Well a lot of the supposed conspiracy theories seem stupid and based on nothing. But those videos are pretty clear that the shots are coming from the 4th floor of the hotel. I can't imagine a reflection traveling that far at several different angles. One hole in the conspiracy theory is that why would they just choose a normal everyday guy with basically no motive at all? Wouldn't it be a lot more believable if they used a jihadist or political nut as the fall guy? The guy in the radio interview also sounds like he's in his 30s or 40s. Not someone who would live in a retirement community for 8 months before moving back to freezing cold Pittsburgh. Still, something isn't sitting entirely right with this to me. And I'm the last guy on planet earth to ever believe any sort of conspiracy theory.
I think the choice of paddock would be perfect . Not married, girlfriend has dual citizenship . Limited contact with his family or anyone else. Doesn't seem to have a close friend . Frequents vegas, so if they ever needed to study someone to use in that area. They guy outside his girlfriend is pretty much a wide open mystery.
Yet the 32nd is where the security guard got shot through the door Check the video on Snopes that shows that same light flashing on the 4th floor 2 hours before the shooting started. http://www.snopes.com/second-gunman-shoot-fourth-floor-mandalay-bay/ What incentive do the police and news have in covering this up? Can you imagine the cost and thousands of people they would need to keep quiet? Yes, I can imagine the possibility another individual might want a patsy but why would thousands play along?
I noticed the idiots on Fox news said (multiple times) that now was not the time to bring up politics whenever someone mentioned gun control, but then they said that the NFL players kneeling were disrespecting the police responders to the shooting. I doubt they realize what ****ing morons (echoing Tillerson) they sound like...but in case they are listening, they do. Ron
yeah,thats not a strobe light. unless its connected to dance with the rifle fire. the window on the 4th is a mystery. but it still doesn't explain why there is no fire coming from the 32nd in any video. if you watch the short clip of the cab driver driving right under the hotel,you can tell that's at the very least not a strobe light,unless they had it right in the window,and it went along perfectly with the rifle fire
I don't think the local police have any incentive to cover anything up. I think the media dance to what ever tune comes across their desk. even if reporters didn't believe the official story,theres no way they are going to speculate and lose their career. after this all happened,id love to know how quick the case was taken out of the hands of the local law enforcement,or if they possibly were just further assisting the fbi etc at a certain point.
Fair enough, I have since found it but the one you posted in post #356 had the bottom, and the name, cut off.
Any idea how the fourth floor (and maybe tenth and twelfth floor) windows got replaced since then with no one seeing that happen?
Paddock supposedly blew his head off (didn't click). If he had a malignant brain tumor that affected his behavior (like Charles Whitman), there probably isn't much left to work with to ascertain that. Just trying to find a reason why someone would harbor so much resentment to do such a thing. Then again, other mass shooters, no brain tumors that I'm aware of, but it is a real thing.
From experience, doing demo on a store inside a mall. We had to take down the glass store front.1/2" thick tempered glass. I could throw a 5lb baby sledge at it and it would crack but not go through. In fact the hammer almost hit me when it bounced back. That's inside mall glass. I'd imagine exterior windows in a high rise are a bit stronger.
There is literally a mini sledge on the floor of one of the hotel images. Between pillar and curtain, it's got a yellow handle:
It's not a conspiracy theory to point out that a lot of what's been told doesn't make any sense. The msm constantly tells half truths, gets things wrong and picks and chooses what details they want to focus on
I was thinking he either blew the windows out with gun fire or used one of those emergency hammers, like the kind you can use if you get into a car accident and need to break the tempered glass to get out (i.e. LifeHammer). Believe it or not, it's more effective than a mini-sledge. AAA used to push them as a necessary part of your emergency kit along with a working flashlight, that Fix a Flat stuff, etc. Emergency hammers are also on public transport (trains and buses) and are often in . . . hotels. If he used one, I'm sure he had his own. They're readily available and very easy to get (Home Depot, Lowe's, TruValue, etc.).
I don't seem to remember Vegas hotel windows being extremely thick but even so, if you hit them closer to the edge, where they are tight with the frame, they have less flex and shouldn't be all that hard to break with a mini sledge like he had. It might have taken a few swings of the hammer, cracking a little more each time until it does break. Though even if that didn't work he could take his first shot through the window to break it.
What I posted also had a link to an article on infowars.com that had more pictures, including the one with his name on it. Anyway, they are now saying that he indeed left a note, which was clearly seen in one of the pictures taken at his hotel suite. and here's another very strange twist to this story EXCLUSIVE: The missing gun: Stephen Paddock bought a high-powered Ruger rifle just hours before arriving in Las Vegas, but the $600 weapon was NOT found among his 23-weapon arsenal of death So, he was on his way with a whole bunch of semi automatic rifles with bump stocks to commit a mass murder and decided to buy a bolt action .308 with a 4-round magazine. Did he plan to go hunting deer or bears too? There's a whole lot more to this story, I think.