Amen. I mean really, Strait was going to get cut! WHY do you think he got the mysterious start at Safety? Because the Jets wanted to showcase him without showing the Browns he can't cover a pile of shit as a CB with an entire roll of toilet paper! It really is embarrassing that so many Jets fans are this clueless. I swear, I'm an inch away from just taking a month off from this board. From the "who to blame" thread after the 1st preseason game, to the nut jobs that think we could be a playoff team..... I went to TC today, and I'm too disgusted to even write a recap. Jet fans are the worst fans in football, I swear they are. Not all of 'em mind you, but the percentage is not good. These knives haven't seen a sharpener in twenty years.... they couldn't cut butter if they were hot. There is some hope... the guys from this board I've met at camp are pretty informed, and nice guys. On the other hand, I only agree to meet with people that convey these traits on the board first. It's a short list.
Well said- I'm still searching for the basis of optimism for Strait that the ever-growing majority of people in this thread (and board) have shown recently. I'm seeing people write off this trade as meaningless because the Jets will stink this year- its completely irrelevant because it assumes that Strait IS GOOD. He couldn't even work himself into the role as a nickelback. The fact that I'm hearing people lamenting over the loss of a potential nickelback (at best!) is hilarious. He's slow, short, and certainly not physical enough to be a safety in the league. His coverage inadequacies have been documented so many times. Suggs atleast has shown to be a solid NFL player- sure he has injury concerns but I don't know how anybody would not want to take a flier on him given the state of the backfield. Tools wise, he's already the best RB on the squad. Don't let it get you down- I love reading your write-ups Tbird.
The reason is simple, in the gamble for the SB last year, we blew off the OL, and needed this offseason to correct it, we for some reason put hope in a 33 year old RB that was coming off of surgery, and had a QB that is very injury prone, along with the lack of weapons at WR, and changing the defense to the 3-4, there is only so many things you can do in one offseason, and we decided to gamble at the RB position and failed miserably
You know, I like ray mickens. To quote gene hackman... He's got heart. He may not be the best, but he's savy enough to still be in this league and beat out alot of these youngsters. Hmmm, we might cut someone and get nothing for it. We trade that cut, and get an extra running back who will start. Shit even if it's 2 games, it's still better then getting nothing for strait.
From TC Reports to just plain common sense. Well said T. Potential Cut for a Potential starting RB? Brilliant. I can't wait to see who we trade for DT and/ or who we pick up at DT. The CS know what we need better than we do. The beauty of it all is that even IF we have a bad season,If Kimo and DRob are alternating positions, that should tell you that we will definitely get some gi-normous DT's next. Can't wait for the next game. PS. Bollinger will probably be gone next. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
We have the same line of thinking. I would much rather roll with the punches and suck up a 3 win season in order to land a top 3 pick and a premier talent. Winning 6 games just to feel a little better doesn't do much for me. I also agree that the Knicks seem to have one of the worst mentalities in all of sports: just try to build perenial playoff contenders, forget about championship contenders. They truly are stuck in mediocrity until a real rebuilding process is iniated. This entire deal is contigent on Suggs having the ability to be a feature back, which I believe he has, if he can stay healthy. If that is the case then the Jets might have landed the first steal of the Mangini era. It's not like the Jets traded away one of their starting corners for a backup running back, it could turn out to be the opposite. Of course barring a 1000 plus yard career year from Suggs, the Jets should be selecting a running back with their first round pick next year....
i like this trade alot.. Strait was never going to make this team and has not done a thing in 3 years to draw any kind of excitment about him. in suggs we get a all around RB nice combination of speed/power a true potential starting RB. which we dont have on this roster imo he is already better that what we have on the roster. this move is a Low risk, High Reward with Suggs having the potential to be a legit starting rb in this league barring injury. on a side not atleast i dont have to watch blaylock run into his own blockers on every play aymore.
I dont understand this. We didnt trade Strait for an over 30 RB that is on a decline. WE get a back who has really good talent who is just hitting his prime. Someone tell me what the problem is.
speak for yourself there buddy...whether its football knowledge or just common sense...the PM you sent me about "attacking" you verbally in some thread hasnt yet been proved...and i think you know why..(cuz it never happened)... I still dont know how you pulled that outta your wazoo! I appreciate the reports from training camp but if you are gonna accuse Jet fans as a whole in lack of intelligence...start by looking in the mirror...your acting ridiculous :shit:
What amazes me is that a guy who we wouldn't have looked at twice a week ago has somehow become the new messiah and Judas Strait is back where he belongs. Jets fans fickle?.....never.
Agreed. From the sample on this board you can probably reason that a majority of jets fans seem to be either, and lack the ability to understand what's going on with there football team. From the old guys who become completely blinded by not winning a championship, too the young guys who don't know any better and everything in between it seems like our fans suck at every single level lol. That being said don't let the 75% of non-idiotic posters stop you from writing your Training Camp impressions. I relied on them to see how the team is progressing, so please post your impressions when you get a chance. :beer:
What's funny is that everyone thinks that they are on that short list of rational posters. That being said the trade was good. There was just no room left on the team for Strait. We have Dyson, Barrett, Miller, and Mickens at CB and three young guys at safety. There was just no place for him.
There is no problem, some people just like to complain. We traded a third stringer/potential cut for a likely starter. Some want to call that a panic move. :breakdance:
Just read this on a Browns board. Pete Hunter. :lol:
We traded a player who was going to be cut for a player who was going to be cut. This can only be a win for the jets. If he can stay healthy he is by far the best rb on the team. That is a big if at the is point
If you go back to that thread, you will see that you said "Must be a child...tbj" in regard to that PM, which I , unlike you, kept off the message board. IF you could read, you'll note that I said the "percentage wasn't good" not Jet fans "as a whole". BTW, I simply chose not to persue that whole previous issue with a poster who has already been banned, demonstrating their inabilty to get along with people, as you have demonstrated here yet again. Go annoy someone else with your personal attacks.... you bore me.
I doubt it. He needs to learn the plays, system, etc. I don't think we will see him till the game after this weekend.