Apparently – the scum bags who shot ST are under a suicide watch now. I don’t think its really fair that only the guards get to watch them commit suicide; that should be on TV for all of us to see.
UM family mourns Taylor Posted on Tue, Dec. 04, 2007 BY SUSAN MILLER DEGNAN Jonathan Vilma. Reggie Wayne. Edgerrin James. Phillip Buchanon. Antrel Rolle. Jon Beason. Frank Gore. Andre Johnson. Roscoe Parrish. Devin Hester. Greg Olsen. Jeremy Shockey. Bubba Franks. Chris Myers. Buck Ortega. Javon Nanton. Ethenic Sands. Santana Moss. Vernon Carey. Clinton Portis. And so on, and so on. Dozens of former University of Miami football players and coaches converged in Miami on Monday to remember Sean Taylor, their fallen teammate and UM brother who died last Tuesday from a gunshot wound. ''Bryan Pata, Kevin Everett, Sean . . . We've had it rough recently,'' said Buffalo Bills wide receiver Parrish, who came to UM with Taylor in 2001. ``It's a tough experience for all of us when things like this happen. We're a unit. We're the U. We're family. If something happens to anybody, they've got all our support.'' Parrish, accompanied by Chicago Bears sensation Hester, couldn't get over the way Taylor died: in his home, his girlfriend and 18-month-old daughter hiding under the covers in the same room. 'For something like this to happen, and the way it happened -- he was at his house in his bed with his family. It's crazy. It makes you be like, `Wow.' You have to be careful out there and watch your surroundings. It wasn't like he was at a club or anything. He was at his home. That's the most scary part about it.'' Former Taylor teammate Ethenic Sands, 27, another native Miamian who now lives in Fort Myers and plays for the Arena Football League's Florida Firecats, said he wants the insanity to stop. ''Another one of our brothers cut short,'' Sands said. ``Life goes on, but we have to start putting the guns away.'' Former UM running backs coach Don Soldinger knew Taylor and his father, Pedro ''Pete'' Taylor, from Sean's childhood days. When Taylor got to UM in 2001, Soldinger coached him on special teams and developed a bond that continued until his death. 'HAPPY' MEMORY ''I was just at the Pro Bowl in February,'' Soldinger said. ``Frankie [Gore] flew [wife] Phyllis and I out. We took pictures on the field with him and Ed Reed and Reggie Wayne and Andre Johnson. Sean was calm, having a good time, at peace. The baby must have really helped. He seemed so happy. ``He was a native son of Miami with the world at his feet. It's like your gut churns. I felt like throwing up, really.'' Larry Coker, Taylor's UM head coach, said he, too, was sick. ''It's tragic,'' Coker lamented. ``Sean had become such a fine individual. He was taken away too soon. He had a wonderful little daughter and a good relationship with a fine young lady. Too many of these [funerals], too many of them. Death and a senseless murder.'' PAINFUL SITUATION Added former UM defensive end Javon Nanton: ``Pata last year. Him this year. It hurts.'' Current coach Randy Shannon, accompanied by busloads of current Canes, spoke during the funeral of Sean's devotion to football and how he was fierce on the field and loving off it. 'When you look up the word `family' you'll see Sean Taylor smiling in the dictionary,'' Shannon said. ``You'll see his picture with that beautiful smile he has. That was Sean. . . . He was family.'' UM athletic director Paul Dee described the funeral as ``a magnificent tribute. I'm so pleased in the way our players support each other, both present and former.'' FIU athletic director Pete Garcia recruited Taylor when Garcia was at UM as a Butch Davis assistant. ''We're very happy to do this for the family,'' Garcia said. ``Sean Taylor belongs to everybody in South Florida.'' One of Taylor's closest friends, former Gulliver Prep teammate and UM teammate Buck Ortega, made thousands of funeral-goers laugh -- and cry -- as he dissolved into tears. He told stories of their teenage and college years: spearfishing, hurdling over opponents, missing curfew, driving around for food. ''I talked to my mom this week,'' Ortega said, an excruciatingly long pause followed by a cracking voice. ``She was saying she remembered Sean's shy smile and how he had a baby face. I remember for his senior picture, Pete made him take out his braids and shave his face and he looked like he was about 12. ``. . . The only thing I regret is that when he did go to Washington we kind of lost touch . . . and it really lets you know to never take friends and loved ones for granted. ``Being such good friends with Sean and [from] a lot of the conversations I had with him, I can draw one positive thing from this situation: Sean had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I know I will see my friend again one day in heaven. ``God bless you Sean. I love you.''
Jesus Christ dude that is fucked up! They broke into the guy's house with the intention of stealing from him (which is terrible and inexcusable) but they didn't mean for him to be dead. The oldest one out of them is 20 and all of their lives are basically done. Whether they get killed in jail, kill themselves in jail, or rot the rest of their lives in jail the likelihood is that for all of them they've blown their chance to make anything of their lives. They were just a bunch of dumbfucks who thought it would be a good idea to rob someone else. Pathetic and stupid? Absolutely but I think it's tragic in itself that their lives are down the drain to go along with Taylor's just because they made a terrible decision and there was a fluke accident.
I'm fucked up? Is this sympathy for these four tubs of vile dumpster juice that made a conscious decision to kick down someone?s door and shoot anyone who confronted them? I know ? they had no plan to shoot anyone?that?s why they brought a gun with them just in case. I hope they get fist fucked six times a day in jail, the guards piss and shit in their food when they deliver their meals and when they do try to kill themselves, they are unsuccessful but manage to inflict serious pain on themselves; as I would wish for anyone who does something like this. If there are two tragedies here, the second is that ST attempted to protect himself with a god damn machete instead of a gun; not that four piles of worthless human garbage fucked up their lives. Get real dude.
Yeah nevermind it isn't sad that a few people who are basically still teenagers have absolutely nothing left to live for. Their families and friends? Fuck them those people deserve it for being associated with human trash like that. I think you are on to something, yeah. Fuck the idea of not having cruel and unusual punishment! Torturing these guys will make ST's family feel better and will make the world a better place.
I have no sympathy for the killers. They broke into a man's house to take what was not theirs....They took a gun to protect themselves while breaking the law....they broke down the door and shot him. If they had ANY shred of decency in their bodies..they would have left the premises when they knew there was someone home but no..they BROKE DOWN HIS BEDROOM DOOR and shot him. They are all over the age of 16. They were MORE than old enough to be aware of the consequences of their actions. To commit suicide would just prove they are in fact a bunch of chickenshit cowards.
Look at the Travis Henry thread...he's out to save 'em all. Theft is one thing, but when you bust down a guy's BEDROOM door and then shoot him you deserve whatever you've got coming.
I didn't say they shouldn't go to jail I said that it's fucked up that they blew their chance. And I said that this is fucked up: Obviously what they did was terrible and they deserve punishment but that doesn't mean it's not fucked up all around.
Sean Taylor in the lead in Pro-Bowl voting
I voted for him all 3 or 4 times I voted earlier in the season... If I vote again, and he's still on the ballot, I intend to vote for him again... I know the Pro Bowl is kind of a joke, but I'd hope that they'd do something special for him there, especially if he wins the fan vote....
As a Pro Bowl tribute to Taylor, Brian Moorman should show up and get leveled by the NFC's starting safety.
Putting thug criminals behind bars does make the world a better place, please let me know if that concept goes over your head. THEY are the ones responsible for the pain their families and friends will have to deal with, not the legal system. They don't deserve to have anything to live for, that's the price for taking away someone else's right to live. And don't give me the "they're just kids" bullshit. Kids should be looking up to men like Sean Taylor, not trying to bring them down. Kids should be in school trying to make something better of themselves than being street thugs. They deserve everything they've got coming. And if their loved ones are grieving over the consequences of the actions they took, it is THEIR fault and no one else's. Give me a fucking break sympathizing with these morons.
First off I love how you think that Sean Taylor is a guy to look up to. Look over his records, he wasn't exactly a saint. (And now I await the attacks accusing me of saying that Taylor did deserve to bleed to death.) Did I say that the legal system is why their lives suck? No I didn't. Did I say they don't DESERVE what they have coming? No actually I said that they didn't deserve to be hung on national tv but apparently thinking that makes me a bleeding heart liberal. Did I say it wasn't there faults? No. All I said was that it's sad and fucked up. P.S: When they broke down the bedroom door they probably still didn't know he was in there since they didn't expect anyone to be home and that is where the safe is kept (the same one they tried opening earlier.) They opened the door and ST was standing there with a machete. And now everybody can continue on with reading incomprehension and putting words into my mouth. So don't bother responding, you're right this is what is was saying: They're kids!!!!! THEY DIDNT MEAN IT SO THAT MEANS THEY SHOULDNT GET PUNISHED!!! IF I SAY ITS SAD THATS THE SAME AS SAYING THAT THEY DONT DESERVE PUNISHMENT!!!!!
What seems sad and fucked up is that we will now be wasting taxpayer money on them. A premature suicide saves everyone if you ask me.
I really don't see what's fucked up about it. They ran into a person's house in the middle of the night and shot him. THAT is fucked up. And as I said, they now deserve everything they've got coming. And that includes being exposed on national TV. Now everyone can see who you are, no more hiding in the dark.
They had a gun and the guy was shot, how is that a fluke accident? If they didn't expect him to be there why have a gun in the first place? You commit a crime with a hand gun on you and someone is dead and it's not you it's murder. There is no other reason to have a gun on a robery with no one home.
FYI: Turns out that Florida law states that any bodily harm committed during the commission of a felony is also tried as a felony. This means that even if they had no intention of shooting anyone when they feloniously entered the home, they can still be charged with first degree homicide. Bad decision on their part.