The official "Draft Day" Thread Part II

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Bing is not tough and is also not intelligent.
  2. Lunatic

    Lunatic New Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I agree, I think years from now this draft will only be remembered for our two offensive linemen. I think we still became a better team, but we didn't help ourselves as much as we could have. After some of the no names in the third I might not even watch the 2nd day.

    I completely agree, I was hoping for just one difference maker on the offensive side of the ball on day one, obvisiously our line is much improved, but I would have liked to see a running back. I dont like the Clemens pick but we will see. All I can really say is that there isn't much left on the board in terms of wr/te/rb that excite me. It looks like we will have to rely on Pennington's arm, Curtis's legs, and Coles's hands to score points. I guess the philosophy was to try and bring back the Jets team of '04 that was a couple missed fg's away from the afc championship game.
  3. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    was this how new england fans sounded when belichick was drafting for the patriots? Gotta see how mangini puts these pieces to the puzzle
  4. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    "OH, The Painnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
  5. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Bing would chew this Smith guy up, dig a hole, spit him into the hole, bury him, wait until a plant closely resembling Smith grows, harvest it, eat it, and that's all before 10am.
  6. Jetsandcanes

    Jetsandcanes Active Member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    i agree smith is a bit of a reach but i like picking anthony schlegel. both seem like leaders, good character guys.
  7. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    This is just sickening. I was totally in the Tangini corner before today, but not anymore. I gave them blind faith based on some nice talk, and some fairly decent moves in FA. Forget it. It was a sign of things to come. Tons of below-average guys who love to play football. You know what? I can field the same thing from a pool of close friends. That doesn't mean we could appear in the playoffs.

    In one of the best drafts EVER, with three picks virtually in the the first round (at least talent-wise) we managed to somewhat beef up the OLine, with a tackle who doesn't block for the run, and an undersized center. Then we managed to trade the farm away for Clemmens? I don't care how good Hoge thinks he is. Somehow he wasn't even spoken about before the Jets picked him, then all of a sudden he is better than Leinart and Young? Come on...

    So we stockpiled picks at the bottom of the barrel, sacrificing all of the talent from early, and then topped it off with a FREAKING SAFETY?!?!?! Just how many secondary players are required to be on a Jets roster every year? By the end of the draft we will be fielding all OLinemen on one side of the ball, and playing a 1-1 on D (with 9 guys in the secondary. Think of it as a "hybrid zone scheme")

    This new regime is going to have to do A LOT now to make up for this draft in my eyes. I don't want to hear about having faith and "they did their homework." So did Herm and Bradway, and look where that got us.

    I am almost as embarassed to be a Jets fan right now as I was back in the Kotite days.
  8. CYensePHIction

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Draft Day I Analysis

    There have been many doubters around saying the Jets messed up the first day of the draft, and I'll admit I was one of them, but I think we did well this draft day. These are the reasons why:

    1) We solidified our Offensive line for many years, taking OLs in the first round is always annoying in that many expect impact players like RBs to be better, but that is not true because a solid OL is the greatest impact on a team.

    2) We chose "character" players, I am sure that Mangini saw something in Smith and Schlegel that made him choose them over the other supposedly more talented available players at that draft spot. And in Mangini we must trust.

    3)This draft day was like a vaccination shot, it hurts a little because we didn't get that RB/QB, but after a while it will heal. And the shot will keep us healthy for a long time, so no more boosters in a long time hence we probably will not need to draft an OL which means we will be drafting more RBs/QBs/ETCs in the future.

    cmon We are JET fans, we are used to pain... but this time we are going to get something out of it
  9. SouthBayJetsfan4life

    SouthBayJetsfan4life Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Was this the best you could do...?


    I will admit, drafting Ferguson and Mangold was great, but after that, it went downhill. We got no playmakers on either side of the ball, and we did address that this team sorely needs..atheticism and speed.

    I think Mangini needed to show me that this team is moving in the right direction. That THEY know what they what they are doing. I think after day one..I vote NO CONFIDENCE.
  10. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    He might be better than Smith. Then again, Smith didn't have academic problems and Smith does not shy away from contact.

    Not every USC player will be gold.

    (Note: I am in no way saying the Smith pick was good)
  11. CYensePHIction

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I think mangini knows what he is doing and just because we don't know what that reason is not enough to conclude we 'threw away' rounds 2 and 3.

    The Jets FO have studied this draft for a very very long time, and I think they made the right choices. I did feel badly that we didn't get an RB in the rounds, but the players that were chosen were obsviously chosen for a reason.

    They ARE NOT the high impact players, but they they are the behind the scenes players. And if you take one look at the Championship Pats you can see those types of players are the ones that win.
  12. CYensePHIction

    Apr 29, 2006
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    And leaders are what win Championships
  13. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yea talant has nothing to do with it. how many slow white guys are in pitts lb crew better yet on there defense? there was one kimo he is a jet now. teams are gonna expose us in coverage only cover lb we got is vilma.
  14. CYensePHIction

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Yes, talent is important but leadership brings the best out of everyone around you. A team full of talent will never work without leadership.

    You can't just say that because a player did not play amazing in college that they have no talent, with proper development many decent college player can suceed at the NFL.
  15. Jetfan1215

    Jetfan1215 New Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    i totally understand the embarassed feeling. I have been saying for weeks that i want Leinart, and Jets passed on him. cant say i am happy about it but they did get the best OT prospect so fine. Then they draft Mangold the best C prospect sounds great but why did they sign Teague just a few weeks ago. Clemmens hopefully will be a sleeper i dont know much about the guy but merrill hoge likes him alot and i usually disagree with everything hoge says, so hopefully he's right this time. Schleigel sounds like he is a tough SOB and i like that, he already has experience playing w/ a superstar next to him at ohio state with AJ Hawk so it sound be a smooth transition playing alongside Vilma. eric Smith is a waste i read his bio he's had several knee injuries already and there is questions about his athleticism and ability, thats a bad move. I know they built up the O-line w/ 2 great prospects, and possibly a good QB so i shouldnt be upset but for some reason i still feel a little disappointed.
    its weird i felt better last years draft when they got a kicker. Am i the only who feels this way????
  16. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Co-sign......... this team would be better with POpe and Bell.
  17. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    My feelings on day one ... JMO


    I admit I was a huge advocate of a more sexy pick at #4 Overall, I Just never hopped on the Brick bandwagon, but even a complete football novice knows that LT is one of the few positions in all of football that any legit FOOTBALL GUY will tell you is a slam-dunk "premium position"

    Having said that, we drafted the consensus best LT in the draft and a cat who has the talent to be a franchise left-tackle for the next decade {or more} barring injuries, and he also has awesome character, so while you can quibble with this pick if you preferred a more sexy selection, you still have to give the selection high marks in every conceivable area ... talent, premium position, value, character, and need ... this could turn out to be a "Great Pick" if Ferguson reaches his ceiling, which most everyone expects, which is to become a legit FLT {i.e. All Pro caliber LT}, but that's what he has to become to justify a TOP 5 Pick, an FLT, a Good LT is not Good enough

    I can say all of the same things about Mangold minus the "premium position" ... not sexy, O-line never is, but it was an excellent value pick at 29 Overall, filled a need following the loss of Mawae {Teague is a hold the fort guy, not a cornerstone}, immensely talented lineman, outstanding size/strength/athleticism for a Center, and by all account outstanding character ... this is a player who projected higher than we took him on the boards I most respect, the legit FOOTBALL GUYS ... about the right spot for the Guru's, but exceptional value for the FOOTBALL GUYS {Brandt, Kirwin, Shlareth, Mayock, who is a former pro football player, etc}

    Final comments on round one, nothing sexy about these picks but if the Jets hit on these two picks {and both have a consensus high ceiling}, they have put in place a couple of cornerstones to have a Very Good O-line for the next decade-plus barring injuries or free agent defections ... if things go according to plan and these cats reach the ceiling folks expect of them, it could be the makings of a dominant O-line ... bare in mind, the two toughest positions on the line to fill with dominant players are LT and Center, there are just so few of each {most teams don't have a dominant LT or C}, but the RT's and OG's are so much easier to find ... that's why these two picks can result in a dominant O-line if the Jets hit on both

    The QB Pick I loved ... flatout loved .. and I nearly had a heart attack when Mort and Boomer suggested the Jets were preparing to select Brodie Croyle {and thus pass on Clemens} in that spot, right before they went to the break .. the look on my face throughout that commercial break must have been priceless .. I must have looked like a man who was preparing to go to the electric chair .. I knew Clemens was there, I loved his upside, and anyone who read my comments prior to the draft knows I felt Brodie Croyle was perhaps the most overrated player in the draft {not just QB mind you, but maybe the most overrated player overall} .. and the ESPN panel had been accurately predicting so many picks I started to believe they were being given advanvced notice of some kind, and don't yourself, they were .. so when they said this pick looks like Croyle {NOT CLEMENS}, then went to the break prior to the pick, that was the longest two or three minutes of my life .. I just sat here lookin dumbfounded, and practically saying novenas that maybe, JUST MAYBE, this time the panel got it wrong, somehow the wires got crossed, it is a QB, but it's Clemens and not Croyle? {Please!}

