Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    The only thing slipping is your grip on reality.

    Give it up. Your man-crush is toast.

    While you're furiously typing away trying to defend someone who hasn't played well in over a year and a half, he's busy packing his bags.

    Better save your bandwidth...Rex still needs your help.
  2. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Even the '85 Bears had 3 games in which they gave up over 23 points. The Jets had 4.

    And those Bears had the luxury of Walter Payton's 1551 yards at a 4.8 clip to give them plenty of time to stay rested and rejuvenated.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    They weren't dead, that was my mistake. they were only 1-2 but were awful the first 2 weeks which would continue for most of the season so this was a BAD football team despite what they did the year before.

    They led 12-0, isn't 12 pts more than 9 pts?

    you do realize the game was played in a monsoon, right? do you think that played a role in our "dominant" D looking so good early? as the weather turned the D was horrible. The difference in the game was during the bad weather our QB didn't turn it over while favre turned it over 3 times.

    I know monsoons don't show up on statsheets though so I forgive you but in case you forgot:

  4. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Isn't it painfully obvious that Junc doesn't know a good defense?

    In his mind, if we lose a game 3-0, our defense sucks.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    tell me how many late game leads the '85 Bears blew? tell me how pts they let up in postseason?

    stay rested and rejuvenated?

    average TOP:

    NYJ: 32:37
    Opp: 28:26

    I love hearing the rested excuse. Chi's D was rested probably b/c they got off the field rather than allow a million 3rd and longs.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I love some of our worst posters patting each other on the back.

    where did I ay our D wasn't good?

    Not all games are the same, not everything is in black and white which is why we cannot solely look at #s. Giving up 10 pts says our D was really good but when you actually watch the game you understand how bad our D was that night.

    Our D was very good, to say our D was "dominant" is 100% incorrect. you guys don't know what dominant is.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You haven't posted anything b/c you cannot engage in these discussions.

    I didn't make any assessment of the ratings, I simply asked who was better?
  8. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Claim #4:
    Claim rating: complete BS

    Kyle Orton: 14/34 for 209
    Moreno, Tebow, Buckhalter, and Maroney: 31 carries 109 yards (3.5)

    You might say "well that's 65 plays right there alone, bet they spent a lot of time on the field, that means the defense wasn't good!"

    To which I would reply: Denver had 14 offensive possessions, that's a lot. Would you like to know why?

    The Jets had 12 offensive possessions, EIGHT of which were 5 plays or less. SEVEN OF WHICH WERE THREE AND OUTS OR TURNOVERS. (I chose not to count the 5 play Touchdown drive, otherwise it would be nine.

    The fact that this defense only allowed 20 points having faced 4 three and outs and 3 turnovers is borderline miraculous.
  9. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    There is just no fact in this at all. Of course the failures stick out in your mind, because the successes are simply expected.

    The 2010 Jets D was 3rd best in the league at 1st downs/scores allowed per set of downs.
  10. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    It didn't happen. We never got that chance. We never had the ball with less than a 2 score deficit in the 4th. Both teams lost. Both teams never had a chance in the 4th. L.T wasn't any closer.
  11. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Claim #5:

    Claim rating: decent

    Now remember, to get to this game, you're skipping right past a 9-0 shutout by the eventual Super Bowl Champions.

    The Jets defense was absolutely brilliant in this game, bringing the "Mark Sanchez cost us the win" total to two so far in the 2010 season.

    The Packers 3 FGs came on drives starting at: NYJ 36, GB 43, NYJ 23. They only had 3 drives over 5 plays.
    The Jets drives that game went: Punt, Punt, Downs, Fumble, Punt, INT, Punt, Missed FG, INT, Downs, Downs.

    Back to the Browns: Coming to this game the Jets are 6-2 with both losses falling rather heavily on the shoulders of our quarterback, as the team scored 9 total points in those two efforts.

    One of Mark's better efforts: 27/44 for 299 2TD 1INT

    Cleveland did actually require offensive success for their 20 points for a change, But the Jets D still forced 7 drives that were either 3 and out or turnovers. That plays just as much role in the TOP as the Jets sustaining drives does.

    The Jets ball control was excellent, but this game is never an issue if a 19 play 10 minute drive doesn't end in a missed FG.

    You're not really wrong here, but all you're claiming is that the Jets gave up a late scoring drive. You're correct.

    Your claim score so far: 3 disasters, 2 half-decents.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    ok, if we had 80 plays in a game last dec do you think we would have scored 20 pts?

    you do know we had 60 plays too, right?

    we only allowed 20 b/c they botched a snap on a FG after our first TO.

    They got an extra possession b/c they recovered an ONSIDE kick.

