Hmm, interesting, i can't say i ever thought about it that way. Not that i'm convinced though, loud noise will make play calling difficult regardless, and i imagine the defense will be more motivated when not playing for a dead crowd
I, TurkJetFan, vow to be as loud as my throat, vocal cords, and other body parts allow directly before and during Jets defensive plays and special teams plays, as well our beloved J-E-T-S chant. I, moreover, hereby swear to make an obnoxious amount of noise after Jets scores and big offensive plays. I also promise to be silent directly before and during Jets offensive plays. I swear to stand before and during Bengals 3rd and 4th down plays, while also making the aforementioned abundance of noise, which includes, but not limited to, repeatedly and intensely banging on the ***seatback in front of me. Upon the game's finale, I vow to leave the stadium completely depleted of the resources necessary to make noise. Signed: TurkJetFan Dated: January 2, 2010 *** I can't bang on the seat in front of me because there is no seat in front of me
thats not going to do anything preemptively but unnecessarily numb your throat.. lol i was thinking of bringing it to the game though since the throat is bound to go by halftime
Let's make this a day to remember. No matter the outcome of the game, this is going to be a notable game in Jets history. Be proud and be loud. You know that little voice in the back of your head that tells you not to do things? That's inhibition. Don't listen to it. Let's make the wrecking crew's job a lot easier. Let's bring this house down.
I'm leaving in about a half hour. I'll be imbibing at 12B, and I'll be screaming off my fucking head off in sec. 114. Bringing my boy that I know will be just as loud as I can get. Bringing a bag of various fleeces and thermals and putting them on as the day goes into night. Wearing the Chrebet jersey just to get the GOOD Meadowlands vibe going. Let's bring it home, baby!!!
couldn't sleep much last night. too fucking AMPED for this game. heading out in a few hours. lets BRING this fucking HOUSE DOWN. I want that place so loud the goddamn Brooklyn Bridge will shake.
I honestcl vow to watch the game here on the East Coast.....of England in silence while my wife and child sleep directly above my living room. I will dance wildly (in silence) and raise my arms like an umpire for each Jets TD. I will drop to my knees and thank the Lord for Revis after each of his three INTs and will mouth (in silence) J E T S at every suitable moment. At 5.30am I will go to bed happily as the Jets make the play offs and be woken at 7am by my daughter asking if the Jets won while I sleepily wonder why UK and EST time zones have to be 5 hours apart! Give them a shout for me guys!! :jets: