Very Interesting Take on Tebow from Denver Fan Forum

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Big Blocker, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    So I guess that Elway's 4 TD's to 14 Ints was just fine for a rookie 'silver spoon in the mouth' QB starter huh? :rofl2:

    I DON'T put up Stats or Stat Comparisons to PROVE what Tim WILL do in the Future.

    I put up past stats to SHOW what Tim and others have ALREADY DONE as it's been recorded.

    I'm doing it to REFUTE the BS claims that Tim can NEVER BECOME A QUALITY NFL QB.
    (cause in my own 'freakin' opinion, he's done pretty well so far with what he's had available to him)

    So what does T-2's prior teammate and 1st Rnd draft pick Von Miller think about Tebow as a QB?
    From the Broncos' star pass-rusher and the NFL's Defensive Rookie of the Year;
    "I think everybody's mistaken if you think he's just going to go over there and be a Wildcat QB or a situational QB,"
    "The Tebow that I know is going ... to be able to compete for that starting job."
    "It was pretty crazy because I felt like we already had our QB with Tim,"
    Miller told last week.
    "It was surreal. We went from having our QB to not having our QB to having our QB. I'm happy that we got Peyton
    but unhappy that we got rid of Tim."


    >>> AS TO - Reading defenses? Throwing Accuracy? Arm Strength?
    Troy Aikman threw 18 Interceptions as a rookie.
    Peyton Manning followed that with a new rookie QB record by throwing 28 Ints.
    Ben Roethlisberger was voted NFL Rookie of the Year when he threw 17 TD, to 11 Ints.
    [U]* Tim Tebow has thrown 17 TD's to a total of just 9 Ints on an otherwise 4-14 team with both of his veteran WR's traded away.[/U]

    Roethlisberger is annually among the most sacked QB's in the league, and part of it is due to holding the ball too long.
    (some claim that this is also a T2 fault, but Tim keeps his Ints down by doing so) Tebow has been sacked a total of just 39 times.
    Big Ben, over his 8 year NFL career, has averaged 39.25 sacks per season with 40 in 2011 and a high of 50 sacks in 2009.

    Some Additional Player Stat Comparisons, make whatever you will from them:

    Mark Sanches rookie season 12 TD's to 20 Ints with a 63.0 PER
    Tim Tebow 16 (2 split-season) starts 17 TD's to 9 Ints, 75.1 PER

    Mark's Career PER is 73.2
    Tim's Career PER is 75.1

    Mark 2011 - 39 sacks
    Tebow 2010/11 - 39 sacks

    Mark had 8 lost possession fumbles in 2011
    Tim has 6 lost possession fumbles in 2010/11 combined, even with many more runs (887 yds + 12 TD's).

    But Mark is a great passer and an NFL Quality QB, while Tim is totally hopeless....
    And of course the Comp % (while ignoring the receiver drops) is the Holy Grail of QB stats.

    According to Jets guard/team spokesman Matt Slauson, the Jets will essentially create a separate offense for Tebow.

    How good of a football player is Tim really? The Jets reportedly plan to use Tebow as a regular QB, Wildcat QB, fullback,
    H-back, tailback, and "personal punt protector," so that's how talented he is.

    "You guys will be really surprised by what Mark's going to do this year," Slauson said. "The way we're going to be running
    things plays right into Mark's strengths, running the ball. (Broncos #1 Rushing offense in 2011) It'll be very similar to what we
    did in Rex's first two years, very much a style like that -- heavy run, heavy play action and whipping out a deep ball
    (2011 MS 11.3 yds/comp, TT 13.7 yds/comp) every now and again. That's all the stuff Mark does really well."

    That sounds to me 'exactly' like what Tim's strengths are too, so who really believes that they will be running 'two different offenses'
    with Mark and Tim? Maybe two slightly different play sets, but with both being within the same offense and game plan.

    To review: Sanchez hands the ball off really well. Perhaps he'll hand it off to Tebow more than is expected. :)
  2. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Hmmm, so let me see if I have this straight. In your previous post, you made this demand:

    I pulled up stats trying to show the "worst QBs in the league as starters, now apparently, you don't like that and instead, want to quantify the stats ?

    I'm betting that the reason for this is that you had no idea that some good QBs would actually be on that list.

    Let's go over some of them:

    1 Drew Bledsoe
    2 Kerry Collins
    5 Jim Everett
    6 Bernie Kosar
    7 Donovan McNabb
    9 John Elway*
    10 Eli Manning
    14 Vinny Testaverde
    18 Boomer Esiason
    25 Michael Vick

    Hmmmm, I'm seeing the names of some pretty decent NFL QBs on that list. Amazing, huh ??

    Now, you want to try and quantify stats in the case of John Elway ? Fine. Then let's look at Eli Manning. Do believe that he's won 2 SBs now, hasn't he ?? 48.20% over those 7 starts his first year.
  3. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Who needs stats when you can talk about his magic powers.

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