Schotty's impact still lingers on Sanchez or was it Mark all along?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Poeman, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    You can complain about Sanchez, he at times was terrible but he's the best we have right now by a lot. IF he remains a 50% completion percentage and a 78 QBR quater back for the year, then yes I would look for another option at QB, but I'm giving him this year, Tebow and McIlroy are not the answer.

    The Jets real issues are below:

    17th in total rushing with 98 yards per game
    29th in yards per attempt (rushing)
    21st in total defense
    28th against the run - Jets are giving up 147 yards per game
  2. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    And just how do you know McElroy is not the answer? I suppose you watched Tebow with Denver and you have disqualified him on that basis. However, McElroy has not been given the opportunity to play with the starters, so how you can say he is "not the answer" is beyond me. If you had watched him for any length of time at the college level and knew his winning background, hopefully you would not dismiss him so quickly.

    As for the "real issues", I agree that we have taken a step backwards in our defense. But I believe, as others have suggested, that the league has just caught up with Rex's defensive schemes and we have to adjust. The rushing numbers could be for many reasons, offensive line, play calling or the fact our primary rusher is not ready for prime time.

    Bottomline, I do agree with your assessment of Sanchez and the "real issues", but I wish people on here would stop saying McElroy does not have a chance.

    Again, my 2 cents.
    #82 jlee499, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I also am mystified how people say they know McElroy is not the answer. I am not saying he is the answer, but based on what evidence can we say he is not the answer?

    Just amazing.
  4. jlee499

    jlee499 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Agreed! That is my only point... :beer:
  5. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    McElroy, 6th round pick, not tall, pretty slow, not much of an arm, not much of a raw athlete. Most NFL scouting reports do not have McElroy having the tools to make it as an NFL starter. he had great intangibles in college but little else that makes you think he will excel in the NFL. I suppose he could surprise people but it's unlikely.

    I would take McElroy over Tebow though, he may be a good game manager but he's not going to ever be an elite QB. And if Sanchez doesn't pan out I don't want a game manager QB I want an elite franchise QB.
  6. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    It's not about basing everything off stats like height, 40 time, vertical, college evals. That stuff is meaningless when you're on the field as an NFL QB.
    It's about evaluating the QB's based on how they perform on the field rather than reading the back of their player card. Sounds similar to people pulling out Sanchez stats which mean absolute d*ck when he looks putrid on the field.

    I've seen McElroy in limited action and he looked pretty good.

    Sanchez is not panning out. Just watch how awful he was yesterday and last week too. He is one of the worst starting Qb's in the league.

    The whole point is we need to see if we have anything for the future. I agree with you that we need to wait a few more weeks but since we have Tebow on our roster we need to give him a shot if our record is such that we have no shot at the playoffs.
  7. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Believe me, I'd like all Qbs to be fired up and to be immensely born leaders but there is a bigger problem if it takes one early to mid 20's man to be the reason to fire up a team full of veterans on this team. It comes a point where our players maybe need to look at themselves for what happened last year and rather than finger point, begin to see how poorly they acted. It is INEXCUSABLE to come into last season out of shape as some Jets admitted to. You are a professional, it is YOUR JOB to be in shape and ready. What the hell can Mark Sanchez do in that regard? He can only do so much with his Jets West camp for his offensive guys, he really has no say on defense as that's Rex's group.

    Sanchez admitted to some things he should have done last year and how he tried to be too much of a nice guy...can't disagree there. BUT by all accounts, he improved his offseason workout, has said all the right things in what was surely a whirlwind of a offseason, and has been early and active on trying to learn this new offense.

    He threw the ball where his receiver was suppose to catch it and on 3rd down was suppose to convert for it. However because Gates blew the route assignment, it was an easy INT for Marshall and it was made our far worse on Sanchez's end than what it was suppose to be. I won't finger wag all on Gates, he's young and new to the team.....its on Sparano and Sanjay Lal for putting Gates in that position when someone like Schillens would have most likely knew what to do there.

