well its good to see a number of QB coaches on board here. we all think its easy in front of the TV but u go in ur backyard and throw a football into a 3ft square area on a moving target. not easy but some do it much better than others. and those are the QB's that make the plays. sanchez is not an accurate passer - and its magnified by the types of receivers and philosophy on offense. it puts the entire passing game in a poor spot and many passes end up being high risk with low reward. rich gannon was towing the line during the broadcast yesterday but he did manage to say MS needed to be more accurate on the slants, crosses, and the bread and butter pass plays. forget the legs, pocket presence, OL, etc etc - he has got to make those plays on a consistent basis, lead the receiver more often then not, and put the rock in there.
he's reading blitzes better and he's throwing downfield. he still sucks ass throwing when he doesn't set his feet though. but at least im seeing an ability to read the defense and not throw stupid picks. (I've seen one stupid pick and that was the crappy fade he threw)
Did we not see him lead us on a TD drive in the final minutes when we were down 4 then set us up for a chip shot FG to win it in OT? he had terrible moments yesterday but w/ all that wetn on around him he wasn't bad and when we needed him most he got the job done.
I am past amazement at how Sanchez Fans ignore him regularly missing open receivers. In addition to the two Interceptions he also had another stupid throw nearly picked off, too. And I am getting sick of his hangdog manner and body language. I can't imagine that he inspires much confidence in the other players. And enough of this turnover excuse. It's the NFL. Rosters change from year to year. Sanchez has had other than RT a more consistent OL than most teams, he's had Keller the whole time, Holmes is now in his third season and Kerley in year two. I blame mostly Greene for his not being a better receiver out of the backfield, and obviously we've not seen Keller other than in the Bills game, which is hardly at all. But this is the NFL. Turnover is part of the game, and Sanchez Fans overstate the problem.
Have many people said Sanchez played great? If so, I missed it. The fact is that Sanchez played decent/poor in some spots, but the Jets still won and he made plays when he needed to. A perfect case in point on how perspective / bias (and everyone on this forum has it) can influence an opinion is the overthrow to Cumberland in the endzone. If you're "Anti" Sanchez you were in the gamethread agonizing about how he missed an open reciever. If you're "Pro" Sanchez then you realize that he made a hell of a play not to get sacked and barely get something off before he got tackled. Also, on his two INT's that you mention. It's just as easy to put as much or more blame on others not running their correct routes. Of course, if your pre-disposed to being "Anti" Sanchez you just go ahead and blame Sanchez. You correctly state that he did miss some open guys today. So does almost every other QB. Did he do that a couple more times than the top flight QB's? Perhaps. However, I don't hear a lot of people claiming that Sanchez is a top 10 QB. Most people who like Sanchez realize that he's a mid-tier QB that needs to play better. However, the Jets also need others around Sanchez to play better as well. Also, many QB's have stupid throws that almost get picked off, every game. I saw the same thing by Flacco in the game against NE last night. One last point, I am getting sick of people getting sick of QB's demeanor - whether it be Sanchez, Cutler, Newton, etc. I don't really care what a QB does in the few seconds after a throw. If he get's intercepted and is dejected for a few seconds or shows a little displeasure at a WR that runs a bad route who cares? It shouldn't effect what happens on the next down or series and as far as I can tell it doesn't have any effect.
sanchez missed a number of wide open receivers yesterday. he continues to not be able to place the ball where it needs to be. he is simply an inaccurate qb. nothing more nothing less. the guy cant even throw the checkdowns on time and to the receiver, constantly behind them. i have said it a million times, he throws back shoulder when he needs to lead them. he leads them when he needs to throw back shoulder and he under and over throws regularly. he is just not a top notch nfl qb, we need to start dealing with that fact.
most of those misses passes he was under incredible pressure, he had many more drops than bad passes.
