If KP is such a great eloquent speaker, how come USA Today, NY Times, ESPN etc are not hiring him as analyst? If KP is such a good QB, how come SEA didn't want to sign him even as a backup QB? The simple truth is: Kolin Kaepernick is a shitty QB and is dumb as a log. Nobody will take seriously a QB who failed at football or an activist who didn't even vote.
He exercised his first admendment rights. Did it peacefully and didn't injure anyone. The NFL won't stand by him but have no problem supporting murders, woman beaters, dog killers and drug dealers.
But he did it on his employer's time. Nobody gets to do that, not in the NFL or on any job. If he refused to stand while he was at a game as a paying customer in the stands that would be different. but he chose to "make a statement", not exercise "free" speech. Sorry, there are consequences for your choices, just like for everyone else.
That's fine. But they also deserve to be called out for their behavior by the media and fans, particularly when the league as a whole continues to hide behind the idea that the guy isn't signed mainly because of his foibles as a Quarterback.
There is no law that states you have to stand for the national anthem. If Tom Brady did this I guarantee you the NFl would be supporting him. Utilizing your free speech have many avenues and no limitations. Its when institutions and governments try to suppress it that it is infringed. Think Kent State.
There is no law that says any team has to sign him either. Utilizing your free speech comes with consequences, if where you would like to be employed does not agree with your free speech you risk not being employed there.
absolutely true......he should have thought about those consequences while kneeling on the turf more than once. yes he does have a right to do what he did but teams also have a right to turn their backs on him.
Where is it in the NFL manual to discriminate against someone because they protested. Its about sponsors and money and maybe some racism. If Kaep had a better year he would be on a roster for sure. If Tom Brady, Drew Brees or Aaron Rodgers dropped a knee the public relation departments of those respective teams would justify it and the NFL would market it.
Not a clue and neither do the Jets. I think their 2017 QB is not even on the roster yet. If they protect them like they protected Petty against Miami they will run throught the 3 we got right now. So who's the 4th and 5th ones for 2017?
A few things, first off, it is hardly discrimination, second, if he had a better year/career we would not have this thread and third, Brady/Brees/Rodgers have not done anything like this likely because they value their job and their team. And of course it is about sponsors and money, it is a business.
You must not keep up with the team if you don't know who their QB is. I know for sure it is not Fitz or Mallett.
BREAKING NEWS!!!! A piece of shit quarterback is not being signed by NFL. BREAKING NEWS 2!!! An outspoken activist who chose to not vote in the last elections is not being signed by ESPN. BREAKING NEWS 3!! Robert Griffin is still not signed!!! breaking news 4 Sherman's SEA Seahawks work out KP and refuse to sign him
Seahawks have Trevone Boykin and Austin Davis backing up Wilson and they still wouldn't sign him, or should I say with only Boykin backing him up since Kaep was available when they signed Davis.
It is more likely they haven't done it due to being white and have no need to make a protest against black kids being gunned down for nothing by the police. Also you really think it isn't discrimination ? You think he isn't good enough to hold down even a backup role at an NFL team, Shitzpatrick secured a spot even after last years horror show, so teams can't be that worried on what has just gone on the field of play. It reminds me of the two sprinters with the black gloves and they also got booed for their protest.
He's protesting isolated, extremely rare incidents. There is no epidemic. Cops arent storming black neighborhoods and just shooting people at random. You had a few things happen...officers got spooked, or got ambushed and tried to defend themselves, and things escalated. But 99% of the cops in this country do a great job. The media cherry picks a few stories and all hell breaks loose. And Kaepernick is too ignorant to realize this.