True crime thread

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by typeOnegative13NY, Nov 23, 2022.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Homelessness shot up from '94 to '98 and then again from '07 to '12. This happened nationally as a result of the Contract on America in the mid-90's and then the Great Recession in the late 00's.

    Not sure about the property crime rates because SF has always had high property crime rates but the murder rates are definitely down from a generation ago. Obviously the Pandemic had a lot to do with that because people in their homes are rarely affected by street violence. However the murder rate had been stable at a much lower pace than the 80's, 90's and 00's before that.

    My guess is that SF gets a lot of hate because the loudest voices in the public forum are the Alt-right outright liars at this point. Note that I didn't say Conservative.
  2. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    The other question is why didn't he go after her when he was done with the other ones?

    Oh, totally; but what I read somewhere (sorry no link) was that the ID was found in a glove in a box in his parents house not in the glove box of the car. If it's either one of those I'll take a plea deal for $400, Alex.
  3. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I just read a couple of days ago there is still a lot of contention about the gag order. I think it's at the behest of one of the murder victim's family. Is that so this POS doesn't get extra notoriety by having proceedings televised or they simply don't want the public to hear the horror of what happened, so as not to further victimize the victims? Unclear what's going on here or why.

    P.S.: I also read some psychos - as in prospective psycho paramours - are writing this POS trying to get into a jailhouse relationship. WTF is that EVER about.
  4. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The gag order was imposed to preserve the semblance of a fair trial. When it was imposed there was a digital lynch mob feeding off of statements and leaks from the authorities, the victim's families and their lawyers.

    The judge shut that down because it was going to make it impossible to seat a jury that did not wind up feeding endless appeals if the defendant was convicted.

    They're still going to have a problem because every juror and all the alternates will be looking to sell their stories right afterwards and the appeals possible in a capital murder case are going to be joined by lots of other options.
  5. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I think there is a hearing on the Gag order on 5/25, filed by Kaylees father(he wants his lawyer to be able to speak).

    I haven’t been following too closely as there hasn’t been anything official to come out the last few weeks… but took a look today and the YouTube mill is getting restless. The speculation now is that there is no way he did this on his own, the downstairs roommate saw multiple people outside, this is bigger(drug ring). An on and on. I imagine even the 5 day prelim will be wild.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If the downstairs roommate was drunk/high she probably saw the DoorDash driver and got confused.

    If not then Kohberger is going to become a much harder sell as the culprit. It's kind of hard to imagine him becoming involved enough with a drug ring to carry out a massacre 3 months after moving to a new town.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.
  7. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I'm surprised Lori Vallow-Daybell @typeOnegative13NY hasn't come up. What a murdering asshole and a screwball. The trial has started. I hate when commentators say he passed away, she passed away. Nobody fckn passed away here, they were murdered and their lives were stolen from them. It irritates me no end.

    It's not exclusive to this case. I hear it all the time. The undeserved euphemisms, just say what it is! Meaning the victims families don't need to hear "passed away" as if they had died peacefully in their sleep at 90 when they were murdered AND young. It comes across like veiled victim blaming or something. What the Hell is it with that? It's insulting, and I don't personally know any of these people.
    joe and typeOnegative13NY like this.
  8. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That’s a good point. He apparently isn’t the social butterfly. I’m still curious of his alleged first comment upon arrest …”has anyone else been arrested?”. A little over a month away, and hopefully some better understanding will come out of the prelim.
    Br4d likes this.
  9. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I hadn’t been following that one too much for some reason, but did hear the other day that her hair/dna was found on tape. That idgaf smirk she always has on drives me nuts
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There's a real chance the local authorities take this before a grand jury, which would null out the public prelim.

    I'm thinking the only reason they haven't done that is that the whiff around this case is already pretty strong. They need the public proceeding to build credibility.
  11. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    He could get Epsteined. Well, he won't, but he could. In reality, this guy has no impetus or motivation to kill himself. Like Epstein. So nevermind. o_O
  12. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    She is a massive POS. She murdered her own kids and she went to Hawaii on her honeymoon knowing they were buried in her backyard on top of the fact that she was instrumental in putting them there. She's repulsive. Who cares that she was brainwashed by this doomsday shyte and that she thought she was exorcising demons or whatever. Behind that? I'm convinced she just wanted them out of the way.

