Tom Brady likely knew of 'Deflategate' activities, report says

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by JetsVilma28, May 6, 2015.

  1. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Hence you spending even a nanosecond on a Jet board on a Friday night like a loser tool.

  2. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    No. The only thing prolific about your team is their cheating. Everything the Patriots have ever done is tarnished. The Patriot Way is nothing but a sad irony.
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Yup.... it basically means that because someone refused to allow us access to all the evidence we could not say that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt but in lieu of that evidence we believe he is guilty and the evidence that was hidden from us would have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual is 100% guilty.
  4. Charlie Kelly

    Charlie Kelly Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Actually it's the exact criteria for what the NFL uses to determine guilt ie 51% which is the numerical value for "more probable than not"
  5. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    It's not overblown in most circles. But here you've gone into a snake pit. Your team cheated and lied and not for the first time. Your denial is pretty pathetic esp after a 4 month investigation. What do you want! So there has to be punishment: your team gave the NFL a black eye during the SB and millions of dollars of bad pub. But not the kind of overkill that some irrational fans want to give Brady. I'd give him a two spot and a steep fine.
  6. Will

    Will Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2015
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    Looks like the NFL will have to rap his knuckles - (will they be allowed if it affects his grip :D:D o_O) as the clamour refuses to die

    Citing "several key sources," the New York Daily News reports Roger Goodell is expected to announce Tom Brady's suspension next week.

    The Daily News' Gary Myers writes, "it is no longer a matter of if the NFL commissioner will suspend Brady, but for how long he will suspend him." Myers reports there is "little doubt" Goodell considers Brady's ball-deflation tactics "a serious violation," and that the Ted Wells investigation shows "Brady cheated." Myers' "feeling" is Brady will be suspended for only two games, which would be good news after CSN New England reported the Patriots are "bracing" for a 6-8 game ban. Myers hints that Bill Belichick may also face discipline for "ignorance" in the matter, a la Sean Payton following the BountyGate scandal.
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    McNally is going to be a rich man after all this one way or another. Someone from the Pats will pay him handsomely to zip it or someone will pay him handsomely to spill the beans on everything.
    NY Jets68 likes this.
  8. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    A 15% gratuity is in order.

    BacktoQueens likes this.
  9. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    Remember tho, that's not a bribe

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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    In 2005, Tom Brady stood at the podium after winning super bowl 39 and crowed, "It's easy when you know the answers to the test". This a callous response to a reporter asking howmhenisnable to over come and lead his team.

    Spygate happened, at or around the same time, these press clippings and transcripts disappeared from the Internet. I witnessed this in TV and also saw it in print. the Pats propaganda machine no doubt had these comments removed in light of the camera shenanigans.

    When they got back to the bowl in Super Bowl in SB42, Brady mocked Plaxico

    We know his smug ego got smacked here.

    This years smug ego against John Harbaugh, same thing........he's a sham. House of cards

    Tom reserves to be dragged through. He is a serial cheater and complicit on many things proven and not

    The suspected wiretapping and headset flaps, many teams have alleged

    Ball shrinkage now for probably 7-8 years.

    Toms public announcements are found to be full of lying

    BB has multiple cons going on at the same time. i am certain . He's that type of human, wired to cheat at all costs and hide behind beauracratic legal wordings. his bill bye schtict......his latest attempt at trickery

    They should come very hard at this franchise

    2 billion value, 1.5 of that gotten fraudulently I am convinced after 15 years
  11. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    No it doesn't mean that at all. I have done these types of cases for years.

    The "more probable than not" standard is also known as the "preponderance of the evidence" standard. This standard is the legal burden of proof generally used in employment, administrative and civil law cases. Basically from a quantifiable standpoint, it amounts to determining a case at a minimum standard of 50.00XX1%. Yee's characterization of the standard as a "coin flip" is disingenuous as the standard is arrived at based upon evidence obtained during an investigation and not simply the random chance between one of two outcomes (heads or tails) occurring as a result of a coin flip.

    The "more probable than not" language is common place in employment, administrative and civil cases and is used by judges and juries in civil cases when determining civil liability. Mr. Yee likely made millions of dollars in court for himself and his clients with this standard forming the basis of the civil judgment. Billions of dollars every year change hands using this standard so it is a very strong legal basis to make a determination or finding. That is why the NFL and the NFLPA lawyers included this language as the standard in the collective bargaining agreement for adjudicating infractions of the player conduct policy and the league's bylaws.

    There is a significant difference between the administrative/civil threshold of "more probable than not" and "beyond a reasonable doubt," which is used in criminal trials. At no time, regardless of whether Brady would have provided the requested material or not, would the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard have come in to play because he was not facing any criminal proceedings and under threat of losing his personal liberty. If anything, his non-cooperation in the matter has made the situation worse for him but for a far different reason, which I will explain below...

    Prior to being investigated by the NFL, Brady was at worst case scenario facing a simple rules infraction of tampering with game balls. Had he not held his ill-fated press conference - largely in part due to his unlimited hubris towards the league - he could have simply privately told investigators that he likes the balls slightly underinflated and that he routinely asks the guys to make sure they are on the low-end of the spectrum without getting into specifics of how that was accomplished by Abbot & Costello. Unfortunately, Brady decided to lie in his press conference and those chuckleheads forgot that you can basically recover anything from cell phone even if it is deleted. Then Brady compounded his mistake by lying to investigators on the stupidest of questions (do you know the equipment/locker room guys, etc) and refused to provide his emails.

    Now instead of simply facing what would have likely been a small fine for "inadvertently" tampering with the game balls, Brady exacerbated the situation by lying in public, lying to the investigators and refusing to cooperate. Refusal to cooperate in an administrative investigation in many employment matters as well as in local, state, and federal government is generally a fast track to employment termination.

    So when it comes to discipline time, Brady is going to get hit for tampering with the game balls, lying to investigators and refusing to cooperate. Out of the three, the tampering of game balls is actually the least problematic and probably would have resulted in only a fine. However the league is going to nail him on the lying and the refusal to cooperate, which is unfortunately the actual problem but will be lost once the NE and Kraft media conglomerate starts to spin.

    My guess is that Brady will get suspended for 6 games (likely mitigated down to 4 games after appeal), NEP fined $250,000 ($25K X 10 game balls), and NEP docked either a 2nd or 1st round pick. The draft pick will be based upon NEP's refusal to cooperate and make their employees available for follow-up interviews. It will be the higher pick if the league views this as a repeat offense and lack of institutional control. They may also consider a fine and/or suspension of Belichicken given the organization's repeat offense, which would also be similar to what Sean Payton received (ignorance is not an excuse).
  12. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Good Post Counselor.

    Hope this is Goodels verdict
  13. Jets_Grinch

    Jets_Grinch Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2011
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    Bravo. That might be the most informative thing I have read on this entire subject. Thank you for putting the in the time.
  14. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Brady just needs to learn how to lie better. You'd think he'd be better at it after hanging with Belicheat all these years.
    #194 NY Jets68, May 10, 2015
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
  15. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    The Black Sox got paid off. But it is really the same thing with the Cheats. No doctored ball = no win over Ravens=no $bonus=on to the SB=even more$, cheating all the way

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