Is it confirmed that all he used was that little hammer? Maybe he used the butt of one of the guns? He had enough weaponry that he could sacrifice one as a hammer. I'm not sure if that would be more effective than a hammer as I'm not entirely sure of the weight and durability of those guns when being smashed.
True, but 200 shots down the hallway in a vegas hotel such as the mandalay I would think should draw one hell of a response . At least to the point that there's no mystery as to where the shooter is.
That's what they told us and the hammer was in one of the leaked pictures from his room. Butt stocks are all polymer these days. He would have messed up his guns if he had to tried to break the windows with them.
The official timeline changed today. Now the authorities are saying the security guard was shot 6 minutes before the massacre started. Assuming that the security guard's account is what changed this increases the chances that he was involved in some way.
All I'm saying is good thing we have an affordable health care system in place to cover the costs of the devastating injuries suffered in the attack.
The percentage of people covered by health insurance is much higher today than it would have been in 2010. So many of the younger people at the festival would have had no insurance at all and their costs would either have been covered by the local health establishment through the ER or by their parents and family. The Affordable Care Act is in trouble at this point but the people who were shot in the massacre are in better shape than they would have been without it. It would help if the GOP had been onboard with fixing the damn thing from the get-go but they were looking to Trump us all for 8 years instead and it worked.
Good, I'm glad to hear that the articles I'm reading how the victims face huge medical expenses are lies.
My health care was very affordable before the ACA, it has since become the biggest monthly bill I have. Fucking awesome how well it is working. Thanks Barry
But the system works. People who suffer catastrophic injuries in mass shootings aren't going to be saddled with unaffordable healthcare expenses. Br4d said so.
I shouldn't complain too much, I do get to pay high deductibles to go along with my sky high premiums.
if he did have help stolen security clothes would certainly help , especially if someone got away. Just theory of course, but from day one I've seen accounts of someone in those clothes.
In red no less, you Commie. I keep derailing! All I was saying is that details change and it's always a ball of tangled crap. Read back if you want your retinas to detach. I don't even know why there were other derailing bold facey warning mumbles about 20 pages ago, but I'm legally deaf in one ear, so there's always that. I'm not trying to rub you raw, I'm just being honest. Have a good one, Burgermeister Meisterburger.
Yep, I just had my open enrollment period. For the same policy my monthly costs will rise on Jan 1 from $596 month to $789 a month. (Actually it is the same but the copay for everything was raised again) This is for a state employees plan where they pay half the cost. Over $1500 a month for shitty coverage where the co pay basically stops you from going to doctor unless you are on deaths door. At least I got a $138 a month raise on my shitty teacher's salary!
Is that outfit really that hard to come by? I feel like especially with Halloween around the corner it's pretty easy to look the part of hotel security. They wear the yellow jackets right? Hell, I saw some pretty spot on SWAT and police officer uniforms at Comic Con to the point where I questioned if they were police. This is available for purchase for only $7.95...
I'm sure generic are easy, I wonder if mandalay has their own. I'm still surprised no interviews with staff... would love to hear from the guy who took the order for 2 that's on that receipt. I've realized 9 days later that we have the same videos of the incident on rotation , very little accounts from people that were there , or workers etc.
I'm sure they're all being interviewed and investigated. I too though am surprised that in the age of social media and everyone being a fricken news reporter, we haven't seen or heard more from the hotel staff.