Top 5 NFL QBs

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Mexican Buc, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. dclark26

    dclark26 New Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    I love homers especially ones that are so blatant. It took a lot of guts to post that pal . Jason Campbell....We all deserve a good laugh every now and then and you just gave me my days dose. Mark Brunell at number one...I love it!
  2. Mexican Buc

    Mexican Buc Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Rings don't mean everything. Manning is clearly a team leader, that offense is all his. The only guy above him is a brick in the playoffs. Lose Dungy.

    Trent Dilfer has a ring, is he more of a leader than Manning?

    Many people can make a good case for Marino being a better QB than Elway- who is loeaded with rings. Would you say Farve is better than Marino? He has a ring, and is a great leader.
  3. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    1. That guy from the Cute Fluffy Pink Pixies:pats_suck:
    2. Peyton Manning
    3. Trent Green
    4. Ben Roethlisberger
    5. Carson Palmer (if he recovers from his injury well)

    Honorable Mention: Bret Farve, Donavan McNabb, Jake Delhomme
  4. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    In that case:

    1) Vinny Testeverde- He has a lot of heart. He gave up a life of eating Cheetos and watching porn to play QB for the Jets when they needed him. Brave man.

    2) Kliff Kingsbury- He has never threw an NFL Interception; which makes him one of the league's elite.

    3) Ryan Leaf- Very proficient, he averages 7,310 greets at WalMart a day.

    4) Chad Pennington- If you poke his shoulder his arm will fall off, and then if you tape it back up with scotch tape he can throw the ball 5 feet. That's insane!

    5) Kellen Clemmens- Has never thrown an NFL incompletion. With a QB having a fresh start like that he's guaranteed a HOFer career.

    6) Michael Vick- He never throws an interception because he never throws the ball. The Jedi Master that taught him football was really a Chicken.

    7) Lance Armstrong- Bike racing, QB - same thing. And with a name like Armstrong he has to have a strong arm.

    8) Eli Manning- Not the one from the 2004 or the 2005 season... the one from the 2004 preseason that went like 1 for 12 against the Jets. Even though he sucked he showed leadership by touching his chest and saying "My bad" after every incompletion. Intangibles are everything.

    9) Lamont Jordan- This is a risky pick... but if you traded for Ed Reed I'm sure Lamont would be an instant pro bowler.

    10) Bob Knight- He's thrown chairs, kicked balls, he's done everything so he's the complete package. He's the ultimate Jack of all trades.


    645,372) Tom Brady- 3 Super Bowl rings? So what! I'm sure he stole them from Joe Montana anyway.
    #44 DonnieIsTheKing, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  5. jaybo1015

    jaybo1015 New Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    Peyton Manning
    Tom Brady
    Matt Hassleback
    Brett Favre
    Carson Palmer
  6. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    You're right about Dungy holding the Colts back, but I don't buy all of Manning's sending the punting unit off the field stuff as leadership. It's arrogant bullshit and it's the reason that Dungy needs to leave Indianapolis--that team doesn't have faith in him because he's constantly being shown up by his star player!

    1) Tom Brady
    2) Peyton Manning
    3) Matt Hasselbeck
    4) Trent Green
    5) Ben Roethlisberger

    Like you said, Brady may be a system quarterback but that's a good thing. It means that he listens to coaches and can understand and execute gameplans. He's also proven that he is not just an "intangibles" guy over the last season or two.

    Manning has his apparent flaws but you can't argue with his numbers. They are mind-numbing and despite my overwhelming dislike of him I found it hard to put him behind Brady.

    Hasselbeck is constantly underrated. Something clicked between '04 and '05 for Seattle and it was Hasselbeck. He's probably the most mechanically sound QB in the league at this point, and that says a lot with Manning there. Jim Zorn is due for an offensive coordinator job if he wants one.

    Green is always underrated as well. His numbers in Kansas City are astounding. Then consider that he's put them up behind Johnnie Morton and Eddie Kennison. I'll always maintain that if Trent Green had not gotten injured in St. Louis and opened the door for Kurt Warner to start, the Rams would've won the Super Bowl anyway.

