Another awful decision by Chad Tell the Jet fans at Giants Stadium to get off their fat asses and get to their seats!
why is it on chanel 5! i drove all the way out to my dads for his direct tv and it wasnt even on, o well i get to wacth em.
Yea...most of the yards are because of a nice grab by Coles. 2 almost picks and a piss poor decision free 3rd and goal throw to a guy on the 5 in traffic.
You're joking, right? It's all dink and dunk, except for the bad pass that Coles made an unbelievable play on for 36 yards. And now on a free play he doesn't throw the ball into the end zone, and then on a 3rd down pass from the 5 yard line throws an awful pass that should have been picked off. Excuse me for wishing for a QB who actually makes plays, rather than has his receivers make plays for him. Maybe it will change starting next series, but there's no way that anyone can reasonably claim that he's playing well so far.
Jets fans never cease to amaze me, its all dink and dunk, yet you still complain when he throws for 36 yards, " bad pass" This guy can do nothing right.