population does not matter. I explained that. If you have 100 people in town square,and cops only deal with ten of them,you divide the ratio out of the ten they dealed...the other 90 are irrelevant
And based in the US population about 8- of those arrested would be white and 1-2 black, if race doesn't play a part in who gets arrested. So why is it 6-7 and 3-4? It's statistically improbable that the ratio of minorities to white people is what it is if police were colorblind and people aren't prone to committing crimes because of the color of their skin. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
How do you explain that in 2014, for instance, 8,230 people were arrested for murder or manslaughter, 4,224 (51.3%) of them were black? Blacks are just more likely to commit violent crimes, as simple as that. Hence, the cops look at them with suspicion more often.
I was ordering them left and right Wednesday, shoulda brought her to me lol. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Or is that blacks are more likely to be arrested for crime and given harsher penalties? The evidence back this up. Saying that blacks are more likely to commit crimes is the type of faulty logic that leads to these issues. Simply stating that undermines any argument that discrimination doesnt occur Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Im saying that, they're more likely to be arrested and prosecuted. There are tons of studys out that back this up. White in similar circumstances are less likely to be arrested and prosecuted. Doesn't matter if you like it or not, its been show thru statistics. No study had ever show that whites are less likely to offend. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
Ok, let's leave stats aside and just focus on the fact that more than double the amount of whites are killed per year. When is the last time a city erupted, the media harped on it for days etc? Surely one, just one, had to be "unjustified " in the same manner as all the ones we see? Or are we to assume that they were all within reason because they get no attention and not one grieving mother or community is in full outrage to the point it gets blasted across social medi in 3 seconds and the news swallows it up. They had to be at least one by odds right?
The biggest issue this country has is a class problem, And unfortunately because of history and its after effects,blacks in a lot of areas are still reeling from it. Crime is going to happen at a higher rate the more impoverished the community is. And unfortunately the false promises from politicians on the left that run most of these areas,keep it this way by making government mandated low incomes seem like the only option instead of teaching people how to obtain dreams and success. I still think its a form of slavery. I have no argument that black people get fucking screwed in this country. I think there has been a lot of evening in the playing field,but if I'm a young man and I haven't seen many people in my community rise to the top,im not going to see it as a reality no matter what schools offer me. I will just argue to my last breath that its the fault of a human police force. Politics create the streets,the streets create the people and the reaction from the cops. If politics are what is keeping bullets flying in Chicago,then I fid it hard to blame any cops that are forced to try and police it. Not saying there aren't any that do wrong or make mistakes. But its a damn shame that people angry in the streets these days will probably vote for Hillary or even worse,would have voted for sanders. These idiots and their love for keeping minorities attached to welfare is what keeps this shit rolling .
Statistics clearly show that blacks are more likely to commit violent crimes: 2014 - 8,230 arrested for murder, 4,224 (51.3%) of them were black. 2013 - 8,383 arrested for murder, 4,379 (52.2%) of them were black 2012 - 8,506 arrested for murder, 4,203 (49.4%) of them were black 2011 - 8,341 arrested for murder, 4,149 (49.7%) of them were black 2016 Chicago: 545 homicides so far 415 (76.2%) are black, while they represent 32% of Chicago population 104 known assailants (427 unknown) 73 (70.2%) of them are black 6 - cops Sorry, but living in denial won't help solve the problem...
So it appears youre going to ignore the numerous federal government reports that contradict your position? Youre the only one living in denial and im amazed at how you're trying your hardest to ignore those reports. If you can google search those results, you can search that federal reports. Ignore that fact that us sentencing commission already supports what i said. Ignore the fact that minorities are often charged with crimes that carry mandatory sentences than their white counterparts in similar circumstances. Youre racist views arent really supported by the statistics do better than pull some numbers out of context and drop them on a topic that is more complicated than that. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
police say about 70% of arrests during the charlotte riots are people with out if state ids. Ill say it to the end,this is all orchestrated and both the people and police are being used. This whole thing since mike brown isn't some grass roots movement. If the complaint is that this country is run on white supremecy,then the 1st question you should ask is why are you being incited by white owned media and being funded in full by a fucking nazi
The problem is the denial that there is a denial that theres in issue. You cant legislate someones personal feelings however. As long as theres this divide, theres no way people can focus on the issues that politicians fail to adress. The gender wage gap is another example of this. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
And here we go... typical response All that I posted was FBI statistics - hard, cold numbers and nothing else. I guess FBI statistics is also racist....
Because those some fbi numbers were used in the reports by the justice department and American civil liberties union. So yeah youre really just taking them out of context to support a racist view and part of the problem is people like you can't acknowledge that fact that your view is racist. You say is not, but why not dig deeper in the numbers? Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
I don't think many are denying theres a problem, I think people don't know who is creating the problem. we are so dumbed down by politicians that we will fight each other ,and leave them snug behind their iron gates. and that is in their interest. United we would stand,but divided they will make us fall. Until they have everything federally controlled by making police and people look incapable of solving their own issues
so wait... referencing official stats is racist? that's same as "white silence is white consent" its bullshit .
No, statistics show blacks are more targeted by police and the courts are less likely giving them the benefit of the doubt. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
I think its a hell of a lot more than politicians just failing to address things. How can things for black people get progressively worse over the last 8 years,meanwhile a golden road has been paved for illegal immigrants to come here and work? Where I was on Long Island,illegals were coming in in massive numbers,and a lot of them are actually buying some of the businesses they started working for. They own everything from delis,to landscaping now...and their kids went to school with mine when they first came here. How is it that regression is pushed for one people,and progression for another?
Well thats just not an issues for blacks here. Whites too are feeling it. Were so worried about appeasing the world abroad we stopped making our country better. Thats how things have been deteriorating. We need to settle things here before we worry about solving the world. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk