I have to agree, at worst if he comes in for the league minimum and screws up we can always just cut him. Could be a viable option if we can't land one of the bigger name receievers on the market. (Boldin or Edwards).
Do the words, not a chance in hell mean anything to you? Why do we need to sign scrubs and other teams' castaways? I'll never understand some of the posts that people put on this site...the OP must be like 16 or something...
Yeah but for a min. contract what could go wrong? I would sign him in a heartbeat and if he doesn't work out u cut him, that simple. but he has talent
there's a difference between a team parting ways with a guy because they have someone else coming up behind him, or they can't afford to pay him and releasing someone because he's a cokehead
He deserves a second chance in life as much as anyone does. Josh Hamilton took advantage of his 2nd chance and he's now considered an asset, not a liability for the Rangers. And he was a thrown-under-the-bus addict 8 years ago! Matt Jones isn't even considered an addict. It's a simple lifestyle change on his part and the team that signs him has everything to gain if he changes for the better, with little or no risk b/c he comes at an affordable price. But I'd also sign Vick. Without 2nd chances, we don't see a resurrected Doc Gooden pitch a no hitter in pinstripes, or Spreewell leading the last exciting Knicks team. Sometimes a lesson learned by the individual is a strength to the crowd or team he's part of. And our head coach also considers Ray Lewis a close personal friend and that guy hangs around with killers! So Matt Jones doesn't even register on Ryan's morality meter.
I'm not saying the Jets should sign Jones, no questions asked, but an interesting thing about his arrest. http://www.jacksonville.com/sports/...es_booked_in_arkansas_for_violating_plea_deal This is not to excuse violating probation, but I think it is fair/important to note, that based on the PUBLIC information he 1.) Did not test positive for cocaine or any illegal drugs and 2.) There is no indication that he was drunk. The information that has not been released to the public may disprove those points, but I'm only going on what we currently know.
Jones does deserve another chance but hopefully it will be with a team other than the Jets. The guy has a lot of physical talent but he didn't really impress me the few times I've seen him play.