Speculation: Jets can't keep both Holmes & Edwards-NY Post

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jersey Joe 67, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    About Cro...

    I think he fits into this D, and he knows it. He seems very comfortable playing with the Jets. The CS really loves him. He also now has spent a year in the system, and is healthy and has been so all year. He's a known quantity.

    Meanwhile Wilson very much remains a question mark. The likelihood that he would blossom in the pre-season this year and wind up starting opposite Revis is pretty slim, imo. Even if he shows improvement, the rest of the cb's are so mediocre that I would prefer to have Cro and an improving Wilson along with Revis.

    D is also Ryan's focus, and having a two cb tandem like Revis and Cro allows the rest of the D to change it up.

    Therefore I expect the Jet FO will sign Revis, and not spend another high round pick on a corner irrespective of what they think Wilson will do next year, so that high picks can be used elsewhere, like NT or OLB or both.
  2. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    That's one way to think about it. Another is....

    the prior year, the Defense was just as good or better with question marks at CB2 all year....

    What we don't know is exactly how they feel about Wilson... they were ecstatic last off season over his talent and the guy IS a Gym rat and will work his tail off... So, to me you add talent plus another year of top work ethic and I expect big things...

    Also as mentioned not alot of CB's can easily switch from CB to Nickel back and Revis wasn't good at both either...

    So, again, it depends on what Rex still thinks of Wilson... Leave Wilson at CB2 and let him work soley on that and I think he'll be a real good player.

    And I'll tell ya for the money if they can use Wilson and use the Cromartie money on a PASS RUSH.... I'm pretty sure that could work quite well...

    Sign a JAG CB or 2 and roll..... PASS RUSH is the greatest need IMO, they already did it without a good CB2.
  3. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The Post is a joke, it's tabloid junk that has no right reporting sports.
  4. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    True, but are they wrong about this?
  5. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I think it comes down to what Edwards really wants right now. He could end up suspended, or even locked up for violating his probation.

    I doubt he goes to jail, but both these guys are on thin ice and if they want to win they should stay.

    There are too many unknowns right now, I can't believe a league that made $9 Billion last year would ever consider letting this end up in a lockout.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    There is a subtle but I think significant difference between last year and this year. This year we saw in the increasing emphasis on cutting down on high hits a continuation of efforts that have the effect of increasing the passing game's importance. Along with that the general trend was clear, as passing was up throughout the league. The more passing you see, the more important having good cb's is.

    More to the specifics of the Jets, your comparison to the prior year in effect implies that there were no other variables from year to year. That is incorrect. Jenkins played a significant portion of 09, hardly more than a couple of plays in 10. Revis was hurt some early this year. Rhodes was replaced by Pool. Pace missed games early last year, but was healthy when he came back. This year he's been hampered by ailments. In short there were plenty of other moving variables.

    The most important point comparing the two years was that what happened in the second half of the Champ Game loss to the Colts was not a significant risk this year, due primarily (I would say very much so) to Cromartie's presence (despite that lapse allowing Garcon to score). That is why Cromartie was brought to the Jets, more than anything. I respectfully submit that nothing in your post refers to some other way of limiting the exposure the Jets had in that game against the Colts that does not involve either retaining Cro or replacing him with someone of like quality, and that latter alternative would not be met with a return to the likes of Lowery playing man against a quality opponent's number 2 receiver.
  7. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 TGG.com Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    So nothing printed in teh post can be taken seriously? Come on. Sounds like they contacted various people in the know, which is what papers do and got some pretty realistic feedback. Or should we just disregard all of it and say to ourselves, "everything is gonna be awesome and we're gonna sign everyone"?
  8. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    I have to believe if Tanny goes to Mark and tells him if he cuts that back from 14 (more than peyton? really? thats ridiculous) to 10.5 (but have it fully guaranteed, and tack on a year or two) he gets to keep both Braylon and Santonio. I have a funny feeling Mark would be willing to do so.

    Then we could go to 14 total for Braylon and Santonio and keep the offense in tact and the couple million saved could go a long ways towards keeping Harris around, or courting a top pass rusher...
  9. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    Sanchez is paid a lot this year because he was underpaid the last two years-it was a concession to the Jets to help them manage their salary cap.

