The criticism on Sanchez is warranted , but a lot of people don't realize on some of the passing plays he has two options and in some he has one option Because the dump route is typically very shallow and covered by a safety and a linebacker. this would bring you right back to Shotty and his very predictable offensive plays. Sanchez still is the guy behind the gun and chooses to throw it , so That is where Shotty gets a the wiggle room from scrutiny. Yeah , there going to have to work through this , but I wish it was like 5 weeks ago!
Sanchez better show up against Miami. Its not even about making the playoffs anymore, if he shits the bed against the Dolphins, this offseason will be very long. It sucks because after the 09 season our future looked so promising. Hell even this year it did until we decided to choke away the game against the Patriots (missed FG, Sanchez calling the timeout before half, Joe Mcknight dropping the punt, Shonne greenes tipped interception) god damnit we blew it. Next season we will come back stronger.
I like Mark. I think he has potential, but a 56% completion percentage in his 3rd year, in a dink and dunk offense is a serious concern.
Listen to what you just said, want to know when dink and dunk offenses give you 70%+ completetion? at the end of games when teams are playing prevent not to lose defense. However when there's 8 defenders in the box/around the sticks because your OC never calls streak routes or deep post routes its hard to complete a lot of passes. Anyway, Sanchez has played bad this season but doesn't warrant the bashing he's been getting. I STILL haven't heard a good enough "excuse" from the Jets as to why the fuck 68 pass plays were called.
I strongly disagree with you. He averages 6.4 yards per attempt. 6.4 yards PER ATTEMPT!! That's paltry. Despite that, a completion percentage of 56%. He doesn't throw it downfield at all, yet he's highly inaccurate dumping it off and throwing short slants. A minimum of 60%, considering his yards per attempt is where he needs to be. You can't think 56% at 6.4 yards per attempt is acceptable. Don't get me wrong, I think Mark deserves a new OC and a chance to improve. I just think his inaccuracy is a big cause for concern.
I don't even care about playoffs or anything at this point, just beat the Dolphins. It never matters what our record is when we play miami, I want to win. End this season with a sweep over the fish and whatever happens from there is up to chance.
I'm kinda in agreement. It boggles my mind that anyone can defend Schotty's play design. In the hands of a Joe Montana, it might well be awesome....but it's obvious that it doesn't suit Sanchez's skill set. And the game plan against the Giants...what the fuck was that? After a somewhat weird first offensive series (where Sanchez threw some nice balls) that garnered 7 points, the O just went dumb. We used to complain about not scoring in the 1st quarter.
That was a goofy looking sack. Rex loves sacks almost as much as Sparano loved field goals. But not when they're on us.
If he throws that away its grounding = still a safety. Running a slow developing play in the end zone is insane.
Yup. If ever there should have been a running play, one less passing play, it's that spot. You absolutely cannot run a passing play with a full drop from your own 2.