Very proud of this team right now!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BillyGreen, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    That is the biggest line of crap I have ever heard. I suppose you think pro footbal exists in a vacuum? Like the lessons of life don't apply in this business? The fact is you're trying like hell to be negative when you should be feeling pretty good about this team right now. What good does this pointless whining do you? This group of players didn't give up before the game even started, like most everybody thought they should, instead they went up there and turning that game into an nailbiter.

    I think you're being unnecessarily negative right now. You need to step back and think about what the Jets gained from this, not what they lost from it.
  2. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    It's a loss.
  3. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    If you can wring out your crying towel for a second maybe you can see that we were 10 TO 12 POINT UNDERDOGS. How do you figure we were the better team on the field? If you think so you're the only one on planet Earth. The Jets are missing some very key players, I mean VERY KEY PLAYERS, and still gave them everything they could handle up there.

    But I know better than to argue with the negative whiners in the crowd, they never see anything good in anything, win or loss they find fault. This team played great up there yesterday, I expected a blowout loss, and I'm quite proud of the way they manned up and made a very interesting game of it.
  4. BillyGreen

    BillyGreen Banned

    Aug 16, 2012
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    Yes but we were expecting that weren't we? Or maybe you were the only fan in the crowd who actually thought the Jets would go up to Gillette and hand the Pats their asses on their own field?
  5. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    We could have won that game... The Pat's are not the team they have been, they are starting to come down to earth, and this was our opportunity to turn 'our team' around.

    Our defense played good, good enough to keep us in the game, our offense sputtered enough to keep it close. But driving down the field and settling for field goals will not beat most teams.

    I do not subscribe to 'moral victories' and this was definitely not that anyway. It just showed our weaknesses... and as good as Sanchez played, in spots, when we needed him at the end he couldn't come through.

    I'm so tired of this...

    SKIBA-JONES New Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Losers always except defeat Winners never do. A loss is a loss. Win the game than you can be proud.
  7. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Great be proud all you want a loss is a loss , and we should be ashamed it's year 4 under Rex Ryan and we still can't beat the Patriots when it matters divison wise
  8. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    if i fail, and fail, and fail at my job you know what happens? i get fired. when my projects miss a deadline or go overbudget and we lose money my boss doesnt come in with a fruit basket and say "you know what, good effort, and at least you learned something". no, he would chew my ass out. and if im lucky id get away with just a warning. do it again and im on the unemployment line

    we gained nothing and lost a ton. we lost the game. we lost a tiebreaker, we lost a conference/division game. we are now in last place in our division.

    what did we gain? what did we learn? that we cant close out games? that our coaching staff is sackless and inept?

    didnt we "learn" those things in the "good effort" vs the texans? cause whatever we learned in that texans game sure didnt help us now.

    there are 3 things that matter on the field. Coaching, Execution, and Winning. thats it. and we sucked at all 3 of those aspects
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    this isnt some non-competitive sunday school game where everyone wins and we all get a special trophy at the end.

    by your logic we could finish the year 3-13 but as long as we come out and try our best and learn something from those loses then the year is an enormous success.

    i really hope the coaching staff doesnt have the same attitude you do. because if thats the message they send it will only lead to complacency and more losses where we dont finish games.
  10. The_W

    The_W Banned

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Vegas doesn't decide the winners of the games. That's why they play the game

    It's pretty apparent you didn't watch the game, or then you did, but couldn't comprehend what you saw. The defense allowed only 20 pts to the best offense in the league.
    Our offense scored 26. Obviously the Jets O was better.
    Sanchez outplayed Brady.
    The Pats D was giving up big plays left and right the whole game.
    If the Jets weren't as good or even better than the Patriots, then how do you explain that the game was tied after 4 quarters? I thought the Jets were supposed to be down atleast 10 points?

    I'm far from a negative whiner, at least compared to the majority on this board, but that doesn't mean that I would have to be satisfied with everything and anything about the Jets.

    The team played well yesterday, definitely better than their opponent, but what good does it do when there is only a L to show for it? And FTR, I could care less if it was a good, interesting and exciting game. When the Jets play, I only care about the result and only one result makes me happy. Good and interesting games matter to me only when two neutral teams play against one another. For all I care, every Jet game could be a boring 3-n-out -fest played in a monsoon with a 2-0 result, as long as the Jets are the winning counterpart.
  11. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I look at it this way - i think 95% of people had the Jets losing this game - and many people had them losing big. Well they hung in against the Texans and they had a great opportunity to slip through their fingers yesterday. Now 4-4 after 8 is right there and they is the most important thing. You get to 8-8 that makes them 3-1 in the AFC East, 4-3 in the AFC, and lines them up for a race to 9-7 - since 9-7 will be a wild card in the AFC.

    Miami becomes the must win is the season in week 8.
  12. Todd2Walker

    Todd2Walker New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Sanchez running off the field at the end of the game with a smile on his face, as if he was ok with this outcome, is everything that is wrong with #6.
  13. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Could care less about that...How many guys after a loss go play grab ass with their buddies on other teams.

    Cam Newton is all down yesterday and gets ripped for being negative...Sanchez seems positive that Keller and Kerley had big game, that he stayed upbeat with Hill after his drop, that the running game was clicking - gets ripped for being too positive. The Jets were left for dead after Holmes and Revis went down -- yet they are playing pretty good ball and if fans want to complain you need to look at the sideline to the guys calling the plays.

    Once again -- Sanchez will not win no matter what he does.
  14. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    What a freaking crock. Proud? Fuck that, I am embarrassed that I care so much about this bullshit that I couldn't even sleep.

    Same old bullshit Jets,
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    A decent team beats the Pats yesterday. They Jets played like crap. We let an ordinary Pats team beat us. And the coaches coached not to lose. I would of rather got blown out. And now in typical Jet fashion, here comes a loss to the Dolphins to end our season at the halfway mark. SOJ!!!!
  16. cromartiecove31

    cromartiecove31 New Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Your all so god damn negative, it's one fucking game, and they put themselves in a position to win, some shitty luck is why we lost (terrible pass interferance call, Hill's drop) just be fucking a little proud to be a fan, I love this team, and I was really upset they lost, but hey the season goes on, we'll get them back, just go out and beat the Dolphins
  17. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    i agree, leave it on the field, turn the page to next week
  18. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    im not buying the "luck" thing when they gifted us 3 points on a fumbled kick return 30 seconds after that hill drop.

    we got a few bounces of our own
  19. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    We played better than I thought we would...but lost just the same.

    There were some positives, our young guys looked pretty good for most of the game.
  20. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    the fans saying 'a loss is a loss' are the same fans who said 'we beat Miami, we're clearly the better team'.

    Score boards don't always tell the truth.

    The better team doesn't always win. We play this game 10 times, we win 7 of them.

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