True crime thread

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by typeOnegative13NY, Nov 23, 2022.

  1. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Yeah, I just read that one for the first time too. Crazy.

    I guess I’m just wondering - if you’ve got a guy dead to rights for shooting and beheading his own father, do we really need to spend an extra two weeks of court time convicting him of terrorism also?
  2. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Apparently no one can understand his genius. o_O
    abyzmul likes this.
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think they missed the jaywalking charge. You ain't kidding when you talk about stacking charges.
  4. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I started following a podcast all about the Karen Read case. Spent this evening catching up so I can hang with all the cool kids. Hate to admit I've been sucked in. At least enough that I now need to know how they explain some of the crazy shit and how this got inflated to murder. Just a few days in. Small sample size, but it does seem like a really slick defense team is turning prosecution witnesses into pudding. That's always fun. The crazy shit is probably still weeks away. I'm not saying she's innocent, but it seems like a huge leap to prove murder. Manslaughter, maybe.

    The few odd details I now need to hear more about at trial:
    • Read supposedly left her boyfriend at an after-party at friend's house around 2am. He got out, she made a 3-point turn, backed over him at 24mph, then drove home and left him to die. She went back around 5am when he still hadn't come home. The friend hosting the after-party says he never came inside the house. Except, the guy's Apple Watch data shows him walking something like 80 steps and up three flights of stairs after the time Read supposedly rammed him.
    • The friend's phone shows she Googled "how long to die in cold" twice, at 2am and 6am. Nobody knew he was in the snow dying at 2am. The DA says the 2am timestamp was some sort of data glitch. Both sides are going to throw a shitload of experts at that one. The DA also says the chick was asked by Read to Google about freezing to death when the two of them were sitting in a police cruiser at 6am. The podcaster says one of the cops or firefighter witnesses has already testified that the two women were never together in the back of a police cruiser.
    • A broken taillight is probably going to eat up a few days of trial. Police say Read broke her right taillight when she ran the guy doing 24mph. The speed sounds a bit funky. The taillight is way screwier. They found tiny pieces of taillight on the boyfriend's clothes and his DNA on her car, but most of the broken taillight was never found at the scene, until the police chief was driving down the street three days later and spotted one piece of broken taillight out of the corner of his eye. There's also 45 minutes of missing police garage video at the time they were bringing in Read's car. Two other nearby surveillance cameras also happened to be out. Add to that, you can see Ring video online from Karen Read's house showing her backing that taillight into her boyfriend’s car as she's leaving her driveway. Something is off. If she broke the taillight at the scene, broken pieces should be there. If she broke it in her driveway, there shouldn't be pieces on her boyfriend.
    Seems like this has Netflix written all over it.
  5. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    This looks like one I’ll check out. Haven’t followed anything since the Idaho case, as that one exhausted me. Time for another rabbit hole
  6. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    The mica miller story is a curious one , from here in the Myrtle beach area.

    They say she took her own life at a park in North Carolina with a gun she was seen purchasing that day.
    The local medias have many people that are friends /know her that say no way.
    Her estranged husband is a preacher that allegedly groomed her and was abusive. She had said she feared for her life, and that “if she ends up dead, he did it”. He claims she was mentally ill..
  7. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Don't known if you've seen this - looks pretty conclusive...

    ‘A tragic decision was made’: Officials release new details surrounding Mica Miller’s death (
  8. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Yeah, definitely looks like she killed herself.
    The video surveillance showed her buying a gun alone. If she was being forced like the rumors were saying, she could have got help at that counter.
    Looks like the husband wasn’t the best of people, but he had moved on and she was having a problem with it.
  9. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Chad Daybell gets the death penalty for killing his first wife, Tammy, and for the murder of his second wife's two children. What a hump.

    This jackass thinks he's a religious martyr when he murdered three people for financial gain.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.
  10. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Idaho puttin themselves on the map
  11. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Could be firing squad, which is kind of awesome if this moron ever actually has it go down. Why? Because his idiocy is an offshoot of LDS, so may as well go out like that shyster and scam artist Joseph Smith, lol.
  12. JackBower

    JackBower Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    This is also true crime

    jetophile and Acad23 like this.
  13. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I can't believe this hasn't been talked about: Harold Shipman. The UK has some wild ones. Shipman was a Dr. who killed at least 250 patients, but was only charged and convicted of 15. He would do home visits and overdose patients with morphine injections and other shit.

    I think he's the UK's most prolific serial killer. They weren't mercy killings, he just hated people. I hate people, too, but what the frig. The coward hung himself in gaol, probably because he was afraid of lethal injection. They don't have the death penalty in England, but I thought that was funny.
  14. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Looks like kohbergers trial is set for next June . Should be interesting . At this point I’m around 60% that there is much more to this , and he didn’t do this alone. I can’t help to think that Brent kohpacka had something to do with it along with maybe others.
  15. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I disagree about that theory completely. Sounds totally baseless to me. Interesting article about it:

    Personally I think Kohberger acted alone and the reason I think that is because usually if someone else is involved the other party can't resist the urge to brag and finds it almost impossible to keep their mouth shut.

    It is interesting to note that Kohberger hasn't sold out an accomplice. It's far more likely that he hasn't done so because there isn't one rather than he would of course be clearly admitting guilt.

    There are tons of famous unsolved murders and as the years go by you can see why they remain unsolved, lack of science at the time, law enforcement contaminating and trampling the crime scene being the two most glaring.

    Jonbenet Ramsey will go down as one of biggest fck ups ever. I think it was some perv who flew under the radar on that incredibly creepy beauty pageant circuit, but no way we will we ever know what really happened.
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Fair enough. I just keep going back to his comment upon arrest ..”has anyone else been arrested”. Could mean nothing, could be that he said just to get people to dilute his guilt as it’s done. He’s not dumb, that’s for sure. Cant wait to hear what they actually have, outside the pca.
  17. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I think that all depends on how you read that. It's a red herring IMO.
    Ralebird likes this.
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    The Karen Read trial ends in a mistrial/hung jury.

    ETA: I was out of the loop with this case but I did a lot of reading. This was a frame job IMO. Of course the prosecution puffed out their chests that they will retry the case, but there are so many holes you could run a train through it. It screams cover up. Don't waste the taxpayers money. The jury was "starkly divided". No kidding.

    The dog got re-homed the next day (a former failed police K-9), which to me is the most telling. John O'Keefe got in a drunken fight indoors with the other cops, the dog bit him, he hit his head, died, and they dumped him in the snow and decided to blame her.

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave. People will just never get it that telling the truth is always the best option. Face the music and pay your dues.

    I don't broadbrush the police. There are so many good apples, which are the never the ones you hear about. There there are also a ton of bad apples, so all of the good apples get lumped in as rotten. That being said, when something smells, it smells.

    It should be noted that these are all white folks from Whitelandia. Imagine more railroading otherwise, if you will.
    #758 jetophile, Jul 2, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
  19. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Yeah, the story didn’t make much sense. I agree the other guys did it.

    Had something similar happen to someone I grew up with recently. He and a friend got in a drunken altercation , the guy ended up choking him out , and then leaving him out on the porch for a time. He didnt try to frame anyone else though
  20. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Oh, sheese, that's awful. Sorry to hear that and so sorry for your loss, but at least the guy who did it had the moral courage to own it.

    typeOnegative13NY likes this.

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