    14.5 million in salary for Sanchez isn't that much more than his market value. I don't see him cutting his salary much. Maybe he helps them out and extends his contract a few years to get to 5/65 or thereabouts, with some of the salary backloaded, but he's not going to defer lots of money so he makes less than he's worth-his agents won't let him do it.
  10. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Yeah that's what I said, you nailed it. How do you get the Jets sign every player every from "the Post is a tabloid"?

    The post is a tabloid, or I should say we are signing Holmes, Edwards, Cro, Aso, Harris, Eric Smtih, Brad Smith, Brodney Poool, and the list goes on.

    Thanks for explaining what I meant champ!
  11. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    If the Jets keep having success he'll make it up in commercials. I think he wants to win more than anything, it wouldn't shock me if he was willing to restructure.
  12. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    I could see him restructuring a little, but not cutting his salary 5 million. Any agreement with him is going to involve him making an average of 12 milion+ per year over the life of the agreement.
  13. nyjcanada

    nyjcanada Active Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    I don't understand that part. I think it's totally reasonable to ask Mark to scale back his salary to keep both WR's.
  14. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    agreed. If mark wants to keep his receivers, help build a winner, the #1 thing he can do is give up some money (not like making only 10 million is going to hurt him) and that will give him the best shot at a winner.

    Also as it was stated, he is in NY as his star grows (easier to do with a top cast around him) he will make tons and tons in endorsements to make up for the lack of money coming directly from the Jets.

    Manly also states the agents would never allow it, well a player restructuring their deal in order to help pay friends/teammates is not exactly unheard of. Didn't Brady only get like 8 million a year during their 4 year window of actually winning rings? Hell Pennington did it for Coles

    So Sanchez can do it if he wants to. Besides the agent doesn't have final say, the player does. The agent works for the player, not vice-versa. You don't see agents firing players, just players firing agents.

    Also how is 14 million (more than Peyton made this year, see above) not "much more than his market value." If the best regular season QB in the history of the NFL is making less than you are, and you are a second year guy with the stats Nacho has put up, you are vastly overpaid. Nacho has all the potential in the world, and in my opinion, will get there one day. But today, paying the guy 14 million this year, and more than Manning, is a collosal overpayment.

    He is at best currently a top 10 QB (not based on potential, actual performance) and as a result should be compensated as such, and I think 10 million is fair market value for a top 10 QB. Add in the fact he wants to win more than anything, and its not illogical to see Sanchez restructure his deal this offseason.
  15. nyjcanada

    nyjcanada Active Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    Agreed. And it's not like it's a shot to the ego. Taking paycuts for more guarantees and term is the norm, not the exception. Add in that Nacho seems like a totally team guy and you know he'd do it in a heartbeat.

    Top 10 QB is even a little too much praise, but I understand your point.
  16. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    His agent and the players association will never let him take a dollar off the table. They may restructure the contract and take his salary and turn in into a bonus so that it counts less against the cap next year. Of course no one really knows what the rules will be for a new CBA. Sanchez will get that money but it's a question of will it be as salary or as a bonus.
  17. nyjcanada

    nyjcanada Active Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    Under the assumption that the new CBA is similar, Tanny could deduct that cap hit by upping the guarantees and term, which would in turn decrease the salary.
  18. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    The market has changed a lot since P. Manning signed the contract he played under last year. Brady is paid 18/year going forward; Manning has allegedly been offered more than 18 a year for his extension; Drew Brees is going to be in that ballpark. Eli Manning is 6/97, Big Ben is 8/102, Rivers is at 6/93, Cassel is at 6/63, Sam Bradford is 6/78.

    Sanchez might not be a 14 million a year guy but he probably is a 12-13 million a year guy.

    I mean sure, maybe he does leave a lot of money on the table in a restructure because winning is more important than anything. But I doubt it. I predict he only restructures if he gets big money down the road or a signing/roster bonus now as a result.
    #78 ManlyGenius, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  19. bibigon

    bibigon Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Would you? I know I wouldn't.
  20. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I don't buy into that contract year bullshit. Good players are good players.

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