Oh, it's the "Pats don't fumble because they deflate footballs" club of merry idiots gathering a year later. Funny how the deflation was the reason for not fumbling and a year later there isn't a single stat to prove that. In fact they fumble even less. There's also zero evidence of ball deflation but lets not get into that nonsense again .Who knew that a combination of good players, preparation and good coaching would lead to less fumbles. Shocking news for Jets fans I'm sure. But it's great that they spent millions of dollars to investigate a natural occurence, yet meanwhile one the top teams has a QB who gets HGH sent to his wife from the shadiest clinic of all time. I'm sure it went to Mannings wife. Meanwhile Clemens won't make the MLB HOF for the same exact reason. NFL, were we investigate winning teams but you are allowed to take every drug in the book. Classy.
^ Let me guess, you had to give away your ticket to the game today because your local Stop N Save ran out of the super absorbent tampons you use.
the stats actually show they fumbled at a higher rate this season. maybe you should actually look at them before speaking inaccurately. and there is plenty of evidence of ball deflation. lol only P*ts fan continue to deny that the footballs were tampered with. .......and when all else fails for you felchers, u try to create misdirection......in your case by attacking a Manning. inaccuracy, denial, deflection. all very textbook really. #Patriotway
LOL jerkoffs still trying to convince folks that Brady didn't order footballs deflated and that they weren't deflated. In fact, every single one of them was deflated, and Brady's got the texts to prove it. _
It must be this jerkoff's week to troll Jets fan boards. He's on a schedule, he hits all the NFL teams fan boards on a weekly basis trying to convince them that Brady didn't order the deflating of footballs, that a lockerroom attendant only took the footballs into a bathroom to take a leak--a bathroom without a urinals but with door locks. Hopefully we don't see this jerkoff for another 30 weeks. _