Wow - I am really surprised about all the Sapp hate. I see nothing really wrong with what he said. Sheldon has a long way to go before he deserves any comparison to any all time great. He had a nice rookie season let's not go overboard here. I loved Sapp as a player, and as an analysts he is a breath of fresh air. He's got a great sense of humor and is very entertaining. The biggest assholes are the Jets who drafted Kyle Fucking Brady when they had the chance to draft him in one of their worst draft classes in history. Sapp is honest and tells it like he sees it, he is not one of these full shit analysts pandering to what people want to hear.
junc, stop being such an egotisical, thin-skinned brat. Just because you have a hard on for Strahan (yeah, he's a d-bag) doesn't mean you get to decide what's relavant within the context of this particular thread, so knock it off with the impotent attempts at attack. Besides, Strahan is talked about elsewhere--let's leave it there (i.e. Sapp vs. Strahan belongs in the "NFL" section). This thread's about Sapp's mouthing off about Richardson and I was only reiterating Browning's observation regarding your motives for putting Strahan "into play" in BACK-to-BACK posts of yours: not because of any "relevancy" but because of your obsessive need to bait someone into an argument, period. Lastly, I see you posted immediately right after my previous post, nystalk. Sadly, it seems I've wounded you....your soul has darkened, you've become bitter, snide and caustic. Too bad, you used to be a good poster. : )
I love guys that constantly follow me around accusing me of stalking. Thanks for your input Joe, I value your opinion:lol:
The hate isn't necessarily about what he said - but why say it? No one is saying Richardson is better than Sapp or anything. He's making up feuds for some reason. That might've been relevant when he was actually playing - but as a retired HOF why the hell is it even necessary?
Warren Sapp, a pot smoker who occasionally made a difference in a game. All hype, no dominance. Look at his Raider years. More of the U trash.
Sacks can be an extremely deceiving statistic. Don't buy into them to much. It's about hurrying the QB. Strahan was elite at getting to the QB. Even going by just sack numbers backs that up. He's 5th all time in career sacks. It doesn't matter the position he played. Reggie White played LDE. Strahan was elite at where he lined up on the field. 1 sack is not what is getting him into the Hall of Fame. He played 1 year as a RDE and he was a rookie. You can't say he wouldn't have been just as dominant at that spot. They switched him in year 2. That's not a big enough sample size to come to that conclusion.
i never really felt strahan was dominant. reggie white was DOMINANT, LT was DOMINANT even sapp was a dominant player from the inside. strahan i just never felt dominated.
Junc, you're the posting eqivalent of cyber flattuce. What I notice is how you've dodged, and dodged, and dodged the points made in the previous posts, you hole.
P.S. Let's re-cut to the chase and put this b.s. to rest: no one's playing your "let's drag Strahan into this "Jet-section" thread" and your overblown, obsessive, self-absorbed ego can't handle it. You're like an infant banging his spoon on his high chair demanding that people play "your game" and argue about Michael Strahan's HOF induction....that's all this is about so why must you project and deflect with the "ncjunc-canned" swipes? Just own up to the fact that you attempted to hi-jack this thread by turning "Sapp vs. Richardson" into "Strahan = undeserving of Canton: who wants to argue MY contention?" I'm out, you've wrecked another perfectly good thread junc. And to think you were a good poster; one I looked up to. What happened junc? Why the rancor, why the bitterness? Were you served 'papers' or something? : )
I 100% agree but they judge pass rushers based on sacks, there aren't hurry #s to look at. 5th all time in sacks b/c: -the sack became an official stat in 1982, his career began in 1992. -he played 15 years and was pretty healthy reggie White played LDE but completely dominated, Strahan did not. he accumulated nice #s but was very rarely dominant. do you ever comment on anything else besides me? joe is my new #1 fan so he makes it about me.
I know profootballreference only has him as a RDE for 1 year but: this is saying 1996 which would be his 3rd season which goes along w/ what Sapp was saying. the rest of this article is a fluff piece from a Giants point of view.
He's just a big personality. A charles Barkely if you will. And he changed the DT position in the NFL..make no mistake about that. He took the 3-technique to a whole new level.
Exatly... He can't shut about anything. His comments here are laughable, the shit he talked about stahan when he nominated for the hall of fame just showed he's a dick. He can't let go of who he once was.
You can't penalize him for being healthy throughout the majority of his career and being productive because of it. Favre was revered for staying on the field, Eli is as well. Sacks not being an official stat until 1982 is a good point. But none of us can really do anything about that. It's hard to say Strahan wasn't a dominant player as well. 5th all time in sacks and a 4 time first team all pro. He was pretty consistent from the start of his career to the end. Hurries are calculated now on some websites. But the earliest I can find them recorded is 2008.
Favre is an overrated guy(but deserving HOfer), Eli is nowhere near HOF. I look at Strahan kind of the way I did Art Monk. Good player, played forever and compiled some great cumulative #s but wasn't great long enough.
Not arguing Eli being a HOF. I agree with you there. I was just talking about how people make a big deal of his consecutive game streak. It's an interesting argument. There aren't as many numbers to go by back then as there are now. Just like you were talking about with sacks not being counted until 1982. That's probably keeping some guys out of the hall as well. They might be close and if they had a great sack total over the course of their career it might push them in. Who knows.