Ravens Game Re-Cap

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mezzavo, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    The running game was great. Jones and Washington were eating up huge amounts of ground and that was against the Ravens #1s. In a real game they would have never even attempted a pass until Baltimore figured out a way to stop it. Being a pre-season game they were trying to expose Sanchez and Clemens to pressure to see how they could handle it but Baltimore never had an answer to th run. That was pretty encouraging especially since Woody wasn't even on the field.
  2. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    you are kidding right? Clemens made a nice read and a solid NFL throw. Clowney just ran straight and caught the ball. It was pretty close to the throw sanchez had against St. Louis. Clowney runs straight, look off the safety and bomb it out there, then clowney makes the grab. If Sanchez had made that throw the whole board would be over the moon this week. Clemens and Sanchez did the same thing.

    should passes not have been dropped last night the real stat line would be

    Sanchez 2 int's 1 td (Thank you Leon!)
    Clemens 1 int 2 td's

    that was the difference imo, Ray Lewis should have picked that ball off against Sanchez and took it to the house. Somebody tried to argue earlier that he dropped it because it had zip. Ray Lewis has intercepted that ball about 30 times in his career, trust me he can get that INT, he just dropped it. Meanwhile KC throws a great deep ball for brad smith who flat out drops it in the endzone. All things considered, there is no way KC didnt outplay Sanchez by a mile last night. If Leon Washington didnt come to play yesterday Sanchez doesnt even get close to getting a td pass. Heck he only threw one pass that Ainge couldnt have, and that was the wheel route to Leon.
  3. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    And that Clemens played against the 2s and Sanchez against the 1s. That had something to do with it too.
  4. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I wonder what those numbers would've looked like had the roles been reversed? Chances are it would've been Clemens under constant pressure without many outlets, while Sanchez would've looked similar to last week.

    I still feel more confident in the Jets moving forward with Sanchez leading the team. He needed a game like yesterday.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    On the positive side:

    -We ran the ball realy well
    -Leon was Leon
    -Sanchez threw a great ball to Smith on the play that was overturned and he showed guts bouncing back and had a great night of learning. Watching it was tough but he will be much better off for a night like last night than he would have had his preseason gone like last week.
    -The D gave up only 10 points.
    -Clemens bounced back nicely as well after his atrocious INT


    -INTs for TDs, I can forgive Sanchez as he's a rooie but what was Kellen thinking?
    -Punters are terrible
    -D gave up too many 3rd down conversions

    Overall I'm ok w/ where we are at. I think last night showed a glimpse as to what we will be. Strong D, strong running game and inconsistency at QB. if our QBs limit bad TOs we'll have a chance in most games.

    *edit* I don't know how but I forgot about all the dumb penalties. This needs to be cleaned up and quickly.
    #25 nyjunc, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  6. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    I can take some good things from this game. Although Sanchez made the get rid of it pass to the other team , I'm impressed on his coming back and driving for a score. Sanchez will get used to the safety valve soon enough and will not make that mistake again. The secondary was not good at all! High paid Bart missed some tackles and Punts were terrible. Thank goodness its preseason and we get a another two shots to get it right.
  7. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I liked the 28 yd TD pass by KC to Clowney. From my vantage point KC and Ainge both had better games than Sanchez did. But that is to be expected. I don't think Gholston was horrible. But as for the D. Howard Green & Mike Devito looked decent and Ihedigbo's INT was great - too bad the Jets commited 2 penalties on the play.
    #27 AbdulSalam, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  8. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Things I did not like:

    1.) Undisciplined play- To many stupid penalties, delay of game, holding etc. etc. Wr's not knowing where the first down marker is. Jet traits, always the same...yuck!
    2.) Poor Tackling- How many times did the RB get past the initial tackler? More Jet traits

    3.) Secondary (without Revis)- This is a boom or bust system and the secondary right now looks busto. The Ravens Wr's are not very good and man they roasted the Jets pretty easily. Coleman = cut

    4.) Jets Wr's- One word comes to mind ........ awful. Horrible

    I realize that some of this can be corrected through the play calling and practice as there is still a bunch of time till the regular season.