    If you kill in the name of religion, you're mentally ill. If you believe religious nonsense, especially mainstream religious nonsense, even though you talk to imaginary people in the sky, you're as sane as the day is long. "I'm friends with some guy who died like anyone else does who is cruelly murdered 2,500 years ago or whatever. The guy thought he was God. He was! I believe everything I never witnessed, yes, Sir. Then he turned into a zombie and flew up into the sky. I'm going to Candy Land when I die to hang out with him in Candy Land, too. He's my friend, he talks to me, I talk to him, and he gives me advice. Alien Space Zombie Jesus loves me." That's not under the radar nuts? OK. It doesn't even qualify as under the radar nuts. It's just nuts that most nuts don't kill other nuts over. o_O

    ETA: Chad Daybell and his evil bitch wife would 'predict' deaths - and then the people would die. The guy's a prophet! No, they just killed people is what they did. D-Bag Daybell couldn't run fast enough to try collect on his other dead wife's life insurance. THEY'LL NEVER KNOW IT WAS ME. Jackass. That always amazes me.
    #512 jetophile, May 5, 2023
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
  13. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I was wondering…. Does the defense now have all the evidence that will be presented? Is that what the discovery is? Or does the prosecution get to hold the heaviest punches?
  14. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That’s sone really sick twisted stuff. It’s hard to imagine what people are capable of sometimes. The real animals live outside the zoo
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The prosecution cannot withhold anything they are planning to introduce into evidence at trial. They cannot knowingly withhold any witness they plan to call. The onus is on them to reveal in response to requests from the defense and this is why discovery requests tend to be very broad, to leave little room for error or obfuscation.

    People tend to get really upset when guilty parties get off due to the pressure our system of justice puts on the prosecution. The hidden counter to that though is that defendants in thumbscrews if they will not confess is the other end of the spectrum.
  16. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Yes, but at the same time there are tons of examples where prosecutorial misconduct has gotten innocent people off (and not so innocent people, but I'll keep to the innocent ones) because they didn't share something exculpatory during discovery with the defense. That's because there's a ton of egotistical prosecutors just like there are egotistical cops who are in full knowledge of the defendant's ACTUAL INNOCENCE. It astounds me how their heads rest comfortably on their pillow for a "win". It isn't a win, it's a lie. That's a discussion for another day, but I will say now that if it can be proven that an innocent person was sent to jail on purpose that person or persons should be prosecuted and punished themselves with no recourse. That is some bullshit.

    Anyway, I don't think Kohberger is innocent just like I don't think OJ or Casey Anthony are innocent, but due process is a right and reasonable doubt is reasonable doubt (in theory). If they have direct evidence my money says Kohberger pleads out as I said earlier. Is there a death penalty in Idaho? I guess the big sleep will be his own private Idaho, heh; but you know he isn't going to ask for it if there is one. Quite the opposite.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I don't think this one goes to a plea bargain. The prosecutors would get skewered for not getting the death penalty. Kohberger will have every incentive to go to trial if he is actually innocent because who cops a plea for life in prison if they are innocent?

    All the incentives says this becomes one of the trials of the century.
  18. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    It’s not gonna be a trial of the century type. That only happens when the defendant has money for a great attorney. This kid doesn’t.
  19. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    This one will have a major YouTube cult following, might be bigger in a way than the court tv stuff.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I think we might well see a bunch of twists and turns in this case that will make it bigger than it already is.

    Massacre at a drug house.
    Problems with the local response.
    Feds called in to fix things.
    Evidence conveniently discarded/kept (sheath/ID card).
    Suspect is a budding criminologist, suggesting he likely wouldn't have done either.
    Warrants at both suspect locations come up essentially empty except for the one ID card that was "kept".
    Local officer apparently did something questionable with something among the evidence in discovery which prompted a court action.
    Surviving roommates all over the place and contradicting the official version of events.

    Finally, the kicker will be that the defendant's public defender has worked many drug cases in the jurisdiction, including representing relatives of one of the victims, buyers at the drug house and god knows what else.

    Not saying this is a big conspiracy but the Coen brothers could write a screenplay that convicted the Sherriff in the end and it would be plausible.
    typeOnegative13NY likes this.

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