Its going to be very interesting to see how the Jets try to improve the run defense. Miami is the best running team in the NFL (and one of the worst passing teams in the NFL). Also we have to improve our red zone TD average to closer to 60%. But your point is a good one in that we have weathered the storm in some ways and in other ways the season is just now beginning. Three Division Games in the next 4 weeks + a HUGE payback game against Oakland. I swear that loss last year to Oaktown (possibly the worst game played last yr in the NFL) symbolized the Jets in a nutshell - we need serious redemption on Oaktown.
People don't get how great it is to be (3-1) right now with our schedule. Also, many people are saying the Saints are a Super Bowl caliber team and I agree. The Jets are right up there with them. If the game was in New York, I think the Jets win.