Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    We can agree on the Holmes play, He is another major bum.

    But there is no excuses for running into a butt that big, none. I have said this a million times already, his release is too slow to play in the NFL.

    And that wasn't his only "bad moment" play last year, not by a long shot.
  2. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Boomers Career was all over the place most of his QB ratings were in the 70s with a couple of big years

    93.2 his second year
    97.4 his fifth year
    106 his last year

    Everything else is in the 70s he only broke 60% completion rate twice. The teams you are on matter how a good a QB you are. He was still a pretty good Qb when the Jets dumped him for the next best thing we all know how that turned out.

    No worries if the fans had their way we are about to do it again.

    Jets Qbs years started

    Namath- 9 yrs
    Todd- 5 yrs
    O'brien- 7.5
    Boomer- 3 yrs
    Nagle, Reich O'donnell, Lucas- 1
    Vinnie- 3.5
    Chad- 5

    So there you have it Mark gets a fifth year.
  3. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    I'll tell you why.
    Sanchez was in his FOURTH YEAR as a starter. There are plenty of guys who step in long before that, and assume the leadership role in their organizations. In year four he STILL couldn't be counted on to do that.

    The QB is SUPPOSED to be the leader of the team. look at any team and tell me who the leader is, and 90% of the time you'll name the QB ... especially in cases where the guy has been installed for a number of years.

    When the rest of the talent around a four year starter is suspect, the entire team ... the entire coaching staff ... the entire organization counts on that QB to step up, be a leader, and hold things together. Did Sanchez do that? GOD NO! In fact, he was the worst player on the team ... and one of the worst players in the entire league. As soon as his security blanket was taken away after year two, he was exposed for what he is ... a milktoast wimp who doesn't have the "IT" it takes to be a big-time QB in the NFL. Nice guy? Maybe. A leader of men? NO WAY IN HELL.

    You don't think he was dragged to 30 wins by the rest of the team? Why don't you name me all the QB's in the history of the league who didn't make the playoffs with the number one rushing attack and the number one defense.
    If not for the Colts surrendering to us in 2009, that list would contain ONE name. Wanna take a wild guess which one?
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    why couldn't we even make the playoffs in 2008 w/ a similar roster and a HOF QB?
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No one is absolving Sanchez of blame. But considering the circumstances last year, he did not play as poorly as many make it out to be. 2 completions a game, 60%. thats not opinion, thats simple math.

    And...a handful, (not most) of the INTs were in spots where a receiver broke behind the db allowing him to cross the receivers face instead of the other way around, or balls that bounced of a guys hands.

    Even without those, he tries to force too many balls where they shouldnt go, but changing the throwing area (which will happen under MM) will take the opportunity to make those throws out of his hands.

    The differecme is, those that support Sanchez, understand his limitations.

    You haters, think Matt Moore will be the next Joe Montana, because Sanchez is Ryan Leaf.

    Hes just not.
  6. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Right, coaching has nothing to do with it Junc, ask these guys.

    We didnt go to Seattle, with a great run game, against an undersized defense, and an injured QB...then try to throw the ball all day.......

    No its all Mark, not Scotty, Not Sparano. Just Sanchez.

    1 of 5 EVER to get to 30 wins in his first three seasons, in the history of the NFL.

    2 AFCCG appearances. 4 road playoff wins. Probably close to a dozen comebacks.

    He sucks. Dont you get it?

  7. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    But it doesn't we beat the Colts made the playoff and went to the AFCC game. Blaming a rookie that took a team to the AFCC that Brett Favre could not get to the playoffs.
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    -But tell me where those missed completions comes from. If he was hitting 60% consistently and you posted that, it makes more sense. But he hasn't hit 60% before in his career, so while it's "just 2 completions a game" it's two completions he hasn't made per game before. Also, how many attempts would it take to get him two more completions? You expect to go 30/30. Much more goes into it than a simple algebra problem.

    -And a handful of his INTs were him being late on throws or making stupid throws. A part of that handful was when we were in the RZ or in FG range. More of his INTs were primary his fault than the WRs fault, especially end of season.

    -What are Sanchez's limitations right now? Don't tell me what he did two years. Don't tell me "wait until we have talent", we aren't going to have that this year. Tell me primarily what he succeeded at last year, what he can build off of. Right now Sanchez is a question mark like all players in the offseason, but it seems more evidence points to him being an average to below average QB to than to a QB who can raise the play around him and win games. Would I love for him to flip a switch and prove me wrong, of course I would! But I see no optimism form last year to build off of and believe he can do that. If last year was like his 2011 year, there would be a lot to build off of. But this last year was a reversal to his rookie year with rookie mistakes. That's concerning and keeps my optimism surrounding Sanchez really low.

    -No I understand the limitations of this team, and I want a capable backup/potential starter so we aren't stuck with Sanchez if he continues to struggle. I understand Moore/Garrard can fill in a spot and manage a game more than Sanchez right now. They are great additions to this team (not Moore, Garrard) as, to be completely honest, we don't know if we have a NFL QB on our roster. We have no idea how Sanchez is going to look. It would be good to have a capable backup who can come cheap and handle the QB position for a couple years while we either wait for Sanchez to become amazing or draft a young guy.

    -It turns into, are we looking for Sanchez to be a game manager, or are we looking for Sanchez to become the Eli/Big Ben type he looked like in his second and part of year 3? We can't settle for game manager from Sanchez. It would be an improvement from last year, but mostly anything would be an improvement from last year's play. We need more from him and he hasn't shown that he can give us more, especially when he doesn't have the perfect team around him. And on top of that, he won't have a perfect team around him. He's going to have to get better with a weak talent base around him next year.
    #5788 displacedfan, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  9. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    overestimation and underestimation, somewhere between lies the answer

    Sanchez is mediocre, good and serviceable when the ranks around him are bolstered, disastrous when under staffed and lacks the ability to make other better.

    maybe there have been other successful QB's with that same condition, but I'm betting there are others that have been less than such.

    hes not as bad as the infamous buttfumble tells, really people who harp on that are more the type that are not apt to handle intricate analysis of such things and are either too impulsive to get the big picture or else are uncaring of the matter save for the entertainment factor of the worlds worst football circus.(or so the media has made them)

    but he's not great either, and likely never will be. can he be manageable? he has been in the past, thats all we can hope for now (unless you're one of those tank for the best pick types)

    if he starts he'll have a better season undoubtedly with a better offensive coordinator, but he may still just be mediocre and not worth it to pursue any further. Thats my prediction honestly.

    because thats all he is in the end, mediocre, he could bomb or he could do just enough. anybody that says he's the worst thing ever is too wrapped in hyperbole and anybody that still thinks he can be great must realize that those odds are a shot in the dark.

    I'll say this though, it'd be an interesting story if he did succeed at a high level, it would certainly be a tale of taking advantage of opportunity to its fullest, no matter how unearned (he only does it because he was given a bad contract). it also might lead to the jets being wishy washy with offensive recovery...
  10. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Rodgers played one year in college just like Sanchez... Stop making shit up man. Steve young wasnt even drafted into the NFL. Your comparisons are crap.

    Rodgers was never drafted to be the immediate starter with Favre on the Packers. Young signed with the Bucs out of the the USFL and wasnt drafted in the top 5 of a draft like Sanchez. He sucked in Tampa but then was taken under the wing of one of the greatest football (especially QB minds) of the game in Bill Walsh. He also go to learn under the greatest QB of all time.

    Sanchez's situation is nothing like either of these two. He was drafted to be the immediate starter, which in his case hurt him. We can say that it is not his fault he got thrown into the fire, but he was the one who decided to go pro when his college coach advised against it. He also doesnt have the luxury of having Bill Walsh and Joe Montana to "fix" him either like Steve Young was.

    MM is solid, but he's not great, and he sure as hell isnt Bill Walsh. Good teams groom players... Sanchez was not groomed, he was thrown into the fire. Yes. 100% agree on that notion. There's nothing we can do about that now. But some of that is his fault and I dont see him coming back from it.

    Reality is your friend.
  11. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    We were 8-3 going down the stretch. Favre got hurt, and didn't get pulled.
  12. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Several reasons. #1: The two AFC wild card teams were 12-4 and 11-5. We got in thanks to the Colts at 9-7 in 2009. #2: The 2008 Jets were 9th in rushing and 16th in total defense. #3: Favre played with a torn biceps tendon in his right arm the last 5 games of the season. We were 8-3 before those last 5 games. Favre was throwing to Cotchery and an aging Coles most of the season. Mark had Cotchery and Edwards.

