I'm happy as shit to have Sanchez on the team, wanted to draft him. Doesn't mean I'm not thoroughly impressed with his play in the beginning and the end of last year that I'm saying he will never be an ELITE QB. Loved his resolve and his guts on his TD run against the Titans. Strictly my opinion that he will not be an ELITE QB.
this. Arguing about who's more important and who's the one that's gonna be left out in the cold is a little over-the-top. I don't believe any of our core players will be left unsigned. In fact....it's tough to comment on something....when we don't even know what or if there will be a "cap structure" in the new CBA.
That's completely incorrect. First, Sanchez isn't even as important as Mangold. Mangold and D'Brick are probably the two most valuable member of the entire team. Without them, it doesn't matter who is throwing the ball or who is playing defense. A QB with time to throw is a successful QB. A QB on his ass is useless. Revis is a huge piece of the puzzle, but if he weren't here, we'd manage. Don't get me wrong, I love Revis, and I want him to retire wearing green and white, but I want Mangold happy first.
I have to disagree with you on that one, Alio......you're essentially saying that this team wouldn't miss a beat if Clemens was taking the snaps instead of Sanchez.....as long as Mangold is snapping the football. Sanchez is not only important...he's vital.......as is Mangold.
OK, can we calm down a little bit. We haven't even hit mandatory mini camps yet, there is no reason to start speculating on who is getting traded yet.
This situation was easily predictable. Revis earned a huge contract and now it's time to pay up. Of course Tanny's first offer was going to be low and of course Revis' agent is going to use this negotiation tactic again. I'm glad both sides started where they did. Revis' agent is going to get him a good deal and Tanny is going to do his best to make it a cap friendly deal. Remember this is the biggest contract of the "big 4" that has to be worked out. Tanny has to be very careful setting the bar here to ensure that he can keep all of them at a relatively reasonable price. This contract will dictate what the other 3 can possibly make, it needs to be a hard negotiation by Tanny. Patience.
The Jets are out of their minds to expect anything less after what happened to Leon Washington last year. If the Jets want to field the team they're hyping to their fans this year, they'd better pay the fucking players already.
I'm gonna go back and tag all the chicks I missed out on... Unfortunately players and especially agents, don't think this way. The agents are more greedy than the players and feed the players head about the big payday instead of the long term safety net. Even Brady was willing to restructure for less for the betterment of the team. And this is all because the agent is looking for instant gratification. 15% of $17 mil a year is a shitload of money. Set it up so Revis makes 10 mil a year over 6 years and guarantee him 50%. The rest is performance based. Done. I'm with Alio on this one. Screw him. Its coming from a dreamland when I say this but I would love to have the opportunity to talk sense into one of these guys just once.
bingo. Willie is right....Patience is key here, fellas....this fanbase isn't regarded for showing patience....but everything will work out in due time. I believe that.
Of course that is the most reasonable course of action. But this is TGGland. And the offseason. It's time to run around with your hair on fire.
Lol, we all love Mangold but you don't need the best center in the game to win SBs. Quick tell me who the Saints center is? Didn't think so.. I would say the Brick is more valuable than Mangold is but as always QB is the most important position on the field. With a normal D I would agree with you, on our D Darrelle Revis is the most valuable player on the team other than Sanchez. The system isn't nearly as effective as is without him, just listen to none other than our HC for confirmation. I don't think their is any chance either of the 3 go anywhere so I'm not sure why we have to pit one against the other. Each of the 3 is valuable in their own right but there is not a more valuable defensive player in the game today than Darrelle Revis.
I agree. Mangold has been a good soldier from day one. Revis and his turd agent played hardball from day one. Tanny should go right down the line: Make an offer to Revis. Revis rejects? Make an offer to Mangold. Mangold rejects? Make an offer to Brick. Brick rejects? Make an offer to Harris, etc., etc., etc. In years past, I've been all about "pay the man," but that was when we had one or two of "the man." We've got a teamful now. Tanny needs to send a message: "the first one of you guys to take the hometown discount gets a stack of money right now. Everyone else: you're under contract. Call Leon and ask him how that works." And in regard to the comments about "the Jets don't take care of their players..." No. The Jets don't take care of greedy, douchebag agents. That's a welcomed reputation, IMO. Remember Jerricho Cotchery's contract negotiations? I don't. Yeah, we've been through this with Revis before. Abyzmul touched on it; this is the only way his agent knows how to negotiate. So be it. I disagree, Vision. Revis is the best player on the team and it isn't even close. Most important? No. He's a cornerback, but more importantly, he's a cornerback on a team that is filthy loaded at cornerback.
That's not what I said. Not at all. I don't think you did that intentionally, but that's a straw man argument. Sure Sanchez is important. If I were to rank him in terms of his importance to the team, I'd put him after Mangold, D'Brick, Jenkins, and Revis. In no way was I saying Clemens could do his job. I simply said Mangold is more important than Sanchez, because if you stick a scrub in at center (which is all you'd get at this point, though I guess Mawae's old ass is still looking for a job) it doesn't matter if you have Joe Montana back there.
fuck his couch! he cant compare his contract situation to aso, its the fucking raiders! ive said it before, revis' extention should not blow demarcus wares (signed < 1 year ago) out of the water, no defensive players contract should! 6 years, 85 mill tops ... or trade his ass to the raiders and see how much he likes that extra money