How in the world is INT no.1 on Sanchez? That's like the crazies blaming Sanchez for his INT vs CAR in preseason when the ball bounced off of Hill. Gates didn't do what he was expected to do on a route, didn't get in front of Marshall and thus it was an easy INT. I agree that he should have been picked off in OT but we can say the same for Flacco late in the game when Arrington stumbles. If Kyle Arrington does not stumble, ball game and Flacco is viewed as a goat rather than a hero. Who gives a shit about body language btw. Not just you BB but I've seen others comment to. That has to be THE most annoying, most overrated thing that sport fans in general whine about. Not everyone acts like Tom Brady and goes barking at his O-Lineman or coaches. Eli Manning had the "Aw shucks" deer in the headlight look for many years and did that mean he was a shit QB? Nope. People look way into someone not going "RAH-RAH" and think that they dont' care about the game of football when we will never know if that's true nor should we be speculating it. Cam Newton had a towel on his head and didn't get up off the bench after being blown out....sure as hell does not mean he isn't a competitor. Sanchez can only do so much for "Motivating" just like Rex Ryan. You can scream, give great quotes all you want but if players just do not execute at vital positions than it is what it is.
I would just like to say “Congratulations to Mark for making that pass in overtime and hitting that slant pass for a TD. It wasn’t pretty but it was a win. You are a very…exciting QB." Now am I a “real fan”?
Sanchez Fans such as yourself OF COURSE are going to minimize his demeanor, because it sucks. If you think his manner has nothing to do with his leadership or lack thereof, and how his teammates see him, you are just wrong. The Jets had a big problem in the locker room last year. No doubt Sanchez's defenders want to lay that all on other players, but I think his attitude is part of the problem, and it was a problem. As for the first Int, I didn't say that was all on Sanchez, but he did throw it where the defender could catch it. That's a fact. The second one was again partly the result of the route run by the TE, but again the net effect was he threw into double coverage. Later he threw into triple coverage and luckily there was no interception (no catch, either) and then as I mentioned there was that play when he tried to throw it away while feeling pressured and nearly had it intercepted. But the larger point is that he is not accurate and his timing is bad. When Schillens ran that sideline route and had his man beat by four or so yards, there was no need for Sanchez to throw it beyond his reach. Just a bad throw that most Qb's would have made. Sanchez last year was rated 23rd in the league when those ratings did not include several qb's who were injured, and clearly better than Sanchez. He is not even a mid tier Qb, so far. He should get this year to show he should stay, imo. So far, three games in, he has yet to show that. I know it is early and Ftr I am NOT giving up on him, but his play so far has yet to inspire confidence.
This is the NFL! There is always pressure! Drops and bad play by other players have *absolutely* no bearing on the fact that Sanchez makes WAY too many terrible throws. He routinely misses the easy throws. A good quarterback doesn't miss wide open throws to back's standing 3 yards away ever - let alone every time. He never hits people in stride, even when they are wide open and he is untouched - never! He is simply a terrible QB and anyone who cannot see that should gouge out their own eyes - you aren't using them anyway.
"2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award Winner" Move along and let us grown ups talk football, sweetheart.
How can you complain about check downs if you haven't seen the all-22 shot of those plays? I didnt see one replay yesterday where Rich Gannon showed an open WR who Mark passed on to throw a check down. How many seasons? One season? Two seasons? Three seasons? Nine seasons? Eventually we have to stop the madness. And the people who are too stubborn to admit they supported a mediocre player or just don't know the game well enough to spot poor performance will eventually be forced to move on.
The same way people shouldn't have been screaming top 10 after the Bills game, everyone needs to calm down after the last two as well. New offense and the offense as a whole isn't clicking. We're not watching a game where the Jets are losing solely because Sanchez is inaccurate. We can't say "if Sanchez was more accurate then the Jets would've beat Pittsburgh and handled Miami easily". There were playcalling flaws, there were drops, there was bad running, there was bad blocking, just inconsistency across the entire offense. It's a new offense with a new coordinator... give it some time. I'm not excusing anyone, but I'm not condemning anyone either. Its a work in progress. It will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.
Anyone who says Sanchez made all the throws and improved is clearly drinking some strong sh*t. He has zero pocket presence, can't process defenses quick enough and this slows down his release time and forces him to be inaccurate or just not complete easy short passes. He double and triple pumps before making a throw and just struggles with his release point altogether. He always seems to fold under the first pressure where you see many other QB's step up or slide in the pocket. He telegraphs his throws and can't look off his receivers. The only time Sanchez looks any good is on broken plays where his athleticism helps him. However broken plays are the exception and not the normal every down offense and this is where he has regressed a lot since 2 years ago. That INT in the end zone yesterday was about as bad a pick as you can throw especially when those points would've been the difference in the game.