    Sanchez did have an INT dropped but Hill blew a TD pass that many WR have to make in this league. It was an ill advised throw to Hill on that triple coverage play BUT Hill is taller than those targets and thankfully Hill got up and swatted the ball away so I agree that Hill hurt Sanchez in the game but did save him there too.

    He was not great last year but the guy had a piss poor performance out of both his tackles(Yes D'Brick stunk last year), a mediocre running game and of course Holmes quitting on his team and Burress at some points WANTING to be fed at given points in the game(Force fed vs SD which worked but then at times force fed vs JAX for no real reason). Oh did I mention Brian Schottenheimer who 95% of the fanbase(Rightfully so) was an ABYSMAL offensive coordinator?

    I said he had an average no means did I say the man was brilliant. I just want to put that as a point of emphasis. However, he is not a hinderance to the team like the Sanchez haters make him out to be. Its just annoying to me that when the team does well and Sanchez has a good game(Case in point vs BUF) "Oh the Bills defense SUCKS" "Any QB Would have had that type of a game". The Sanchez haters sadly come into these games convinced Sanchez is garbage and when in given points in the game he proves them wrong, they refuse to acknowledge it for whatever reason and speak highly of what was around Sanchez as to why he had a great day.
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    McElroy has no no chance until Tebow gets the job and fails..that's just how it works with succession in the NFL.
  9. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    While I'm not simply going to base how good a QB is going to be based on his combine (I mean Vick is probably the best athlete to ever play QB in the NFL along with Cunningham) but Vick in his 10th season still can not read a defense and looks to run more often then he should.

    I don't know if McElroy can play or not but history says he can't. Most 6th round QB's go the way of the dodo very quickly instead of being Matt Hasselback or Tom Brady.

    Did Mark make some bad throws yesterday? Absolutely and I saw happy feet as well. He seems to not trust his OL again it did appear he was under quite a bit of pressure.

    The INT in the endzone is as much on Cumberland as it is on Sanchez. The guy made the throw but Cumberland didn't run the route. That seems to be an issue, not just with Cumberland but with others as well. It seems the team is not in rhythm at times with guys dropping passes and not running the right route. That's not on Mark but it needs to be worked out and quick.
  10. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I was with you up until that last paragraph. Of course that INT was on Sanchez. First rule as a QB throwing the ball down by the goal line. Always throw the ball long and out of bounds versus underthrowing a ball and the risk that the defense intercepts the pass.

    That was an awful throw by Sanchez any way you slice it. You can't throw an interception down by the goal line especially in a tie or close game. That is all on Sanchez. He needs to throw that ball away and take the field goal.
  11. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    That INT was on Sanchez but Cumberland didn't run the route correctly, and thus he took himself out of at least knocking the ball out from being picked off. Inexcusable from both ends IMHO.
  12. Mangold Goldman

    Aug 3, 2010
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    We've got to stick with Sanchez while we are winning games.... I still believe in him and through all the crappy decisions and throws he will make, he will always show us a glimmer that we all know is there underneath all the crap, like the TD to Kerley, the great throw to Holmes to set up the GW FG, etc.

    We all know he isn't exactly being helped by his core, but we've just got to hope he will figure it out and someone around him emerges.

    I really wish we could hit a reset button to when he got drafted and really gotten the right help around him..... But I still believe and hopefully we can get the potential that I know we all see there, REALLY REALLY REALLY want Sanchez to succeed
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    That pick was a complete offensive failure. Bad plays leading up to 3rd and goal. Then Cumberland runs his route too far creating two defenders in one area (his defender picked off the pass not the one covering Hill) and Sanchez didn't notice Cumberland straying from the right route and threw it up anyways.
    Sanchez shouldn't have made the throw but at the same time he should be able to trust his receiver to run the right route
  14. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Here's my view on Sanchez right now: He is a problem in the offense, but he has rarely been THE problem on the offense. It's not like everything is clicking and he's throwing 3 picks a game and stalling the offense. The whole offense for about 2 and 1/2 years now has had trouble with consistency.

