see....
  10. brettbrettr

    brettbrettr New Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    I *highly* doubt our FO is going to bring in Smiley. Given all the $$$ guards have been getting lately, I don't think we'll invest that much on an interior lineman. I don't really think we should either. Obv we need to do *something.*
  11. brettbrettr

    brettbrettr New Member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    The fins took a QB last year. In the second round. Unless he blows out a knee or dies or goes awol they most likely go Oline or Dline with whatever pick they get.
  12. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Yeah lets draft a running back that will cost us $20 million in guaranteed money. Then lets trade Thomas Jones and take a huge cap hit. If the Jets get a top 5 pick they will take the BPA but it also has to fit within the mold of what they are looking to do. They desperately need a front 7 defensive player who can actually beat someone one on one. They need someone that will draw double teams. I would have no problem with Jake Long, I would have no problem with a monster defensive lineman. But at this point we have the worst offensive and defensive lines in football and until we fix those things there is no reason to first round picks on offensive skill players.
  13. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Normally I would agree with you but it really depends on what's in the entire draft. Lineman usually need to physically mature for a few years before they reach their peak NFL physical ability, A great skill guy can make an impact in their rookie or second year. I can't argue with your logic but sometimes rare talent has to be taken. You get a shot at a player like an LT on D or a kid like Peterson on O and it can turn the franchise around.
  14. Laszlo Kovacs

    Laszlo Kovacs Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    Either a) Trade our pick to the Cowboys for a lot. Like their first round picks this year and next year as well, or make them first trade up to two mid-high first round picks before they trade them to us for our pick.

    Or b) Pick McFadden.
  15. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    I see where you're coming from. I don't know the numbers, but would trading Jones really make for that big of a cap hit? He only has a 2 yr contract, so I can't see it being that much. No matter who you pick at that spot, they're going to cost 20 mil in guaranteed money, so that's a moot point. Your point of BPA doesn't make any sense either. If you don't take McFadden, then you're not taking BPA. It's as simple as that. What you're talking about is the exact opposite of BPA, and that's drafting for need. Do we need DL and OL? Yes. The OL is by far not the worst in the league, and they're coming around without a doubt. Can it use a couple of patches? Sure, but nothing worth a top pick. The DL could use a big force in the middle. That's the biggest area of weakness. Dorsey won't fill that void. Frank Okam could, but sing a top 5 pick on him would be ridiculous.

    Look at it this way. Who's the best player available? McFadden. You draft him. Now you have McFadden, Jones, and Leon. You're telling me you wouldn't trade Jones and get some value out of him??
  16. OSUJetFan89

    OSUJetFan89 New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    This team has too many hole to fill and it wont be fixed with one draft, its going to be a process. If Mcfadden was available I would explode if we didnt take him. Thomas jones is good but hes not going to get any younger, we could build a sick offense around Mcfadden, it would also mean Kellen wouldnt have to be an all star, he would just have to be solid since defenses would have to gameplan to caver Mcfadden. although if he is off the board I would like to see the jets take either Dorsey, Jake or Chris Long
  17. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    Would be very unlikely if Cam and Randy take a passer considering we invested a 2nd in John Beck who will be 27 next year. They'd just be admitting their incompetence if we take Woodson or Brohm so they'll have have to swim or sink with Beck.

    I could see McFadden though, especially when you consider Cam has a hardon for offensive playmakers, and depending where Ronnie Brown is with his ACL when we draft, it's not a far fetched pick. Vikes had Chester Taylor and still took ADP.

    McFadden is a no brainer for you guys if he's there. You just can't pass on talent like that. I know every year people talk about the "can't miss" type guy but this year it's for real.

    At this point I don't really care who gets D-Mac so long as it's not the Patriots. If they go 19-0 and draft McFadden I'm going to spend a couple of days trying to find the tallest building to jump out of.
  18. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    That makes a lot of sense. I forgot about John Beck so I take back what I said about their pick. He was a decent QB in college. I was surprised he went that high (but then again I was surprised the Dolphins passed on Quinn for Ginn too). Whether or not Beck is the real deal isn't really the issue. If he is, then they won't draft a QB. And if he's not, I think you're right. They wouldn't admit their incompetency right away. My bet is they feel they have way too much invested in Ronnie Brown already, so I doubt they take McFadden. You could use a top flight WR, but none are worth the top pick. More likely I'd say you guys take Glenn Dorsey. He's a great fit and a great player. And I think you can afford to win a game or two and still get him haha.
  19. gtchad

    gtchad New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    I have watched alot of SEC and ACC games and McFadden has no QB and just ripped off an SEC single game rushing record in an SEC game against one of the best run defenses in the country. Chris long is good and Dorsey is good also but no way near McFadden.
    Also people say to not spend more money on RB. WHAT? the d-line has the most money on the team. we just resigned Ellis two years ago for 15million bonus. Dwayne is getting 10million just in salary alone next year, and we signed scrub Coleman for 20million and he isn't even on the field. Please tell me again why giving the best back coming out in 10 years 20million is a mistake.
  20. gtchad

    gtchad New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    also, if he would have come out last year he would have been a top three pick and maybe even 1st overall. there are no questions about him like there were about peterson and peterson is the best back in the league this year.

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