    Things I liked:

    1.) The running game is going to keep Sanchez or Clemens out of trouble. Once the line gets back together the Jets are going to be able to run on most teams. Leon looked excellent

    2.) Leon Washington- He single hand-idly brought the Jets back to within a touchdown. When he turns it on he can be a top 5 most exciting player in football. Give him the ball more during the season at least 20 touches
    3.) David Harris and Bart Scott- I think both of these guys are going to have big years. This is going to be a very good tandem for the Jets. Harris played well, didn't see Scott doing much
    4.) Pressure- I think the biggest difference from last year is this Defense will be able to pressure teams and really get at them. Hopefully, this will take most of the pressure off the poor play of the secondary. No Jenkins or Revis

    Things I was mixed about:

    1.) Sanchez- This is pretty much what I expected. He struggled, got punched in the mouth, was rushed quite a bit and forced and the end result was he made rookie mistakes. What a revelation...... This was the first time he played a real D. The good thing was he hung in there didn't wilt. I couldn't tell from this if he is a real leader or not but at least he didn't fold and lead a drive at the end with many thanks to Leon. I agree

    2.) Gholston- I will let the endless masses rip him apart. For some reason I just can't give two shits about him other than the fact I do not know if he played tonight or not. j/k He does look like a UDFA. Invisible

    3.) KC- One word meh. He makes some really retarded plays and makes some real good ones. Right now none of the QB's really instill confidence. I would have thought a QB in his 4th year would be better, as I would be happy having Sanchez on the bench for at least the start of the season. I think he's horrible, I had hoped we could sit Sanchez for a while, but this guy doesn't deserve to play.
  9. Free4Jets

    Free4Jets New Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    just glad this wasn't a reagular season game, given Suggs didn't play, Lewis and Reed only played 3 defensive series...or it would have been a long night for MS and our O'......blitz....blitz...and more blitz would have been the food of the night..

    over all not bad imho, I never look at the score during Pre-Season games, see how the team is coming together as a whole...Defensive side of the ball is going to be a bread and butter that carries this team all season long imho and honestly weather it's Clemens or Sanchez it's going to be a learning curve all season long at the QB position...Jones/Washington and the OL are going to have to carry the O' this season......look for alot of 8 man fronts this season by Defenses
  10. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    My observations were:

    I was not impressed. Not in the least.

    First team got their ass handed to them by a FAR superior Ravens defense...and our "killer" defense couldn't slow down Flacco and the passing game even a little.

    The passage "....and MILES to go before they sleep.............." comes to mind....


    1) Sanchez faltered, but fought back. Good sign. Had nerves early on, calmed down later. He's not really ready, but he's still gonna be the starter, no doubt.

    2) Ainge is making a case to be considered as a #2. I might even go as far as to make him the #2 soon.

    3) I'll just come out and say it....Gholston is a bust. He shouldn't even be on an NFL field. He's a waste of time and space. "100% better than last year..", p-l-e-a-s-e, that's 100% better than nothing, and 200% of nothing is still nothing. Put him on a bus........

    4) The most impressed I got the whole night was with this kid Allison. He shows some promise.

    5) Woodhead is fast as hell, but just way too small to be very effective. If he manages to get past the second level though, he'll be impossible to catch.

    6) Shotty's play calling at times was a bit queer. I hope that was only because we are still in the evaluation process.

    7) Jones and Leon are running well, especially Leon who is starting to look a lot like Tiki Barber. Running game looks very solid. Looked like we could run the ball at will.

    8) Good thing, because we better start seriously looking for a WRs who can catch.

    9) Tackling was nothing if not abysmal.

