Trust Tangini on Turner Decision (video)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rickjet, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Dude, shut up. Our OWN papers got this thing rolling, claiming their sources told them the Jets are willing to offer SD a 1st or 2nd round pick for Turner. And what do you know? We have two 2nd round picks, a 1st round pick. We are looking for a big, young RB with speed. The Chargers happen to have a RB like that on their team they would like to trade out of their division. You don't know shit. Stop acting like you just talked to Tannenbaum and he told you we're not interested in Turner. :rolleyes:
  2. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree and I will laugh when so many detractors jump on his bandwagin!
  3. Crimson Cane

    Crimson Cane New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    Dielman looked great in those videos; whether the Jets go after Turner or not, I hope they sign him!
  4. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Like I've said in other threads, I wouldn't mind having Turner on this Jets team. I just don't feel the need to give up a 1st Rounder for him, when we could draft a player that could perhaps help open up the running game, or a defensive player that is needed. I wouldn't hesitate to give up a 2nd Rounder for him, though.

    I noticed that most of the clips weren't from this season, which may change the mind of some people, seeing as he didn't get much time this season. I

    I liked Cedric Houston coming into this season, hoping he would get the nod over Blaylock or Barlow. All seemed to be going fine but then you know it, Cedric went down with an injury for a few weeks. This is where Leon came in. Leon was great this season, and I want him getting a lot of playing time next season. If the Jets do get Turner, I say have the combo be Turner and Leon, and maybe trade away Cedric Houston. Perhaps a 2nd Rounder w/Houston to San Diego for Turner? Is that even possible?
  5. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    A decent runningback can be found anywhere in the draft. Turner was a 5th round pick, Terrell Davis went in the 6th round, Curtis Martin in the 3rd round. There's really no good argument for spending a first round pick on a runningback unless you know for sure that you're getting the whole package. That means a grade A prospect out of college or a young veteran who has proven out.

    The people who are arguing for Turner with a first are mostly Madden GM's in my opinion. It's easy to trade for a bunch of numbers, plug them in to your team and have ridiculously good results. You want a runningback to rush for 3,000 yards for the Jets? Just grab Turner and setup a few plays that mess-up the defensive AI and run those plays 50 times a game. You'll get your 3,000 yards pretty easily that way. In real life odds are that Turner can't get to 1,000 behind the current Jet's offensive line and there's no way to fiddle with the AI in real life.

    If Turner floated free for a 2nd or a 3rd he might be a good gamble for the Jets but that's all he'd be: a gamble.
  7. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I agree with you, br4dw5ux (that's a pain in the arse to type! lol) , but I think Smith will put a high tender on Turner, and will stick to it. All that nonsense last year with Donnie Edwards... he wanted to trade the guy, wouldn't give him an extension, but his trade demands for him were ludicrous. He wouldn't back off though, so now he loses Edwards and gets nothing in return. He's stubborn as a mule, and won't back down.

    He screwed up with Rivers and Brees the same way... then lost Brees and got nothing. This guy will cut off his nose to spite his face. I think Turner will be a Charger for another year, and then be a UFA in 2008. I don't see any team offering a one and a three for an RB that will be very expensive to sign and is yet to proove he can be a feature back.

    I like Turner, and would love to see him in Jets green, but he's just too expensive. I've also heard from Charger fans that he dances too much in the backfield, when he's a power back, not a scat back.

    Portis was a third rounder too, was he not? I do trust this staff to make the right choice. I think the right choice is to use the picks we have, and get an FA or two. But, that surely doesn't mean 1. I'm right, or 2. that's what this FO will do.

    Smith is a very unreasonable guy in these situtions, and he'll shoot himself in the foot again.
  8. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Right. Makes a lot of sense. Draft a player = no risk. Trade for a young NFL player = gamble. You're a genius.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Do you understand the difference between drafting a first round runningback prospect with a first round pick and spending that same pick on a guy who was taken in the 5th round (on merit) and still has not proven that he's a starting caliber NFL back?

    There's a huge difference.
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I agree on the likelihood that Turner will be a Charger in 2007. And it makes sense for them. They'll still have the option to franchise Turner the following year if Tomlinson goes down or to get a pretty decent pick in compensation for him if he goes somewhere else and burns the league up.

    He's cap cheap right now, as all 5th round picks are at the end of their first contract, and he has all the incentive in the world to go out and give 100% on every down next year because it's his walk year.

    I'm guessing that A.J. Smith is just trying to see if he can pull off a robbery this year and improve the Chargers in the process. Realistically anything above a 3rd round pick is probably in the Charger's favor and a 1st round pick would be highway robbery.

