I think it is amazing that the Jets fans not only traveled well, but that there were seats available for them to invade Lambeau. I assumed there is a waiting list for years just to get to a Packers game with as great of a fan base as they have. I honestly never expected to hear a J! E! T! S! chant there, but I could hear it as clear as day, watching the game on television. Great job, Jets fans! What a day.
Trust me, they weren’t available for face value. There’s a 60 year waiting list for season tickets according to our Lambeau tour guide Saturday.
yup…there were A LOT of Jets fans there…I saw it at the hotel I stayed at as well as at the stadium…it was wild seriously lots of Jets fans
That sounds like a great experience... glad we got the win to really make it extra special for you. When I saw Breece do the leap into a bunch of Jet fans I was hoping at least one of them was from TGG.
my experience was the same minus the asshole. everyone around us was very nice including Packers fans…there was no Jets Suck or crap like that. the whole experience was really nice… I’m sure part of it was that the teams are not rivals at all and we hardly ever play, but nonetheless it was great bucket list trip and it was well worth it
I really thought about running over but it was too much fun celebrating in front of the drunk asshole and his girlfriend. In retrospect, now that I see that awesome picture of the leap, I wish I went but in the moment I was already in heaven. I can comfortably say it’s the most money I’ve ever spent on a ticket to anything but if you’re gonna do it, ya gotta go for it.
When Hall got that TD and did the Lambo leap into the pocket of Jets fans, I was hoping that was the TGG gang. The funny part is when Braxton scored the TD. Carter was trying to direct him over to that pocket to the do the leap and Berrios was like, "huh?"
Yeah so late in the fourth when the offense was doing the kneel downs, many of the defensive guys on the bench were turning back to the fans behind their bench and we were all cheering..it was great to see…I was in section 117 which is right behind the visitors bench, and it was just mostly Jets fans but it was very cool to see the players see it and turn and celebrate with us. crazy
That sounds better than some of the encounters I’ve had at home games with drunk fellow jet fans lol.
It's great that those of you who making the trip were rewarded like that. You'll always remember it as a top Jets moment in your life. Unfortunately for me I have only one great Jets travel story, but it was really great. Mostly though I've traveled and came home disappointed. We all know the feeling. CONGRATS But what I want to know about Lambeau is, what did you pay for tickets? Did you wait until game day? I notice Lambeau has added a roofed section or two in the upper corner. Are those the cheap seats? Years ago I went to Schaefer Stadium to see a Jets game and was shocked that despite it being bench seats, the Pats fans respected the spaces. All there is to go by are the painted numbers on the bench. Is it that way in GB? Obviously today's NFL fans are shall we say "wider" than they were in the 1960's. It must be difficult wedging into the spaces.
Yes so the bowl section that surrounds the field is all metal bleachers like at a high school. They rent out those half seats for $8 each so you sit on a cushion with a back rest, and you just leave it there when you leave. Worked great. Those two sections at the top are covered and have a roof and yes they are the cheap seats. my wife and I sat on the visitor side behind the Jets bench on row 34 around the 40 yard line. Great seats, great view, fans were all very gracious, people were all super nice before, during and after the game. Packer fans were not rude or mean at all…it was all good sports. Honestly I was surprised. The experience could not have been better. My wife and I are doing a stadium tour and this has been one of the best. we got tix on stub hub the day before and I think paid like $220 each or so… not cheap but not crazy for the seats we got. if you can ever get to a game here I highly recommend it.
You did get great seats. Obviously you'd agree - if you're spending on the travel etc. you have to spend the extra cash for seats that won't make you regret the experience win or lose.Did you choose the visitor's side on purpose? Reason I ask is, when i go to MetLife I sit with a friend who has seats on the visitor bench side row 11 near the goal line. I hate it. He used to be higher up in the first level, opposite corner but he moved his seats. Too many visiting fans crowd the area in the second half when the Jets are losing. Plus, he's at the bottom of the aisle so all game long visiting fans come down for photos. The people getting photos isn't bad, but it's a constant reminder. I realize that it'll be fine once we start winning most home games, but I've been telling him that he's got more "away" fans around him than he did before and he doesn't think so. But, traveling fans probably do choose that side.
I echo this. I was thinking about going to the preseason game last year thinking I'd never get a chance to go to Lambeau to see a regular season game. I thought I had read that the Packers' games were sold out for years in advance. Had I but known that tickets would be available, I think I would have passed on taking this opera gig and gone to GB to see my two favorite teams play. I've always dreamed of seeing a game at Lambeau. I saw games in the old Yankee Stadium, saw quite a few games at the old stadium at the Meadowlands. Never had the opportunity to see the Jets play at Shea Stadium.