    I still have hope because Sparano likes going deep. We have taken many more shots down the field to get big plays. That helps us overall and Sparano is finding ways to do when the O line is not playing well. Sanchez has gotten the ball out much quicker whether it be to Sparano's routes or Sanchez's vision. Sparano has also brought it people to help out the O line and thrown deep out of that formation.

    I think Sanchez can be the answer and I think if the Jets make the playoffs he could be a SB winning QB. The thing is, can he and the Jets be consistent enough throughout the year to make the playoffs?
  15. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    This is perhaps the most delusional post I have ever read, in any forum, on any topic.
  16. The_W

    The_W Banned

    Mar 3, 2009
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    This post right here.

    The offense failed on every aspect once it got to the goal-to-go -situation.

    First a same old, same old Greene run for a yard. Everybody at the stadium and wtching on TV knew that Greene wouldn't score, hell even he probably knew it before the took the handoff. That is how incompetent and ineffective Greene is nowadays as a RB.

    2nd down: a Schottenheimeresque cutesy call to try and fool the defense with the fake handoff - Suprise! - nobody was fooled and Tebow was tackled for a loss of 5. Why can't they just do what they didi in Denver so effectively? Line up 5 wide with Tebow in the gun and let him pick a hole to blast to. No fake handoffs, no trickery, just read the line and bullrush for 6 pts.

    Then third down: It was a good call against an all out blitz w/man-2-man outside: a simple three step drop, in and out route combination, jump ball, but the play execution was atrocious on that one. Cumberland ran the route too deep, but Sanchez should've picked it up and recognize that there were two defenders in the area before passing.

    Shitty execution by both of them, the QB and the TE. Actually even shittier by Cumberland, as after he saw Clemons leave him to go and get the ball, Cumberland just stood there dumbfounded doing nothing. At least he could've tried to go and break that up.
    Way to go, Jeff!
  17. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Absolutely great insight and post. Way to offer up to the conversation because you happen to disagree with a post.
  18. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I agree it was a bad throw but Cumberland pretty much took himself out of the play much the same way Cromartie did last week on the Wallace TD. If he runs his route correctly the bad pass has a chance to be knocked away. It comes down to execution and both Sanchez and Cumberland failed to do so there.
  19. Ya know what? The F with the ground & pound. Sanchez can't be successful in that system. Bottom line is..he's much better with a simplified up tempo intermediate passing offense. Think what you want about sanchez as an elite QB..maybe he can't read a defense in a traditional offense..we don't know. Something is off. But if we play to his strengths we can have a VERY successful offense. Give him a clean pocket, keep him in rhythm & let him take his shots. Time for Rex to man up. There's gonna be some turnovers along the way..but the offense will score points.This what the Steelers did with Roethlisberger..they embraced him for his strengths. Look at the results.

    Insert the far superior pass protector in Jason Smith over Howard..This will give Mark a much cleaner pocket. Howard would make a damn good 6th linemen & could be a spot starter should they like the match-up.

    Insert Powell as the 3 down back. He is an elite blocker as RB's go..and is at least average as a receiver. For god sake's get Joe Mcknight on the football field. No he can't pass block..yes he plays tentative..but if the Jets finally let him play through his mistakes,,he'd make a great receiver for Mark out of the backfield.Shonn Greene can be a change of pace redzone guy who could become more useful come December.

    Time to face the fact Rex that the Jets don't have the same tools as 2009. And that you have to allow your offense to win a game..not just your supposed vaunted defense that can't stop a perimeter run to save its life. Play to your strengths on offense which says to play up temp down field ball.
  20. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Sanchez has been through so much in such a short career.

    He had a very short college career, was drafter by an organisation that handled him poorly and has had a revolving door and the recover position from day one.
    The kid needs time to grow at the position.

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