The Darrelle Revis No Longer Holding Out Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by bojanglesman, Jul 30, 2010.

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  1. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    What does guaranteed for skill mean though?
    It sounds like they can make guaranteed for skill some BS like you have to be able to do 54 jumping jacks.
  2. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I always figured it was a termination due to diminishing skills thing. As in, even if a player sucks and is cut, he still gets the guaranteed money. As opposed to getting waived due to career ending injury.
  3. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    Guaranteed for skill means that they give you the guaranteed money as long as you're healthy enough to play football no matter how badly you suck. It's a little bit misleading, it should probably be "guaranteed against lack of football ability" or something.

    The key to getting the guaranty is that it prevents the team from pulling a Bradon Moore and cutting you and resigning you a second later for less money.

    Guaranteed for injury means they give you the money regardless of whether you're healthy or not. You could presumably get an insurance policy to cover an injury that lets you get cut from an NFL team but I would think those policies would be insanely expensive.
  4. BigGorilla

    BigGorilla New Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Agree 100% - if Revbis doesn't want to man-up and play for the 1M he agreed to, let him sit.
  5. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Romo has a $30 million injury-based diminishing skills policy on himself. His annual premium is $150,000.
  6. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    I'm shocked it's that low. The insurer is an idiot (or likes getting free advertising for being Romo's insurer, or is run by a cowboys fan). That contract implies a .5% (i.e. half of one percent) chance of a career ending injury a year, and quarterbacks get hurt a lot more than that.
  7. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    1) I agree with you here. I think $120 over 10 years with $40-$50 guaranteed should be plenty to bring him in as well. However, when you think about it a 3 year / $30 (I even suggested as much as $32-$35M guaranteed) might actually be a better deal all around for Revis. Assuming that he's near the top of his game still in three years (he'd be 27-28) he'd likely to rake even more cash - especially of the guaranteed variety.

    2) If public perseption doesn't matter at all then the what the Jets said about Revis having "outplayed his contract" really doesn't matter either. I really don't think that positions taken during meetings between the Jets and the agents hinge at all on what was said after the AFC Championship game. The only real things that matter are (I'm stating the obvious): that Revis is currently under contract for three more years for as much as $21M, he wants more money, and the Jets a Revis have to decide what's best for each party and what they can live with. Who stated what 6 months ago really doesn't matter IMHO. In my mind (and we all have different opinions) what the Jets said doesn't legitomize the holdout any more than saying nothing.
  8. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I don't understand why more football players don't do the same. It makes reasonable sense in my eyes.
  9. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    WELL YEAH.... What I've been saying all along... Neil Schwartz is SCUM.....

    The Kendall "Lie" never made sense - It was all about the market for Guards rising after they signed their deal....

    IMPORTANT FACT - Look at that list... Revis is their meal ticket. Roddy White was a nice 1st big deal for these neophytes but, with Revis these guys are looking to live a whole different life style.....

    How could Revis ever sign with these schmucks... I'd never sign with someone with such few name players looking to hit lotto.
  10. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I was shocked to find that out, too. I figured it had to be a hell of a lot higher.
  11. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I guess the big deal is what is actually covered - ie. when does the policy payout it kick in. It might be that it only kicks in if he never is able to play a down again and it's confirmed by certain medical staffs. Of course "diminishing" and career ending don't really go hand in hand. Actually, can you think of QB in his prime that has actually had a career ending injury (as in never played the game again)? I can only think of Theisman and that was many years ago.

    Or maybe the Gecko gave Romo a break if Romo said it was OK for him to stand next to the Cheerleaders.
  12. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    T, man do you have a tendency to get things totally wrong. Forget the Washington thing, let's keep it simple.

    Mike T was NOT TALKING TO REVIS on the phone. It was Revis' agent. If you couldn't figure that one thing out on your own, there isn't even any point in debating something more complicated than that.
  13. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    I got it wrong?
    Re read the quote.
    I never said he was talking TO Revis, but the fact is that Mike T said "What He thanked me for" I know it was his agent on the phone,
    I just assumed he was referring to Revis.