    Even though Favre played the rest of the season injured and was throwing to worse receivers, we still finished 16th in the passing game. Mark throwing to better receivers, we finished 31st in the passing game. If we had a healthy Favre in 2009, we win the Super Bowl.
  13. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    double post........................................
    #5793 Testaverde, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
  14. Eat Man

    Eat Man New Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    just start garrard. if he gets injured get testaverde out of the ice bath and start him. if he gets injured play mcelroy. if he gets injured have revis play quarterback.

    might help his value to see him behind center.
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    As I said before. The mountain of analysts/football people criticizing Sanchez don't matter. Those guys must not know what they are watching.

    However Boomer's one quote, because that's all it is, and Simms' mancrush on Sanchez must be held up as gospel. Those are the only 2 guys in the entire football world who actually know what they're watching.
  16. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Reality? You dont deal in it. Young signed with the USFL. I pointed that out, and no he wasnt drafted number five overall.

    he was the NUMBER ONE pick in the 1984 Supplemental draft not 5. Number One.

    At least get your facts before getting dispeptic.

    And rodgers had MCCarthy, Young didnt sniff success till years after being with Walsh.

    Tose that support Sanchez, are merely arguing he deserves the benfit of a decent coach.

    While failing to address the lack thereof, its all Sanchez....

    Try dealing in at least a small bit of fact.

    Like tou said goodmteams groom players, and Sanchez performance in the face of an impossible situation, is an the case is to be made that you dont bail, till you can asses in the absence of shit coaching what you have.


    But ill defer to your learned opinion.
    #5796 Hobbes3259, Mar 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2013
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    he didnt have any weapons in 2011?
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    and lets not all act like his 2011 year was spectacular. in fact it was putrid, not 2012 putrid but it was ugly.

    2009 and 2010 werent any cakewalk either as much as junc would like to have you believe. he was a game manager at most and did pretty poorly at that even. red yellow green... buffalo... it was not any kind of fantastic world beater performance backing into the playoffs only due to the colts not showing up.

    would EVERYTHING be different if the colts actually played the 2nd half in 09 and we missed the playoffs?

    it wouldnt be in my world and it shouldnt be. i can see through the bs to understand that the qb isnt very good.
  19. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Okay, I misread on Steve Young... Sorry, Okay? Still doesnt discount the fact that your argument is still severely flawed.

    Obviously your view of reality is much different than mine. You say that those that defend Sanchez only ask for good coaching, yet not many admit how poor he played and that he regressed fundamentally and mentally.

    To play devils advocate, you say that Sanchez has never been given the opportunity of good coaching... But what about Sparano? He was never really given the right pieces and talent, including the QB position. Im sure that is plenty hard to deal with when trying to implement a new system. He paid for last year with his job... There's no 5 year do over for him.

    Now Im not saying he was even competent at his job, but it sure as hell is a two way street. Maybe the coaches working with Sanchez couldnt implement their full system couldnt because of the players on offense- OL, WR, RB, TE and QB included.

    I will admit everytime that Sanchez was put in a poor situation to succeed. He shouldnt have started his first year, but at the same time he probably shouldnt have come out of college.

    Dealing with reality, I see that his mentality/leadership abilities have regressed, so have his fundamentals- footwork, making reads, accuracy and even arm strength. Some of that can be because of having Wayne Hunter in 2011, or incorrect coaching or mismanagement of the offense. But in reality, despite what has caused it, he has regressed. MM can say that he doesnt need to be "fixed" all he wants. There was something wrong with him last year (something that doesnt solely lie on coaching), and that has to change. If he doesnt want to call it being "fixed", go right ahead, but his play has to change.

    You try and come off as so understanding... Yet all I am saying, and mostly anybody who you consider a "hater" is saying, is that I/we dont believe he can come back from his regression. At this point he has taken 4 steps back... In order for him to improve to be a quality starter in this league, he's going to have to take huge strides in year 5. With the "rebuild" mentality, lack of offensive talent still and help all along the team like he was benefitted from in 2009-2011, I just dont see it. The coaching may improve, but coaching can not completely change a player that much (well, unless you are Bill Walsh or of that caliber of a mind).

    I may not be in your reality, but we will see how this shakes out. Right now with the lack of offensive talent being added and the team entering full rebuild mode, I dont think they view Sanchez as the future. if they did, they would be focused on adding more talent around him- not just signing Mike Goodson and letting Keller (most likely) walk.
  20. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    January 28, i know because i was the caller, and i have it on DVR, because Carton told him not to hang up on me, but he did and carton went was hilarious. He accused me of being just like

    Your welcome to call and ill play you the clip...its hilarious.
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