I don't really understand your post, you seem to be all over the place. Are you against the Jets trying to improve the team someplace other then the draft? Teams generally don't go from 3 wins to 12, there's a progression here. Sure, I can understand trying to "find the positive" if the team does win 3 games, but wanting the team to tank before the season even starts? Come on.
The trade is a classic example of trading from depth to address a glaring weakness. Considering the Jets gave up a former nickelback trying to hang on at safety they weren't going to get a surefire starter at RB. The FO did the best they could adding a RB that is probably more talented than any other on the roster. Unless Strait was going to beat out Coleman which we can all assume he had no chance to do now, the deal is solid. Even if you assume Strait would go back to corner, where/when was he going to play? Everyone on this board is in love with Justin Miller, applauded the Dyson signing and seem content with Barrett as the #2/#3.
Who cares We all hope Suggs is the next Johnny Johnson but honestly was anyone really that worried after Preseason #1. The running game was/is bound to start off in the fetal position. It will be an F-ing mess for at least 6 games and IMO be a pleasant suprise thereafter. The real issue for this team is getting D-Rob some competition/depth at NT. Not feelin' it. Nothing is more frustrating than watching teams run up the gut.
wow if we actually traded for a decent sized nose tackle that would be quite a pre-season for the jets FO. our lack of big men is very concerning, but I think we can move KIMO over to NT if necessary. Remember, our team is built on player flexibility now :up: I'm very worried about our Dline w/o pouha. I hope for once that we can stay healthy and not have to face the injury woes similar to last season.
Strait was never going to be our 3rd Corner. WE have Barret, Dyson and Miller ahead of him. They are all in their 20's. Strait was not going to see the field. Maybe Suggs won't see it either because of his injury concern, but he's a better back than any we have.
The more I read about Suggs the more I dislike the idea of him as our starting RB. He is the anti Martin and its kind of depressing to go from the ultimate pro to the ultimate underacheiver. I don't think it was a bad trade, just because there really is no place for Strait in the secondary but if it was me I would have held onto the depth in the secondary and went with what we had at RB..
See the thing is that i don't think Strait offered us any real depth. Think about it- the guy is brought in as a CB, after having earned all of those accolades in college. He can't crack the starting lineup as his skills as a 1 or 2 corner just aren't where they need to be. We make him a nickel, he does "ok" and we later bring in Ray Ray to assume his old role of nickel. What then becomes of Strait? Ah, let's make him a safety, notwithstanding the fact that he doesn't have the speed required to play one of the safety positions or the hard hitting skills to play the other. Plus, as of late we have an abbundance of safetys, thanks to this past draft along with years' past. So, what did this non-starting, former CB turned NB turned safety really have to offer us when we got to the end of the day? Nothing. We trade a CB who couldn't hack it in our system for a RB who, when not injured, does pretty well on the field. Sounds like a bet I'm willing to make.
+1 Well Said. I have no problems against Strait, but maybe he needs a change of scenary to get back on his feet. Meanwhile we added a potential difference maker on our team. It works out for both teams.
okay all am not going to read thru all the responses about this trade. my 2 cents are that if and this is a BIG IF he can stay he will help us out. He has showed flashes in cleveland when he was upright and i think we have a slightly better line then cleveland so he should produce here. strait leaving really isn't a big deal considering he wasn't getting playing time here. good luck to strait and good luck to us that suggs stays healthy cuz we REALLY need him.
I just think we may have given up on him too fast. I don't think Strait will ever be Deion Sanders, but I think he can be a solid #2 with the right training. But Suggs is a risk worth taking. I never liked Blaylock, Washington is an unknown, and I guess Houston is too.
How much longer are you going to give the guy to shine? You get to a point where a project becomes a burden. Thanks, I'll pass.
Would you?............Please? You're a good poster and all but you're not THAT good. I'm getting a little sick of you and a month off may be good for me as well as you. Just consider it.
After thinking about this a little more, it seems like we gave up a Mangini type of player for the antithesis of a Mangini player, I look at that as a positive. The reality of a lack of talent is starting to be felt by the coaching staff. The mark of a great coaching staff is their ability to mold talent to the system not the other way around.
Well KOZ, DB's sometimes take more time to develop that other positions and this is his third year. I never said he would be great.
Lee Suggs http://www.newyorkjets.com/news/articles/show_article?short_name=transactions&article_id=832 Here are my problems with this trade: 1. We already had three legitimate backups, and we traded for another one. A 2nd round pick for Thomas Jones is a much better deal. Derrick Strait had potential to be an effective safety or nickel cornerback. 2. Who the f*ck is Lee Suggs?
Lee Suggs is actually a very good back. He has the potential, if he stays healthy, to be here for a few years, not just 1 year. Thomas Jones has an injury history too, and with Benson out for a while, you were not going to be able to get him for a 2nd.
What is with everybody and complaining! Lee Suggs is a decent backup, he is better then our below average RB's that we already had! just look at his stats when he has been in the game, he is good, sometimes even dominant so why dont you just sit back and wait till about week 4 to start complaining.
1. Can you name those "legitimate" backups, because I don't see them. Maybe Houston, but like you said BACKUP. Suggs, if healthy, can be a #1RB. We are Jets fans, you should be used to crossing your fingers.
Why would we want to trade a 2nd round pick for Thomas Jones? Because he had one good year? We're in desparate need of a RB, WR and DT in next year's draft. With a high first and two second rounders, we're in great position to fill those needs with youth that has much more talent than Thomas Jones.