    10) Put Brad Smith on the bus with Gholston !!
  11. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I swear I close my eyes and Joe Walton is back... 3rd and 15...draw play, no gain...might as well punt on 3rd down, I have a lot of problems with his play calling...
  12. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    To be fair, being that the situation was a preseason game where nothing but evaluation is on the line, I don't really have a problem with them calling the safe play, especially considering how jumpy Sanchez was.
  13. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Joe Walton had more success.
  14. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    You think calling a double reverse inside your own 20 was a safe play? WTF was up w/that call? Schotty should apologize for that abysmal decision.
  15. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    My thoughts, for what they're worth:

    1. Secondary is worrisome to me. Yes, Revis wasn't there, but nobody is throwing at Revis anyway. Yes, Jenkins wasn't there, but the front 7 was bringing pressure through most of the game. So this was a good evaluation (as far as 2nd preseason games go) of our secondary. Lito and Lowrey did not inspire a ton of confidence. Especially if we plan on blitzing safties often, their performance becomes all the more crucial. Last night, against Flacco (who I must admit I was not as impressed with last year as I was with Ryan), they looked very beatable.

    2. Sanchez- So as I watched the game, his 2 interceptions (I'm counting the throw to Ray Ray obviously) pissed me off. And I didn't see him "comeback" as much as I saw him manage the game (lots of runs, and the 3rd down dumpoff to Leon was more Leon than him). But after reflection, the fact is, the kid is a rookie, a junior our of college with 1 real season. So, if he is the QB of the future, we have to let him get in there and make his share of shit mistakes now. It's gonna happen, there is no way around it (Ryan and Flacco were exceptions, not the rule). Hell, the "great" Manning had a 3-13 first season. So, I've resigned myself to the fact that he will have many more games like last night (and will see a lot of blitzes).

    3. I don't get the Clemens hate. Yes, he threw a bonehad INT, which, IMO, was more the result of him trying to be cute and make a highlight reel. But other than that, he wasn't bad. He wasn't spectacular, but we all knew that coming in. If he were spectacular, there would have been no Pennington/Favre/Sanchez controversies. He's servicable. I wouldn't be upset if he starts coming out of the gate, but I wont be mad if he doesn't either.

    4. Running game- Very good. I like Thomas Jones. I forgot how much I liked him this off season once the contract/money issues came up, but he's a good RB. Leon is the man! It's not a matter of the Jets being shit without him, but I think the kid deserves a good contract, and it would be nice if he could keep him long term. That said, those who think we can duplicate the Ravens success by run, run, pass, I think, are deluding themselves a bit. Again, I think the Ravens year last year was an exception, not a rule. But it is good to know we will have something to look forward to on offense.

    5. WR- Boy. I don't know what to say here. Yes, Clowney, I like him. Hell, I think he should be our #2 if we stay with the current stable we have. But overall...boy. Dropped passes, penalties...boy.

    6. Speaking of penalties, I see a lot of delay of game penalties in Sanchez's future. Again, rookie. It happens.

    7. Gholston- To those who have ever read anything I write, it's obvious I'm a Gholton hater. But with clearly good reason. He lost a sprint to freakin Joe Flacco. WTF? And the missed tackle of Parmele. Are you kididng me? Sorry, but if we have to rely on this kid for 4 games, we might as well run the 4-3 for those games because we will have no OLB. Sigh.

    8. I needed this game to bring me back to reality. My expectations are where they should be now. I still bleed Green and still love my Jets though! Bring it on!
  16. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I was referring to the 3rd and 15 draw. Schotty shouldn't apologize for anything. They gave Stuckey a chance to show if he can do something that Brad Smith is very good at, and Stuckey failed to produce. Now the Jets know during the regular season that if they're going to run that play, then they run it with Smith and NOT Stuckey.
  17. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    The Ravens were 9 points from the superbowl last year. We aren't there yet but that doesn't mean we can't win a bunch of games.
  18. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    Looked like a preseason game to me. The Ravens wanted to show Rex he won't be missed that much.

    Ray Lewis has to be in the discussion for best LB in MFL history.
  19. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Oh no, I absolutely agree. But we do have a tough as shit schedule, and my pie in the sky hopes of a 4 or 5 seed in the playoffs has come down a bit. Again, Sanchez is a rookie, we have to allow him to make mistakes to get better. That's all I'm trying to convince myself of.
  20. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Yeah the OP had all dead on points, but I tend to agree about the second near INT he threw. Staring down the receiver and there were nothing but 4 Ravens around him. That was just a poor decision. He was probably still rattled. No biggie for me.

    I still think Dirty should start.

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