The Official Fishing Thread is here!

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Cman69, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Finally mounted in the Man Cave!
    stinkyB likes this.
  2. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Looks good.... need a tuna you caught on a topwater plug for the other wall now ;)
  3. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    2025 my friend... Last item on the bucketlist.
    stinkyB likes this.
  4. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Fished the Tolken Wreck 10 miles out yesterday. Huge Blue fin Tuna airing out in the AM. Football sized in the afternoon.

    Would not eat!!!!! Didn't matter what you threw at them.

    If I had a gun would have loaded the boxes.
  5. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Ha... talked to my brother on monday. Stayed nearshore Long Beach and said ocean looked like National Geographic .... Tunas, stripers airing out, whales feeding...but also couldn't get them to eat. Then had to come home to go ER as he stuck a treble hook into his thumb swapping lures.... DOH
  6. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Yes, a Nat Geo day indeed.

    I stuck a fillet knife in my thumb yesterday. Looks like its healing good despite being covered in fish guts.
  7. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Got 3 planned trips left for '24. Block Island (Montauk) and Coxes Ledge (Nantucket) for Sea Bass, Porgy and Cod/Pollock. Aruba after thanksgiving for Mahi Mahi. I also have a custom deep drop blade in the making from Connley which should be ready next month.
    stinkyB likes this.
  8. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Not familiar with a “deep drop blade” CMan?
  9. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Took the boys with us yesterday to fish the Rocks for Stripers. They are all 13 yrs old friends of the Captains sons. The fish were on Sand Eels so we started jigging and boated two 35” fish.

    Switched over to the troll put down 2 shad umbrella rigs and started to boat one after another.

    Kids had a blast reeling those big fish in. Had two fish on a lure and the smaller one was a keeper.

    Butchers bill was 11 fish one keep. Saw 2 Bluefin Tuna airing out and switched over to trolling Hoos on Shutes. Wind came up hard NW made it a bit bumpy. No love from Charlie and headed for the barn at 1:00PM.

    Kids slept all the way home.
    stinkyB likes this.
  10. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Looks to be really flat there tommorrow.... Hoping for one more shot at a nearshore bluefin before the season's done. Had intentions to fly up there today to fish with my brother tomorrow... unfortunately JetBlue flight from JAX was sold out. So then had intentions to run my boat for a 1/2 day nearshore strike mission here (flat and nice today).. but I got smashed in the face by my longboard yesterday and most likely broke my nose... doh
    #2710 stinkyB, Oct 27, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  11. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    New Tech Green. Deep Drop rods come in 2 sections now. The "Blade" section is the actual rod. The "Butt" is the reel mounting side. They come in three sizes. #2, #4 and #6. Most of the Winthrop Adjustable butts come in either #2 or #4. You can mix and match everything as they also make adapters that go from #4 -> #2. They are NOT proprietary so you have all kinds of flexibility. I'm getting a 7'-6" Deep Drop #2 blade made from a heavy (50-100) Tuna Blank. I already have several adjustable butts and I also have straight butts for boats that don't allow bent butt rods.

    Here's an example of a "blade". Its for Swordfishing but I will be using it for really heavy payloads in high current, deep water situations..

    Shimano Terez BW Swordfish Rods - TackleDirect
  12. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    How do you guys do with cedar plugs up there? and do you use unpainted "natural" ones? ( I've only really used blue and white (to look like flying fish & sardines)
  13. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Just talked to my brother.... said he crushed the stripers today. 15 overslots (most around 48") on topwater plugs and one slot to bring home.

    Lots of tunas in the mix but he couldn't get them to eat.

    I wish I made it up there
  14. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    OK so you can troll a heavy metal lure for Stripers.

    I thought it was a new type of planer. Lost 3 planers this season. Saw a "wing" shaped triangular planer the other day and was wondering if they are any better than the metal ones?
    Cman69 likes this.
  15. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Did an over nights trip Sunday to Monday. Watched the fucking awful disaster of a team loose to the shitty Pats and needed to wash the team out of my mind.

    Ran out to the Hudson and set up sword fishing on a spot these boys caught 5 on their last trip at the 100 Square. Porpoises feeding on Lancet fish and squid all around the boat all night. No love from Charlie nor the swords. Drifted south at grey light headed back up to the fleet who were tied to pots on the East Edge. Mugged the Voyager for a little bit. Saw birds working and decide to chase them up on the flats. Were drifting and a boat came and mugged us. Saw them boat a small Tuna and knew we were next. We hooked up and boated a 35 lb Yellowfin. When the chunks ran thin switched over to trolling Hoos and wide trackers. Mugged a Scalloper. Decided then to head to the West Elbow for some tiles. In 360" with no electric reels boated 40 Tiles. At 1:30 PM headed for the barn.

    Good day on the water with some top fisherman two of whom are mates on the Mad Hatter out of Shark River.

    Couldn't get away from the Fucking Jets though. They were all Giant fans and busted my balls. Glad the Fucking Ji Ants lost last night.
    stinkyB likes this.
  16. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Always deploy one in the wash. Crazy action. I use the wooden cedar ones but yesterday we were using ones that looked like fish.

    How is the nose?
    stinkyB likes this.
  17. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yeah they work great but like I've said I've only used painted ones. Gathering some lures to give my brother for xmas, and it seems alot of guys up there prefer plain wood (always struck me as odd, but I guess it is the color of squid)

    He said fish were all on sandeels (but he got the stripers on a big Chug Norris).... Sounded like a sick day.
    Big tuna "arches" on the sounder mixed in with the stripers... I told him he shouldve jigged some sandeel type "streaker" jigs at slack tide to get one of the bluefins.... I guess he still needs big bro to direct ;)

    Nose is still sore, and I got a headache and some purple bags under the eyes but OK, aside from losing my Versace modeling contract ;)
    A real PIA is catching a cold and being all congested with a banged up nose...
    #2717 stinkyB, Oct 29, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  18. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Ugh. You should get it looked at. Breathing is important, Get it fixed.

    Yes, Sandeels abound. Funny but I may be fishing them Monday. Didn't know you could purchase them at a bait store. Guys are trolling umbrella rigs set up with tubes. We clobbered them with shad rigs.

    Blue Fin Tuna are here but not biting. Fucking Ghosts. Saw them breaking water on the way home yesterday at the Chicken Canyon and inshore of that too. Hopefully that changes.

    Season is coming to a close. Time to set sights south.
  19. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yeah, he tried some RonZs yesterday.... to have the tails all get bit off by bluefish. (Happenned when I was up this summer too) that shit gets frustrating (and expensive) after awhile.

    Not really a fan of trolling heavy umbrella style rigs for Stripers... especially if you have to let them go. Rather go the "sporty" route with lighter tackle tossing lures.... but Tuna on the otherhand (he did say a guy on the radio got one trolling mojos)

    Speaking of sporty tackle, you ever target the tunas on swim/stickbaits/poppers? That kind of fishing really intrigues me and I've amassing an assortment of lures (when I find them on sale... as I'll rarely get to use them. lol)

    Thanks but I think the nose is fine.... it was clogged up with green snot, was sore to blow it out though .
    #2719 stinkyB, Oct 29, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  20. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Yes, we throw poppers and stick baits but the fish have to be on top. These fucking ghosts don't pay them any attention.

    That will turn around I'm hoping.

    Catching a tuna on a Mojo can be fun but could be a long fight owing the leader and main line may be in the 35 pound test range.
    stinkyB likes this.

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