    Roethlisberger's numbers are pretty impossible to argue with. He makes big plays when he needs to and he just wins games. I am not convinced of his glory however and I think that if you put him on the Jets he would be a failure, where the other 4 on this list could have some success. The only reason that he is on the list instead of Carson Palmer is his 27-4 record.
  7. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    1. Tom Brady
    2. Peyton Manning
    3. Donovan McNabb
    4. Carson Palmer
    5. Matt Hasselback
  8. ROCaMOB

    ROCaMOB New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    #48 ROCaMOB, Apr 20, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  9. New York Mick

    New York Mick Banned

    Mar 23, 2006
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    hahahaha Thats classic
  10. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    I think everyone with Carson Palmer (including me) should have an * next to his name because we have to see how he recovers from injury... a knee injury can kill a QB because a lot of power comes from those legs as well as the arm. I think he'll be alright but just throwing him 3rd or 4th and acknowledging him without caution would be incorrect.
  11. Mexican Buc

    Mexican Buc Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    True. Which is why i didn't want to get into Culpepper or Brees or any one else that could fall into the top 10 but was hurt.

    However, Palmers injury hasn't been all over the media as too incredible serious or career ending-ish like Pep or Brees. Than again, he wasn't involved with big offseason moves, so who knows.
  12. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    The last update I heard was about 3 months ago where his recovery period was between like 8 months and 16 months. I think the Bengals are downplaying the injury and no one is hearing about it. The only veteran QB they have is Doug Johnson so I guess they believe he'll be ready for the season.
  13. JetsYankees

    JetsYankees New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    1. Tom Brady
    2. Ben Roethlisberger
    3. Brett Favre
    4. Peyton Manning
    5. Carson Palmer
  14. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    And it's hard to avoid throwing 3 picks when you have no starting caliber WR on the field, crappy aging OL, and an injured RB. All the while keeping your team in the game.

    Favre is old, but he ain't dead. :breakdance:
  15. DonnieIsTheKing

    DonnieIsTheKing Active Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    The problem with Favre is that he needs a lot sure handed receivers on his team, because he throws the ball so hard no one can catch it! He's a player that plays as good as his team is... he's ok when it's ok, bad when it's bad, but a HOFer when it's great.
  16. New York Mick

    New York Mick Banned

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Not to bust on your choices but Ben is very overrated. Just because a team win does not mean the qb is great. Think how a QB would do if they were on a bad team or how a QB on a bad team would do if they were on a winning team. The running game and def. is the reason why the Steelers won not Ben, he just didn't lose games.
  17. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    That is pretty true about playing as well as his team, but show me a QB that doesn't. Seldom can a QB make up for a lack of counterparts.

    As for the throwing hard - heh, now we can hear complaining about too much arm? :breakdance: The guy does have a rocket still even at his age.
  18. phubbadaman

    phubbadaman Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    Trent Green is not a top 5 QB in this league. He is behind one of the best Olines and had 2 of the best RB's in the league running behind him. I'm pretty sure I could complete 60% of my passes since you just lob it up and Tony G. goes up and gets it. He is good, but not top 5.

    I like Manning as my 1.
    Brady is 2. I'd put Palmer next I suppose. Everyone is forgetting about Air McNair, who is old and on a crappy team like Farve, but he didn't throw 300 INT's. Big Ben and probably Hasselbeck.

    1. Peyton Manning
    2. Tom Brady
    3. Steve McNair
    4. Carson Palmer
    5. Big Ben
  19. Mexican Buc

    Mexican Buc Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    You obviously have a SuperBowl Ring fetish...

    phubbadaman , I think you make a bad case agaisnt Green. Even with all that Green puts up 4000 yards! He's put 4000+ yards the last two season, one being like 4500+!

    Tony G avg 900 yards a year, so it's obviously NOT all just lobbing it up to him. One thing you can't argue with are passing yards, that is a huge credit to the QB. And it's not like he has a top 10 WR on his team to boost his numbers either. They guy is top 5.... imo.
  20. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Id flip flop McFlabb and Palmer

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