    I think Smith is a very smart guy. The way he has operated in the last few seasons reminds me a lot of how Red Auerbach used to run the Celtics. When Auerbach opened his mouth every other GM in the room was at serious risk of making a terrible mistake.
  11. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Oh, you're right. It's even a bigger gamble to waste a late 1st round pick on a RB who hasn't played a down in the NFL. Plus they're more expensive. Health issues? Character etc. Yeah. it would be smarter to waste a 1st round pick on a college RB instead of a guy like Turner. And i don't care what round Turner got drafted. Just because he was a 5th round pick doesn't mean you can get a guy like him in the 5th again. Shannon Sharpe was an undrafted rookie free agent. Do you think teams stopped drafting TEs because of that? :rolleyes:
    Everytime you draft a college player you gamble! There is no future HOF rookie out there. The 1st overall pick could become Johnny Unitas or Ryan Leaf. The last pick of the draft could become a nobody or Shannon Sharpe. There is NO guarantee if you draft a college player. Now the "haters" still think it would be a gamble to trade for Turner. Sure. He's still unproven, i know. :rolleyes:
    And ONCE again. If you want me to decide between Tony Hunt/Michael Bush (late 1st round/early 2nd) and Michael Turner (will cost us the same, maybe less) i'd sure as hell rather have Turner on my team.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Turner will be more expensive than a runningback taken on the 25 pick. This is not his first contract and he did not get much money on that one, so he's not going to be a cheap sign.

    Think Lamont Jordan in terms of the amount of money Turner will cost to sign and about half that (or a bit less) for a 25th pick runningback.
  13. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree with you. I hqave seen guys say the craziest things about TURNER. He's unproven; a garbage time runner; Schotty does not like him because if he did, he would say something positive! I get a great laugh at some of the statements but a college kid at 25 over a guy with NFL experience; his great measurables; his chance to be special yet he is considered UNPROVEN! LOL go figure. I really want DEFENSE in rd 1 as I think that it is our greatest need but if they went for TURNER, I would support it!
  14. AlToon4prez

    AlToon4prez Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Im with you guys. Turner would easily be worth the 25th pick. Hopefully the Jets can get him for less.
  15. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    No, I won't shut up. There is no basis for these rumours, except the wishes of the NY media and obviously fans, and the hype of the Chargers front office. Obviously it is working quite well.
  16. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Exagerating other's opinions to make your opinion seem to be more valid isn't an effective argument. 44% of Turner's carries last year were in the 4th quarter of games where the outcome was already pretty much decided. He also had his YPC at 7.0 in the 4th quarter as well. he has yet to have over 100 carries in a season, so his abilty to be a feature back IS indeed unproven. I happen to think he CAN be a 25 touch RB, but that is something that remains to be seen.... it's still purely opinion.

    I am also one who would not be screaming if the Jets gave up a 25 for him, but remain convinced that would be overpaying. He HAS proven that as a backup to Tomlinson behind a very good SD offensive line, he IS special. Anything beyond that is pure opinion. That is WHY he remains an UNPROVEN feature back, like it or not.

    This whole discussion is getting very old. I think it's also going to be moot.... he'll be a Charger in 2007.
  17. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    This kid is impressive. He's a BEAST running to HIS left. But I like the most is unlike Barlow, he doesn't do a lot of stutter stepping and dancing around in the pocket before hitting the hole. He hits the hole 'HARD' keeps his legs driving and is a good tackle breaker. But I'm 'STILL' not sure I want to give up a 1st round pick for him. He IS definitely better than what he have right now. I think him and Washington would be an excellent 1 - 2 combo.
  18. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    So? That makes his production even more impressive. He gained lots of yds even though defenses stacked the box to stop the run.

    His 1st half average per carry is 6.2. His second half average per carry is 6.4.

    He holds every school record at NIU. He IS reliable.
  19. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    You keep spewing the same old stuff. He only had 26 carries in the first half of games this year. That is hardly a data base that proves he's a feature back. His production by quarter is VERY similar to what Jordan did with the jets. They both put up their best numbers late in games when the outcome was decided against tired defenses in the 4th quarter. Like I said, this discussion is old, and it's turned into a rehash of things that have been said about a hundred times already.
  20. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    He was drafted in the 5th round by merit?

    His scouting report when he came out rated him as at least a 3rd round talent, and a possible future feature back.

    Not to mention the terrible logic that a first round pick is a lock to be better than a guy who has shown obviously huge talent at the NFL level simply because he was a 5th rounder.

    As for the guy who said Turner usually runs inside when LT runs outside...the majority of those runs in the video were counters to the left.

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