Should the Jets cheat too?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Longsuffering88, Dec 10, 2019.

  1. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Unfortunately it could mean that we just cheat really, really, badly. :(
    James Hasty likes this.
  2. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Sal Alosi approves of this message.
  3. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    That's what Father Healy said.
  4. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Even if the Jets cheat, they would still end up finding a way to lose; it's what they do
  5. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Just because I have an opposing view does not give you a right to tell me to STFU. As you, I use to believe in honor and fair play as being achievable, then I grew up. The world is not a fair place and I learned it a very young age playing sports. There is all types of cheating going around before you and I were ever born. If anything it has gotten worse. Please don't shoot the messenger, I never said this was right. I am just saying it happens. I am just saying it is a fact of life. The Patriots have been exposed as cheaters, but so has other teams. I don't think you, I, or anyone else in this board has the slightest clue of the real amount of cheating not just in the NFL but all sports. Rules and the enforcement of rules is an attempt to keep play fair but no guarantee.

    Take a simple game of chess between Kasparov and the IBM Big Blue computer many years ago. Personally I felt Karpov would have been a better human against the computer since his closed style of chess would be more advantageous Immediately after losing the match, Kasparov claimed the other side was cheating and he was not playing just against a computer but other Grand Masters. I use to be heavily involved in chess until I realized that the better players were real assholes and had no concept of sportsmanship. Years ago I defeated the club champion in a game, it was quite an upset. Do you know how he resigned? He got up and threw all the chess pieces on the floor because he was so pissed.

    Your mentioning of Russia, Armstrong, and the college admission scandals involve people who have been caught and punished. Have you forgotten the East Germans whose female swimmers were beginning to look manly that were caught? Are you aware of other racing cyclists before and after Armstrong have been caught? Do you have any idea of the amount of academic cheating going on in testing?

    If you were to argue the NFL and other sports need to do a better job in catching and punishing cheating, I would agree with you 100%. But when you single out the Patriots in this cesspool of cheating as the only ones doing it, then I need to quote George Carlin and tell you Bull Shit. Besides if the Patriots were not so successful, I doubt very much you would even care about their cheating.

    One of the few sports left that has any honor and somewhat fair play, would be Golf. But even then, it is being challenged by the technology of the equipment and other golfing aides like range finders with slope calculations. Pretty soon someone is going to come up with a device that you point to the hole and it will show you the correct path and pace for your putt. Oh shit, I just realized I saw an advertisement for something like this the other day.

    I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news or the ugly reality we face. It would be honorable to see fair and honest competition. But the minute it involves money and fame, do you really expect mankind to play fair?

    Some of the rules you see today in the Stock Market came about because FDR hired Joe Kennedy as the 1st SEC Chairman. Why? Because nobody was better than Joe Kennedy at cheating the stock market!

    The only way I can see to get rid of cheating is to come up with very painful punishments. But in the process of doing this, you will go from a Democracy to a very Authoritarian state. At that point, I would rather live with the cheating Democracy.

    I brought up how we ourselves cheat not to justify any cheating from the Patriots or anyone else. It was to point out how we do it blindly without even realizing it. Are we not cheating when we go over the speed limit driving? Does every New Yorker who purchases something online without paying taxes, report this to the state of NY to repay the taxes to NY. My point is if we (society) ourselves cheat to gain any small advantage,, why would you expect someone who is playing for much more money then we will ever see not cheat?

    Sorry for the lengthy post, but I hope you and others get my point finally!
  6. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Say what you want about his big mistake but we had few injuries when he was our strength and conditioning coach.
    Leicester Jet and jixxjr like this.
  7. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Try acceptance the taint of the footnote on the Patriot SB victories will feel like a pin prick. Kraft will be dead soon, Brady and BB will be gone and the Pats new owner will hold up some New England hamlet for a new stadium that will be named "Dollar Shave Club". The Gillette razor blade company Kraft, Belly and Brady along with the entire Brady Jersey wearing fan base had a good ride. It's over. In the digital age there will always be another copy of the tape.
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Yeah. We get it. You're okay with cheating. Because "everybody does it."
    Acad23 and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  9. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Jets cheating never works. We don't know how. No we shouldn't cheat. And no its not ok to cheat. Screw the Pats. IMO they should be stripped of every title because they cheated to get them.
  10. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    Nah we'd get it up the ass when we got caught (and would be too incompetent to hide it in the first place) cause we're not a chosen golden franchise. Just like when nine thousand teams violated the 'spirit of the salary cap' in the NHL but when the Devils did it, they lost a first-round pick.
  11. CosmicJester

    CosmicJester Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Didn’t literally this same thing happen with the Jets and they said literally the exact same thing?

    Many of you have been up in arms regarding the presence of a man with a camera on the Jets sideline during Sunday’s game against the Patriots. The camera was pointing out onto the field, and possibly across the field to the Pats sideline.

    The Jets have explained to PFT that the man with the camera “works for Jets TV and shoots footage for our team programming.”
  12. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Priests used to toss kids into volcanos. I guess they handle it differently now, due to a lack of active volcanoes. I donno.

    But back to the original question: yes, the Jets should cheat. Not big stuff, just the little stuff every team does. NE can't even do the little stuff now, so it's our chance to get a 'competitive advantage'.
  13. Its the same cycle over & over w that entire fanbase..Deny,deflect,downplay & re-direct. Its exhausting. Cognitive dissonance turned up to 11.

    Could you imagine if 32 teams were really doing all the stuff the patriots have been accused of? Jets should just hire a team of ninjas & international spies to take everyone down!!

    But we’re all just jealous & envious:)
  14. The Jets filmed from an alternative location as approved by every team on their schedule in 2006 as approved by every team on their schedule except for the patriots & Titans who asked the Jets not to which they obliged. As for the Patriots? What goes around comes apologies there.
    J-Raw24 likes this.
  15. CosmicJester

    CosmicJester Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    First, the incident from the link was in 2011, not 2006. Not sure if you mis-typed or you were referring to a separate Jets sideline taping incident. Did the Jets tape opposing sidelines in multiple years? That would be interesting information to know for context.

    And the Patriots got approval from the home team in question for this incident. So, as I indicated, they're identical. I think we're in agreement on that?
  16. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Its completely different actually. We were filming fron our sideline and within the rules of the NFL during the game against New England. From what I have read they were filming from both sidelines in a game they were not participating in, involving the team they played the following week. Huge difference. The 2011 issue was completely within the rules.
  17. Yes the jets & patriots are identical in terms of cheating.Right.Do you listen to yourself? Are you dumb & brainwashed enough to believe that? Please.Indulge me. And please refrain from referencing site was proven to be created by patriots fans trying to push the same nonsense you are currently.
    J-Raw24 likes this.
  18. CosmicJester

    CosmicJester Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Can you cite a source for filming from both sidelines? The articles say it was from a press booth:

    The link in the first post also said they received permission from the Browns, the home teams, to set up filming there. So I’m not really seeing the difference?
  19. CosmicJester

    CosmicJester Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    You seem like a well balanced person with whom it would be productive to have a conversation with. :p

    I’m all for calling out bad behavior when it happens. But claiming moral purity simply because the team has lacked success, when there are analogous issues, isn’t arguing in good faith.
  20. J-Raw24

    J-Raw24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    First here is then admitting they violated and filmed the field and bengals sideline
    Second we filmed the game we were playing not the game our opponent the following week was playing. HUGE difference. And we did it from our sideline. What were we getting film on our own play calls about a game we were already playing? You that stupid?
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.

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