Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    We could pick him up now and come draft day he could be traded to another team for a better pick or player. Have faith.
  2. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Um, why would Tebow's value increase from now until draft day?

    For a ball control offense, an offense with someone like Tebow at the helm isn't a bad idea. But he's simply not a good enough passer, and it's not worth all the circus that would come around him. Every time Sanchez did something bad, we'd hear calls for Tebow.
  3. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Like we need the type of sideshow this guy comes with; we have enough problems already. Why even bother Tanny, how about trading for a pass rusher, RT, FS or a couple of LBs with speed. If he trades for this guy he should be fucking fired.
  4. Hooterdawg

    Hooterdawg New Member

    May 24, 2010
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    "The report says that while the Green Bay Packers and Miami Dolphins also were believed to be interested in acquiring Tebow, the trade talks are exclusively down to the Jets and Jaguars.

    Tebow was expected to be dealt for a third-round pick."
  5. BleedGreen4ever

    BleedGreen4ever Active Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    All negative aside this guy could be a WEAPON in the wildcat
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I'll be fucking livid if we give a third for Teblow. Yes, a weapon in the wildcat. A complete headache everywhere else.
  7. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    This move for Tebow sounds good for the wildcat option, but it takes away from Kerley and Mcknight.

    I don't think its worth the headache to bring him in to cause a bs qb controversy, as all the qbs on or sqaud are better imo.

    This move imo is simply to sell seats and create a buzz for the business side of the team. Like many others lets get a real rb, fs, pass rusher, and some oline help.

    Miami should win this sweepstakes as he is a need for them vs luxury for us. Also Tanny had said he was shifting his attention to the draft.

    Plz leave Tebow alone and let Kerley run the Seminole...
  8. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    If the Jets give up a third round for Tebow (with the amount of talent we need at OLB, OL, S, WR, RB, and possibly TE) it will indeed be one of the worst moves this front office will have made since Parcells came to the Jets. It will rank right up there with the Dewayne Robinson and Gholston snafus.

    Why would the Jets need to spend a third round pick on a wildcat QB? If that's not overkill then I don't know what is. It doesn't make sense to spend that much to run a wildcat. A third round pick for a part time player is not good value. And if you think Tebow could be a "real" QB why would you want that scenario when you just paid Sanchez $25M guarranteed over the next two years.

    To think that having Tebow would bring the locker room together is far-fetched in my opinion. Who would want the headaches that would ensue? Sheer idiocy. I hope it's not true.
  9. PJ4Ever

    PJ4Ever Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I was happy the Jets didn't get Peyton Manning. A shrewd move from a team sometimes all too bereft of them. A shrewd move not getting a quarterback who is 36 years old and coming off a major surgery that may not ever enable him to regain his previous form.

    I said a few weeks ago, before this Peyton Manning stuff, that if the Jets got him, it would set the franchise back at least 5 years. And I meant it. Peyton was not the answer. And all that being said, Peyton would have at least had some positives, being quite possibly the best quarterback of all time being the main one.

    But, this Tebow move. Where are the positives? I can't see this move working, and I actually think Tebow is a great football player (unfortunately, quarterbacking is not his forte.) This will just put more pressure on Mark. We are not setting up Sanchez for success! And seriously, considering we still need another safety, right tackle, wide receiver, pass rusher, running back and blocking tight end, I don't think wildcat back is a proper use of any of our draft picks (6th at most.)

    Most of all, I just don't think this team needs more media distractions. Period.
  10. PinPointPenning10

    PinPointPenning10 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Maybe I'm being cynical, but this almost feels like it's being considered not necessarily for football reasons, but instead so the Jets can retake the back pages from the Giants and once again be the talk of football in New York. Hope I'm wrong and if we do acquire him, it'll be because the FO & Rex have a plan to use him to make the team better.
  11. BleedGreen4ever

    BleedGreen4ever Active Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Everyone was clamoring that we coddle sanchez too much and now that we are going to bring in a likeable BACKUP its too much pressure... sanchez can take the pressure and outperform tebow most likely setting tebow up for a great role in our offense running the wildcat... and if tony sporano would take a flier on a second round qb like pat white to run his wildcat i think it just shows the value a qb who can work the wildcat is worth to this offense.
  12. CONN-JET.2.0.3.

    CONN-JET.2.0.3. Active Member

    May 3, 2011
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    Maybe they just entering in these talks just to have team brought up on sports center and get more face time. Although on a run heavy offense, tebow would be a 'wild card' for opposing defenses to deal with, but I'm afraid all of the hype that comes with him would be extremely negative for the team.
  13. CONN-JET.2.0.3.

    CONN-JET.2.0.3. Active Member

    May 3, 2011
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    I've head a lot of talk about Tebow playing running back or full back. Is this realistic ? Would it be worth it for his limited throwing abilities ?
  14. PolygamyWinsChampionships

    PolygamyWinsChampionships Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    It's pretty clear that this is being considered purely as a publicity engine. The Jets have been addressing this Free Agency period with appropriate activity up to this point. They've been looking at players in positions of need and despite not getting them all (*cough* Nelson) I would say that their moves have been quite reasonable. Manning mania aside, (which was purely a publicity stunt IMO) I don't think anybody could really knock where Tanny's head has been at this FA very much.

    My hope is that if they are actually planning to bring him in here that the cost will be very low (6th or 7th rounder), and that they're planning to use him in exclusively the role that he would be suited for on our team (wildcat or HB/FB if that's really what he wants to play). If this is the case, although the move will be sub-optimal from a roster/cap standpoint at least we should get some decent use out of the guy.

    Still, I wish that we didn't have to get in the middle of these kinds of circus acts. At least this is a far better reality to face than one with Manning.
    #614 PolygamyWinsChampionships, Mar 21, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
  15. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    If we get him it becomes official God does not like the Jets.
  16. southparkfanciz

    southparkfanciz Active Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    If we could get him for a 6th round pick then absolutely yes. Anything higher, no.
  17. CONN-JET.2.0.3.

    CONN-JET.2.0.3. Active Member

    May 3, 2011
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    Does getting Tebow fulfill our need for another running back ? Can he play special teams ?
  18. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    If he prays hard enough he can play every position.
  19. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The more I've thought about this, I don't hate it for a 5th rounder. A 3rd rounder and I would go nuts. A 5th rounder for a Wildcat guy, a guy to possibly spark our offense if/when it struggles, it's not awful. I can't imagine how Santonio Holmes and he would get along though.
  20. Doogstein

    Doogstein Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    If he comes in for a 5th rounder or lower I have no problem with this move. Anything higher and it just isn't worth it

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