Just your name says you scream for attention!!! HEY LOOK AT ME, I"M THE FLAG GUY WHO STANDS UP ON OFFENSE AND TELLS EVERYONE TO CHEER !!!! I'M IN SEC331 AND I WILL SIGN AUTOGRAPHS ON YOUR CHILDRENS FACES ... ..then when all that Bullshit dies down in the off season you come on here and scream Vilma sux... ....Newsflash: You're insignificant to the rest of the world! Code: April fools!
Your worse than a blind man. Undersized? Vilma 6'0 and 3/4 so you can say he is 6'1 and weighs 233. Zach thomas, 5'11 weighs 235, and you say undersized. Vilma is bigger. And a much better player than zach thomas.
He should be BANNED for expressing an opinion on a message board that you disagree with???? Seems a bit harsh. If he feels this way..its his opinion. Debate it with him. If he actually was making an April fools joke..perhaps you should be banned for being so gullible.
hey asshole, you just mentioned zach thomas. thomas is proof that an undersized linebacker can make an impact.
Ray Lewis weighed 5-10 more pounds than Vilma when each came out of college respectively. Over time, Lewis has put on the wieght and turned out to be one of the best LB's ever. I'm not predicting this will be Vilma's outcome. but to say he's undersized isn't very accurate. Ideally, you want him about 10lbs heavier, which I think he'll add within the next year or two. how can the Defensive Rookie of the Year, followed by a Pro-Bowl year on a 4-win team be considered overrated? Ah yes, "he didn't have a lot of tackles-for-a-loss." Since when is that the critereon for determining how good a player is? For being only 2 years in the NFL - one of which the DT/NT was ineffective - I'd say Vilma is pretty darn good, definitely not overrated. cheers
Something to think about ... J-Vil has proven to be an impact player. It actually 100% cannot be debated. Beyond his physical abilities and head for the game, he is a tenacious player. I do believe that he was hindered by a weak supporting cast in the middle of the D Line last year as well as less than stellar LB's on the outside. Now, imagine the Jets coming up with a consistent, not even impact nose guard in the 3-4 and the addition of say one AJ MuthaFu*E&n Hawk at his side. The rest of the division would have to go on Ebay to get an old Run-N-Shoot play book. I'll see if I can google Mouse Davis' e-mail for them. Running on the Jets would not be an option.
i don't know if i'm sold on taking Hawk at 4 yet... but you make a good point. plug in some beefy D-lineman and add a LB who'll demand attention like Hawk will and that frees up Vilma. With Abe gone, opposing Offenses will target Vilma in their gameplan and try to render him ineffective. Someone like Hawk, with players that fit the scheme, will make Vilma that much more of a beast. cheers
You think Vilma is undersized but he was an alternate for Zach "The Monster" Thomas. Thomas 5-11, 228 lbs Vilma 6-1, 230 lbs It looks like all of the league's best linebackers must be undersized!
what a douche..........Jets fans love to hate their own players and Vilma is the ONLY player everyone endorses. if u cant see his talent your blind or dont know football. oh well posts like these should be expected by now lol :shit: