The reason Chad is so divisive to fans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by johnnysd, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    "Winning" and "not losing" are the same thing, this is an excercise in semantics. I am a big Jets supporter, so therefore, yes, a big Chad supporter. Just as I was a big Vinny supporter, O'Brien, Todd, Boomer, you name it.
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    That 33 year old Running back had the single best year of what most Jets fans consider a HOF carreer. He also had Santana Moss he was a pro bowl WR the first year he had a QB who get the ball to him. He also had a great OL and a great blocking TE and instead of a great pass catching TE he had a great pass catching FB, Sowell who was used instead of the TE in the passing game.
  3. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    FYI - Peyton Manning, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, Tom Brady, John Elway, Brett Favre. These kind of players ARE EXTREMELY RARE.

    The harsh reality is that for every Peyton Manning there will be 20 Kyle Bollers. Highly touted QB draft picks tank more often than not. Thats not to say that even the above mentioned could have had the careers they had without ALOT of help.

    Put Pennington on the Patriots offense last week, how do his numbers look and what would have been the result? My guess, not much different that Bradys.

    He'll never be known as one of the greats but compared to whats out there he's a pretty good option. Yeah the injury stuff sucks and it is a major factor but fault the Front Office, this guy keeps coming back to get pasted.

    When Kellen Clemens goes down this week after 5-7 sacks you'll begin to understand how it works.

    Does anyone around here remember these names ... Ken Obrien, Scab Kyle Mackey, Never Was Neil ODonnel, Has-Been Boomer Esiason, Troy Taylor, Glen Foley, Rick Mirer and Browning Nagel. HOLY CRAP ! ... you have the yams to complain about Chad. At least when he plays I have hope and over the last 20 years that has not been often.

  4. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    "Chad give the Jets the best change NOT TO LOSE" is so HERM EDWARDS!

    I love Chad, so it's tough to say this, but the whole mindset that Chad gives the Jets the best chance to win harkens back to the Herm era - play conservative and hope to have a chance to win in the end.

    We really need someone who can throw the ball downfield, and make all of the throws (the flat, into traffic sometimes, etc.) if the Jets want to play to WIN THE GAME.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Perhaps so, but I don't think Pennington could have made that one back-breaker pass to Moss.. the one with our three defenders on his tail. The ball would have gotten there slower and would have been knocked down or picked off, IMO.
  6. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    It is Herm like. I think many of us have been conditioned into accepting and buying into that type of philosophical approach to football. Some have stated that I am picking a nit and that "QB-win" and "QB-not to lose" are the same thing, but I do not think that they are. I am not advocating a go for broke vertical only approach as the method of a "QB-win". Rather I think of it as more balanced where the QB utilizes short, medium and long range passes, and the running game which is opened up by the stretching (or perceived threat) of stretching the field. Not a reckless gunslinger approach. On the other hand, we have been conditioned I feel to accept and in many cases prefer the methodical, very conservative gameplan we have to use with Chad. Lots of 3rd down conversions, long drives and win the CLOSE game in the end. I think that is the difference in the sides, and I do believe Herm ultimately has a lot of influence on it.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There's no way on earth he hits Moss in stride over the shoulder and lets him run away from 3 guys.

    Anybody remember how much trouble Santana Moss had adjusting to his underthrows and his attempts to be perfect on the sidelines?

    It's aggravating how low Jets fans expectations are that they see Chad as the best option we could have had over the last half decade. I can't think of a weaker armed QB who played for the Jets ever. Pat Ryan had a better arm than what he's showed.
    #47 Br4d, Sep 14, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2007
  8. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Your point?

    Curtis won the Rushing Title that season...??
  9. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    I believe that Chad has always stirred the fire in people?s bellies because we all want a Marino, Elway, Akman, Farve type Quarter back. Someone who can Blaze fire all over the field and dominate a game. Chad has never been that kind of a quarter back ; if anyone can Tell me they thought we would thump all over the Colt's in that playoff game your a liar! You watch Chad play and when he throws down field you almost hear the music "Somewhere over the rainbow" and his short to intermediate passes are receivers coming back to the ball. If you get a long gainer it?s because the receiver turned it into one! I like everyone else Enjoy winning , but as you sit there Watching run's up the gut for no gain and a pass for 3 yard gain you feel that same old feeling coming on that a deep bomb or a long pass can cure right away. That?s not coming from The Chadwick! I have always stood by our Quarter back , I do voice my opinion during the good times and bad times , but the meat and potatoes of the whole thing is we want a winner; not just a Quarter back that gives us the best Chance . A winner!
  10. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Good stuff, man. People just need a different angle now to post the same tired crap. Chad was one about three Jets who played well on Sunday and this is the conversation we're seeing, the same garbage. It doesn't matter if he went 16-21 with 2 TDs against Bellichick's D. He could have gone 30-30 with 4 TDs and people would still be coming here to post the same nonsense. Whatever.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    So I shouldn't mention the fact he had a torn rotator cuff in his throwing shoulder? that played no part in his late struggles of '04?

    I agree you want a player to be durable but he's had some freak injuries. When healthy he's been a top QB and a winner, something this franchise has rarely had.

    Browning nagle could make all the throws, neil O'Donnell, Glenn Foley, ryan leaf, rick Mirer, Jeff george, etc... it's more than the arm.
  12. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    look, i know how Chad compares within the history of this franchise; i'm not debating that.

    but it's now come to the point that "when he's healthy" is an anomaly. so how many chances does he get? he finally played 16 games last year. for Chad, that's awesome, but in reality? big whoop.

    by clinging to Chad, we're not giving another QB a chance to make his mark on this franchise's history. sure, Chad has been the best option the past several years, but he's really been the only option. in my opinion, it's time for someone else to take a crack at it, starting with Clemens.
  13. Jetdog

    Jetdog New Member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    Chad will easily go down as one of my favorite Jets. I think Chad is a winner and s one of the best in the league... and I could quote reasons to support that but you've all read them ten times over. I understood why, as a franchise, we picked up Clemens last year. Matter of fact, I was pumped how we handled that whole situation. Not going after one of the touted three (Young, Cutler, Leinart).. and picking up 2 lineman before getting Clemens who was a first rounder before the injury. This left the door open for Chad to return, but didn't ignore our future. As much as I liked Chad, I knew there might be a day when Kellen supplants him etc... Fine.. that is what is best for the Jets...I'll trust the coaching make the decision when he is no longer the #1. Last weekend is what made this divisive to me. When people cheered Clemens coming in BECAUSE OF AN INJURY TO CHAD.... I suddenly wanted Clemens to do poorly to point out how ridiculous and wrong cheering was. That was what upset me most last week. That whole incident turned me on Clemens. Not his fault, just some jack a$$ fans... I've calmed down.. and don't feel that way now.. but that has affected the smooth transition in my book. I do appreciate Kellen praising Chad... and Chad himself taking the high road... after.. but man.. that was my lowest day as a Jet fan. I'm serious. I'd rather lose 15 under Kotite than here my boys cheer while Chad is hurt.

    On final note on Chad. If Clemens had closed the gap that much, he would have been in the game sooner last week. Chad was limping badly and Mangini kept him in. Why? If he is looking for a reason to go with Kellen, he had it. Yet he kept Penny in there. Says a lot to me about who is clearly still # 1.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The reason that Mangini put Chad back in is the cheer when he came out. When Chad proved he could stand up and asked to go back in Mangini put him in. Any coach would have done that in those circumstances. It's not like the Jets had any chance to catch the Pats at that point anyway.
  15. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    You seem to be one of the fans that almsot seems to be more of a Chad fan than a Jets fan. I was upset at the cheering last week and bothered by it, but it was NOWHERE near my lowpoint as a Jets fan. The Baltimore game with Bolly was lower because I knew that the team had given up. I don't really get the Chad worship sometimes it really seems like to them the most important thing for the Jets is for Chad to play. Everthing else is not as important. Well, as I stated in my first post people just view QBs and football in general differently. And because of the fervor on both sides, neither side will really ever agree. I try to see both sides, and there are positives on both sides, but it seems like many, if not most, are just blinded by this situation and toally close minded and do not even listen to other viewpoints.
  16. Jetdog

    Jetdog New Member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    <<You seem to be one of the fans that almsot seems to be more of a Chad fan than a Jets fan. I was upset at the cheering last week and bothered by it, but it was NOWHERE near my lowpoint as a Jets fan.>>

    I was a Jet fan long before Chad... and will be long after. I just never thought I would see our fans cheer when a guy on our own team was hurt. Especially a guy who with the track record he has with our organization.... Not only on the field, but his character and attitude off the field. We didn't get the worst fan award when we were losing to Baltimore with Bolly.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I understand the cheer even if I don't approve of it and wouldn't have done it myself. The cheer was not "oh good, Chad is out" the cheer was "ok, now Clemens is going to get his chance."

    A lot of long-term Jets fans, myself included, have watched the Chad years with a mixture of respect and regret.

    Respect for the energy he brings to the game when things are going well and it's in the realm for him to control it and regret for the games when a superior team shuts him (and the Jets) down and just runs away and hides with the game.

    Respect for his ability and willingness to play through pain and to come back from mid-season injuries that would have ended most player's seasons if not careers and regret that he is so often injured and in pain with no other reasonable option available at QB.

    Respect for the leadership that he brings to the team in tough but winnable situations and regret for the deer in the headlights look that we've all become accustomed to seeing when things just go irreversibly south during a game. Chad is the only Jets QB I have ever seen where 14 fast points by the other team means the game is over, and he knows it and so does everybody in the stadium.

    I want to see Kellen Clemens get his shot. I respect Chad for what he has brought to the Jets over that last half decade and I regret that the team wasn't good enough to make it more than it was. That's football.
  18. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    so basically its a good thread because your are anti-chad, as is this thread...makes sense
  19. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    You can't possibly be serious. You really think a coach bases a decision like that on the crowd? Mangini says he doesn't even notice what the crowd is doing.
  20. ihatethedolphins3

    ihatethedolphins3 New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    u give chad the pats oline and he will play not to loose all the way to the super bowl

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