    2nd INt was at NYJ 35. A "dominant" D can't hold a mediocre O to zero pts I that spot?

    last TO(fumble by Holmes) was deep in den territory.

    The D was placed in one bad spot by a TO and Den botched the snap.

    these stats are great, they tell us very little but you are impressing the average fans.

    I talk specific examples, you talk rankings and stats over the season which can get skewed when facing bad offenses.

    but we were closer, one stop and we have a chance to win. If SD's D gets a stop SD would have needed to score then get the ball back and score again w/ one of them being a TD. We got him closer to a SB than he ever got in SD.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    what does the 9-0 game on an incredibly windy day where we had not one but TWO BS turnovers against us that they called INTs?

    The Jets D was brilliant against a beat up GB O on an incredibly windy day that hurt both offenses. From week 2 to week 11 they scored less than 20 pts one time- the GB game. The weather was a HUGE factor for both defenses.

    coming into the game we were 6-2 where none of the losses were on our QB though he contributed and most of the wins were b/c of the pass game.

    Nice deflection w/ the GB game though.

    it's awesome they forced that many 3 and outs but w/ the game on the line what happened?

    Folk missed 3 on the day, it happens. that doesn't absolve the D from allowing a bad rookie QB to lead a TD in the final minute to send it to OT.
  14. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Claim #6
    While factual, the Jets offense did its part to assist Houston's during this run.

    Claim score: Eh.

    With 1:19 to play in the third, the D is pitching a fantastic game and the offense has sustained multiple long scoring drives. It's 20-7, Houston has a touchdown and 6 punts, and Arian Foster just coughed up a fumble to give the Jets the ball at the Houston 22.

    The following drive: illegal contact makes it 1st and 10 from the 17. Greene for 2, Pass to Keller for 3, incomplete on 3rd and 5. Jets settle for 3. 23-7.

    Houston then goes 59 yards and settles for 3 (23-10). Jets respond with a 5 play 2:58 drive that ends in a fumble.

    Houston gets the ball at the NYJ 43. Complete coverage breakdown, buncha receivers crossed up and Dreessen was wide open for the 1 play scoring drive (23-17).

    Jets respond with a 6 play, 3 minute drive in which Sanchez gets sacked and does not complete a pass. 57 yard punt bails them out a little.

    Houston rolls for a 73 yard 4 minute TD drive. Yeah that's on them but boy I bet they're tired (24-23).

    Sanchez responds with an incompletion, and then an interception, trying to force a duck while getting hit, giving Houston the ball on the Jets 10. The defense then denies Arian Foster three times (a touchdown or first down via penalty ends this game). Jets use all three timeouts and get the ball back with :55 after the FG (27-23)

    The drive that follows I can remember like it was yesterday. LT pulls a big play out of his ass, then probably Sanchez's best moment as a pro. Perfect throws to Braylon and Santonio.

    But he only gets the chance to do so, because the Jets offense shut down late, Houston catches up, Sanchez throws a bad pick, and the Jets D shut down Arian Foster three times inside the 10.
  15. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I think what Soss is trying to say, is Mark Sanchez may not be as good as junc says he is.
  16. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    That touchdown was after back-to-back-to-back three and outs.

    What happened with the game on the line? The Jets D stopped three overtime Browns possessions.

    For those scoring at home, that was 6 stops in 7 opposing drives from 5 minutes left in the 3rd on.
  17. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    About sums it up.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    just to be clear, at no point have I ever said the O or another unit didn't deserve some blame but a "dominant" D should be able to overcome.

    LT pulls a big play out of his ass? he caught the ball and ran forward.


    he got to do it b/c our D folded like they always do in big spots late in games. Thankfully he and the pass O rescued the D AGAIN.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    so what? the game never gets to OT if our "dominant" D doesn't allow the great Colt McCoy to lead a last minute TD drive.

    for those scoring at home- the D blew ANOTHER late game lead.

    we are discussing the defense and any objective person can see this has been no contest. Again, no offense to Soss b/c I like him but his arguments couldn't be weaker and he is trying all he can to deflect.
  20. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Claim #7
    Claim score: meaningless hot garbage

    We beat a 12-4 (then 10-3) Steelers team in their own house.

    Roethlisberger faced a 3rd and 24 rather than simply a kneel, partially due to Brad Smith taking the opening kick to the house. Roethlisberger had 7 incompletions and took a sack on that final drive. Are you arguing that allowing this conversion stains the Jets defensive excellence for the season? They won the game, against a top team on the road.

    The Jets offense had excellent ball control this game, but would have won this without a sweat if they could have managed even a FG on two 10 play drives.
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