    So that pick was a double-whammy for me ... maybe one of my all-time favorite picks for the Jets when you consider the dual emotions ... on the one hand I loved Clemens, and on the other hand I felt as if I had just received a last minute repreive {on death row} from the Governer when Gene Washington spoke the words "From he University of Oregon" and not "From the University of Alabama" ... when I heard those words, I simultaniously let out a huge sigh of relief {first and foremost} AND THEN considered how thrilled I was with the actual pick {QB Kellen Clemens}

    Sorry fellas, I know there are some huge Croyle fans out there, but on my board this wasn't even a close call .. I had Clemens light years ahead of Croyle .. and judging by the way the board fell {Croyle went 36 Picks later, following two other QB's, Tavarias Jackson and Charlie Whitehurst}, apparently I was not the only one .. in fact, in my final DD mock I had Croyle going 40 Picks later as well, in the 80's, while I also had Clemens as the forth QB off the board in the 40's {RD 2} .. so this was not even a close call for me

    Okay, so far things are going swimmingly, right?

    Yep, looks like the Jets have really positioned themselves for a killer draft ... heck, even the panel at ESPN can't stop praising the Jets draft, and when's the last time you heard that?

    BUT ... NOT SO FAST!!

    Just when you're thinkin wow, these cats really have their acts together this year .. bam, right in the kisser!

    Yep, with that comes the anual kick in the stomach you can seemingly never escape as a Jet fan

    Don't get me wrong, Schlegel has a chance to be a nice ILB ... he was a darn good player in college, so you cannot rule out the possibility that he can be a solid player in the pros ... he also has the size you look for in 34 LB's ... and I keep hangin my hat on the idea, AND LETS CALL A SPADE A SPADE, the Patriots have made the so-so athletic white linebackers fasionable again {trust me, once upon a time no-one was tripping over themselves for Bruschi or Vrabel either} ... so while Schlegel was a reach in RD 3 {I don't think anyone in the world projected him that high, Guru's, Football Guys, you name it}, there is at least a track record behind "THE IDEA", and Schlegel was a Very Good Player in College, so you can hate that we reached that significantly {and I do believe we did reach heavily}, but still hold out hope that maybe Mangini sees something in this kid that others don't see, a highly motivated linebacker, smart and tough, big as well, who fits the scheme he has in mind and has a chance to be a better player for the Jets than his overall talent would seem to indicate?

    In short, it's a reach ... no way around it ... but at least its a reach with "AN IDEA" in mind, and I can see the idea ... and at least he was a really good player in college, good size, good character, tough and smart, etc ... and at least it filled a need, because I always believed we had to select a linebacker or two in this draft ... but it remains a reach and that's what bugs me, because I believe this player could have been had in RD 4 {easily} ... and it really hurt when we traded down just prior to this reach {from 71 to 76}, only to see Gocong selected at 71 followed by Leonard Pope and Brian Calhoun ... and some of the players who went off the board following Schlegel {RB Jerious Norwood, CB David Pittman, etc} really sticks in my craw as well ... so all I know is this kid better become a better player for the Jets than anyone projected, "THE IDEA" better be right, otherwise this was just a bonehead pick on day one, and you can't afford to just throw day one picks in the trash can when you need as much help as the Jets

    As for our other brilliant 3rd RD Pick, S Eric Smith ... this was Derek Pagel all over again, but worse, much worse, cause even Bradway didn't massively reach for Pagel on day one ... and even Bradway didn't draft Pagel when we already had a Gazillion safeties on the roster with a ton of other needs to address ... IMO this was just a horrendous pick ... can't get any worse ... an absolute throw away of a day one pick on a slow-footed white safety who looks destined for special teams and career backup duty at best, AT BEST, and will probably only hang around for a few years just to justify his being selected on day one, which will only make it worse because now he'll spend the next few years stealing a roster spot from the more worthy candidates before the team finally decides to cut bait {THINK PAGEL} ... so IMO this pick was the the height of stupidity from every conceivable angle ... postion, talent, you name it ... Just the height of folly on a day one pick

    Now watch, Eric Smith will turn into an All-Pro!! :rolleyes:
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    One thing however.

    Since they decided to go all out, they should move up to the top of round four, and take a flyer on Giles. Lt,C,RG. With Kendall,Jones,Teague on the roster.
  19. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    OBTW, this Eric Smith selection has Mike Westhoff written all over it

    And we know he actually lobbies for these types of picks, LOBBIES HARD, cause he's admitted it many times

    But to Get Westhoff this player on DAY ONE is almost criminal ... even Bradway, not exactly Ron Wolf, often made Westhoff wait until DAY TWO for this type of player

    Somebody should bar Westhoff from the facility on draft day ... period

    I mean, this guy is like a cancer in the war-room ... gotta get him out of there
  20. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    shoot with a pick this high for special teams he shouldnt have any excuses we should have a top 5 special teams this year. we better.

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