That's easy, the light and dark sides of the force are hidden from each other. Luke could feel his "twin" was in danger from far away and the Emperor could feel his new "pupil" From great distances as well. Both sides can feel members of their side of the force better than the other side of the force. the exception was in ROTG when Darth Vader was able to sense his son, probably because he was turning from the dark side at that point and it was his son.
Thats was actually clever, Jenga Fett hired the other assassin to distance himself from the highly public murder of a senator. I agree he should have used a different poisin dart that could not be tracked back to him but he killed the assassin in a rush to keep her from talking. The Diner I thinght was a stupid place for Obe wan to go for information but where else would you want it a "hollywood cliche" repair shop?
But Vader could also sense Obi Wan in the Falcon when they were hiding in the smuggler compartments, at the height of him being the baddest Sith ever, so the opposites thing doesn't always work. It's selective control by Lucas and forced (no pun) suspension of disbelief for us.
RAWR!!! Exactly. Here's a bit of Star Wars sacrilege: R2-D2 is even more stupid than Jar Jar. The difference being, we were all kids when R2 was introduced. But even as a kid I despised R2 because I always felt he was stupid. Just like Jar Jar. Why explain the explanation? No one thinks the midichlorian idea was of any worth and Lucas would have been better off not doing it. But who really cares? Does it matter? People focus on little details like that to rip the entire film. I don't give two shits what happened in that movie save for the battle with Darth Maul. To be completely honest, until the whole LOST "we don't want a midichlorian" thing was said about the island, I didn't even remember that part of the movie. The only two things I remember are the pod race and the Maul vs. Qui Gon and Obi Wan fight.
But he could have been sensing Luke and thought it was Obi Wan or there may be a connection based on their old friendship. But your right it does get thin at times
yea if anything compare 3po and jar jar, they are both annoying, but jar jar was just all out retarded
the problem is that TPM is filled with little dumb shit like that, and it is the sum of them, in addition to the fact that it is just boring or outright stupid throughout, which is why it is a bad movie. not a bad Star Wars movie, just a bad movie in general. being a Star Wars movie doesn't exempt it from criticism for bad execution.
My point, when it all boils down to it, is that all of the Star Wars films are bad films. Long-time Star Wars fans blind themselves to that though because the original trilogy attained legendary status. The original trilogy was "groundbreaking" but nothing more. If everything in Hollywood had come out and evolved the way it has without Star Wars ever previously existing, and the original trilogy were released today, it would be received as "just another special effects movie." Nothing more. Yes, that's blasphemous, I know. I don't really care though. I enjoy Star Wars because I don't care. All of them. (Well, maybe not Attack of the Clones.)
You can make that case for Episodee 6, but Episode 4 and 5 both had great stories and character development. Especially Episode 5, which succeeded not because of special effects, but because of great storytelling. The fact that Episode 5 is the one that George Lucas had the least amount of involvment in proves that point.
That's nothing more than opinion. Of the original trilogy, Empire Strikes Back is my least favorite movie. A New Hope Return of the Jedi Revenge of the Sith Empire Strikes Back The Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones That's the order I'd put them in terms of "quality" but they are all still far behind "great movies" in terms of story, script, and acting. Again, if Star Wars: A New Hope came out today, given all of Hollywood's history still having occurred since its original release, it would be "The Next Matrix" and nothing more. I love Star Wars, and my oldest son is ridiculously addicted to anything Star Wars, but the truth of the matter is that the original trilogy is not the sacred cow so many make it out to be.
Aren't all reviews based on opinions? Consensus opinion makes The Godfather one of the best movies ever. There are people that don't like it, of course, but the majority of movie reviewers call it the best ever. The original Star Wars movies, especially Episode 5, were hereladed as great movies by the critics not just for the special effects, but for the story, etc. Most fans of the series say the same thing. But when a movie is lambasted by nearly all the critics and fans, there's a reason. To brush that off as merely our opinion is ignoring the fact that all movies are rated based on the opinions of others.
My point though is, if Star Wars the original trilogy were released today, it would not get the great reviews. Good? Sure. But not what it got 30 years ago. And anyone who has reviewed the new films was old enough to have been influenced directly by nostalgia for the originals. Ask kids who were born during or were very young for the newer trilogy what they think of Star Wars and Jar Jar. They like the newer stuff. They don't view them as some abomination that no one should like if they have any self-respect. Anyway, I shouldn't have started this "argument" because it's really not important. My original point is, people are ridiculous for getting bent out of shape over the idea that Lucas might actually think it a good idea to put the movies out in 3D. It's another "sacred cow" people seem to think he's slaughtering. 3D is the next big thing in movie making/watching. It's time for people to start accepting that, and just enjoying it, rather than raging against it.
I don't think anyone's really raging against the 3D thing, they're just upset that the studio decided to release the movies in order, rather than sticking to the original format. It sucks that we'll have to wait until 2015 to watch Star Wars IV in 3D. Like JetBlue said, there's really nothing in TPM besides the speedracer thing that would make fans flock to the 3D showing.
I didn't realize the new Clone Wars season started. This is supposed to be a very good season for those that have been following the cartoon.