    Don't know why, Just did because of the "He"
  14. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    That conversation on the phone was with Schwatz. Mike T got off the phone and said "That was the monst non-negative conversation I ever had with him. He thanked me for saying something complimentary about him, his wife appreciated it. You forget that he has a family, and a wife to go home to. He's still a person."

    Woody: "Yup, just like everyone else is."

    How do you watch that and think they were talking about Revis at all? The entire conversation was to and about Schwartz.
  15. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    LOL. I was about to say that very thing, but I figured I'd let you respond since it was addressed to you. I'm fairly certain Tanny knows how to view Revis as a human being.
  16. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I finally watched Hard Knocks last night while drunk and thought Tanny was talking about Revis. I was all "WTF Tanny?"
  17. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The Jets don't have a stellar reputation after what happened to Leon, Baker, and Kendall, and you can maybe even throw Jones and Faneca in there. And now Revis.

    However, even though all of those instances, the player certainly had a right to complain, I don't think the team really made a single mistake in there, except for Kendall mainly because they had no replacement for him.

    And in the case of Leon, "all he wanted was to be paid like Sproles" is a ridiculous comment. Sproles was set to be a free agent, so the Chargers gave him a franchise tag. Then this year, they tendered him again with a 10% raise! Darren Sproles is one of the top 10 paid runningbacks in the league because the Chargers do not want to give him a long-term deal, but they want to keep him around in a short-term.

    The Jets can (and likely will) do that with someone. Even if the Jets can't sign everyone, there's a good chance they franchise someone and either keep him or trade him for some value.

    But Leon didn't want to be paid like Sproles. Sure, he wanted Sproles money, but he wanted it for multiple years. And the franchise tag is an average of the top five paid runningbacks in the league. And this year, he's getting a raise.

    Is Leon a top 5 NFL runningback? NO. He was a dynamic player, but he wanted to get a lot of money. Now, if he had proven that he could handle a year of a heavy workload, maybe you pay him like it. But he never had. The broken leg was a fluke injury, but smaller backs do have more injury concerns, and there's a reason why Leon never got a massive workload.

    It's a shame what happened, but because of it, now the Jets have to give him a raise or he simply won't show up. He's not going to risk playing at $1 million this year when the next two years aren't guaranteed anymore. The best chance of Revis playing this year is at a band-aid contract.

    First, Revis needs to back down from his demands of making Asomugha money. Cornerbacks are not worth that money. And while it's possible he could have squeezed that out of the Jets if he were going to be a UFA, there's no chance with three years left on his deal.

    Now, If he were set to be a UFA options were Revis gets Asomugha money or he walks, the Jets would give him the franchise tag. And then they'd do it again probably, and then they'd probably give him a short term deal like Asomugha got for ridiculous money.

    So basically, they need to decide on a short term deal that makes Revis happy. It's not going to be $15 million a year, but I would hope like $11 million for the next three years would work with some incentives to boost it up to $13 or so.

    And Mike T was talking to Schwartz, not Revis.
  18. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Well, call it a brain fart or whatever you want to.
    I know it wasn't Revis on the phone, Don't know why In my mind he was referring to Revis...I'll rewatch it and probably agree with you since you took the time to rewatch it already to get the quotes correct.

    U know what though? and even after that, the end result is still the same, Woody comes off as a prick. No denying that.
  19. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I have watched it 3 times... but I did not rewatch it for this post, the quotes are pretty close to exact, but not exact.

    I can't agree that Woody came off as a prick based on that scene in the show however. If you think Woody is a prick, fine, but I don't see it based on that scene and conversation. Mike T and Woody DESPISE Schwartz. They loathe the man. They hate him so much, they forgot he was a person.

    Schwartz is behind nearly every contract holdout in the NFL. Roddy White last year, Vincent Jackson and Revis this year. It's Schwartz who deosn't care about the players. he gets a cut, and he is all about putting more money in his pocket. He is the guy who could care less about what is in a player's best interest. The Jets, and for that matter, the Chargers are not going to cave the way Atlanta did.
  20. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I didn't see the show, but from the quotes provided here one can tell Tannenbaum was not talking about Revis. As far as I know, Revis is not married.
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